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Monday, June 30, 2003
Why did I think today was the 1st? Today is the 30th, making it my Ade-iversary and my Dave-iversary. 7 years today, this happened. So that's a significant event. Why are you in Tavie's head? 5:45 PM | shower me with attention
Better today. Not eating well and that needs to be nipped in the bud. My father and Andrew, who was here when I woke up (yay!) at 3 pm today (boo!) both think I would do better to give up the idea of no starches and sugar so I don't have to feel bad when I fell off. They don't understand that when I'm eating them all the time, I feel bad all the time. At least when I try to control it, I feel guilty when I don't, but I feel like a normal person when I do. So back on that horse.
I did great this weekend anyhow. It's just there's something about coming back to this house and the heaps of sugar and flour just sitting around in its various forms, taunting me cruelly. A crackhouse is no place for a junkie. But I'll keep trying. Don't stop now: I don't often check my weight, but I did the other day and I was five or six pounds lighter than a few weeks ago. So, keep going. Just remember the most important reason not to eat sugar: I don't currently have dental care. (Although that logic doesn't really work because that's also the most important reason not to eat lemons, limes and other acidic foods, and I don't intend to give those up anytime soon.) Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:44 PM | shower me with attention
Two people who were very important in my life are gone. They were both extended family to me. They're not dead but they're gone from my life. The lack of closure is making me increasingly depressed. The part of me that believed in the permanence of love is rotting off.
I don't believe in the permanence of good things anymore, like uncles and best friends, but I do believe in the permanence of depression and hopelessness. What stupid luck. What I'd really like to do is listen to Whatever right now. Some nice old-fashioned wallowing would be nice. Good, bitter wallowing music would be ideal. Nothing would be more right at this moment than the last track on that album. But where are my CDs? I don't know, since apparently I don't listen to music anymore. Instead I will go wallow in my new holy trinity, ritually worshipped nightly from 4 to 5:30: Perfect Strangers, Head of the Class and Family Ties. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:04 AM | shower me with attention
I don't listen to music anymore.
I feel so depressed. I will spend the next few hours trying to decide if the above two statements are connected. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:54 AM | shower me with attention Sunday, June 29, 2003
Oh no oh no oh no.
Oh Kate. My favourite actress of all time. Oh no oh no. She was 96. She died peacefully surrounded by family. But she's gone from the earth now. It is so stupid to cry about this. She's with Spencer now. And she was old. She died of old age. But it's terrible. I refer to her too familiarly. I scared my mom. She thought I was talking about Andrew's Kate. That would be a real tragedy; an ill woman who dies of old age is sad but not a tragedy. But it still hurts my heart. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:41 PM | shower me with attention
Bobby-q. Bobby-q sum-diddly-dum-der weekend. Lemonade squeezin', chicken grillin', watermelon eatin', backyard layin', mosquito itchin', braid-on-top-of-the-head-pinnin', sunblock slatherin' sum-diddly-dum-der weekend. Mint Manor has two air conditioners, two cats, three gals and a pitcherful of fresh lemon-limeade (secret ingredient: grease of the elbow.) Why are you in Tavie's head? 6:05 PM | shower me with attention Saturday, June 28, 2003
erin gave me a book of hers to read yesterday. It's called Blankets, by Craig Thompson. I just finished it. I sighed. I needed a hug.
You should read this book. It's one of those-- where does this quote come from, it's a cliche but I know I've heard it somewhere specific-- one of those books that leaves the reader somehow changed. (Oh, I know; it was a comment on the book jacket of Number Our Days.) Well yes then anyway, that is what Blankets does. Why are you in Tavie's head? 5:21 PM | shower me with attention Friday, June 27, 2003
Overly defensive people piss me off. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:31 PM | shower me with attention
Last night everyone watched movies that I've been wanting to see for ages, behind my back. And ate up all the prosciutto and melon. And yelled at me. And I had cramps.
First I went to school. It was very long and boring. I was hungry; I had eaten very little. On and on it dragged. Finally, at 10 pm, I arrived home where Andrew was sleeping over. Despite this fact, and the fact that Andrew and I have had Thursday sleepovers for the past month, my mom thought I was going to Mint Manor last night. So she served prosciutto and melon, which I had specifically told her days earlier that I was looking forward to eating because it tastes so good. So of course that was all gone. And the main course was spaghetti. With meat sauce, so I couldn't even pick out anything. There was just nothing for me to eat. On top of this, my parents were in the front watching Catch Me if You Can, which I've wanted to see for months, on PPV. And my sister and Andrew were in the back, watching The Ring. And both movies were half over. And then I tried to tell Kirsten about what rotten luck I was having and she yelled at me and made me cry. You didn't know that but you did. And now just not I found out that erin and Gina were also watching The Ring last night. Everyone was having all my fun while I was suffering through menstrual cramps and people who didn't like the movie Crumb. Don't get me wrong, I understand that it's a film the subject matter of which is highly disturbing. But the lunkheads in my class were all a bunch of immature morons who seemed highly affronted that the professor had chosen the film at all. And I was too tired and crampy to argue back at them. One was actually openly hostile to the professor, who, okay, I've complained about in the past, but suddenly I really liked him because at least he knows a good documentary when he sees one. They're like, "This is a bad documentary because that guy hates women." Uh, no, it's a great documentary because that guy hates women. The worst part was, we'd watched The Thin Blue Line on Monday, which was also excellent, but it was about a fucking murderer who framed someone for his crime. I didn't hear any of them going, "This is a bad documentary because that guy killed people." So how come Crumb is badly judged on its subject matter? Can't anyone tell the difference between a cartoon that depicts plastic 50's whitebread drones talking about eating [you know what, I have to delete this part because it's actually turning my stomach] for dinner, and a cartoon which supports nauseating racism? Luckily, Crissy saved my night by sharing the bunny. Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:26 AM | shower me with attention Thursday, June 26, 2003
This really made my day. I made those booties and hat. {beam} Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:58 PM | shower me with attention
Happy Mark Day!! In honour of his birthday I dug up my old autograph that a friend got for me years ago at the now-defunct New York comedy club, Catch a Rising Star. Isn't it cute, his use of "U" instead of "You"? Why are you in Tavie's head? 5:08 AM | shower me with attention Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:57 AM | shower me with attention
I don't like this new Blogger. How do I get the old one back? Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:57 AM | shower me with attention Wednesday, June 25, 2003
I think I could easily sustain a prolonged obsession with Head of the Class, along the lines of my recent M*A*S*H obsession, were it not for the fact that this is only shown once a night, on Nick at Nite, at 4:30 a.m. I try to watch it every night, but sometimes I don't make it.
Which sucks, because that was a really good show. All hail the celebration of nerds. I'd like to be in charge of programming at Nick at Nite. Out would go Coach, All in the Family would be kept to a minimum (once a week maybe), bye-bye to Wings. There would be a little less Cheers, a little more Perfect Strangers. A lot more Head of the Class. Slight lessening of Three's Company. More Family Ties, to be sure. Cosby Show would stay put. And I would add Facts of Life, Kate and Allie, a dash of Diff'rent Strokes and a pinch of ALF. Night Court would certainly be represented. And wherefore art thou, Mr Belvedere? If I were in a Growing Pains or a Hogan Family or a Who's the Boss kind of mood, I might be charitable. Luckily, Golden Girls and Roseanne are adequately represented elsewhere, but I'd still add them to my lineup. I might run a few What's Happening marathons, but I've definitely been Family Matters-ed out; if I never get any more Urkel in my life, I'll be fine. I have no use for Silver Spoons, Bosom Buddies, or Webster, although the occasional Punky Brewster might be refreshing. But please: no Empty Nest. Now my use of italics is really annoying me, so I'm going to stop talking. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:09 AM | shower me with attention
Can we not agree that Back to the Future is the best film trilogy of all time? Can we not agree on that? Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:27 AM | shower me with attention Tuesday, June 24, 2003
95 degrees in the city tomorrow. That's more like it. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:07 PM | shower me with attention
I wrote "DVDS4LESS" down there. Stupid. It's "LCDS4LESS". I fixed it.
Although cheap DVDs would be nice. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:45 AM | shower me with attention
All kinds of numb. Numb is good except when it isn't. Things are dull now. This is just a phase, just a phase. ("Phase" tastes like pretzels; "just" tastes like apples.)
If I were an animal right now I'd be something with heavy feet. Before I fell asleep last night I was thinking something to do with elephants not having any fingers. It was a very specific thought, but now all I remember of it is that elephants don't have fingers. I wonder what that was about. If I were a joke right now, I would be elephant tracks in the butter. Financially, spiritually, physically, emotionally, things are like dishwater right now. But in terms of trivial pursuits ("knitting" "puzzles" "kitties" "late-night tv" "novels"), I've got a rainbow of wedges in place. Except for orange. Was never good at the sports questions. The road ahead is paved with college credits and compromise. Nothing is bad, but nothing sparkles, either. I don't particularly feel like trying to make it sparkle. Enough metaphors: I don't work much, but I feel tired. Always. School isn't hard but it makes me tired. The future makes me tired. If I had a syndrome to blame it on, that would be great, but I think it's nothing more than Chronic Adulthood Syndrome. People without real problems make things up to feel bad about. Headache-y people without ibuprofen take codeine and write fuzzy blog entries instead of sleeping. I'm bored with life. This phase can be summed up as followed: "I'm tired but I'm not sleepy." ("Sleepy" doesn't taste like anything.) Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:39 AM | shower me with attention Monday, June 23, 2003
Sis is back! And she brought prezzies! My favourite is the lacquered box with a picture of the Green Man on the front. I love the Green Man. I would link to a page about the Green Man, or to the XTC song, but I'm on the slodem on my own computer (!!!) and it's so achingly slow that I can't bear to wait for a search page to load. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:09 PM | shower me with attention
It's done! My Sitcom Chic cardigan is done! I'm wearing it right now! I finally finished it!
Almost. I still need to find and attach a button, and press and reinforce the front edges. But other than that, it's DONE! It's got some clumsy spots due to the Big Sleeve Mishap, and due to the fact that there are always clumsy spots in my knitting, but it's beautiful. I think the clumsy bits make it even more beautiful. It's golden-orange, like the inside of a pumpkin pie. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:15 AM | shower me with attention Sunday, June 22, 2003
It's here! It's here! It's so beautiful! No cracks, no black mushrooms, no tears... pure, pristine, smooth, gorgeous, clear ibook screen. So lovely.
I have a screen again! I have a screen again! I don't have high-speed internet access, but I have a screen again!!! I love you, LCDS4LESS! Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:09 PM | shower me with attention
My little brother makes the best omelette I've ever tasted. No hyperbole in this entry: the very best. And I've had omelettes in Paris, Belgium, Disney World and fancy omelette-specialty restaurants in New York.
He made one for me on Friday morning. I watched him carefully; omelettes are very easy to make, and they're pretty much the only thing I can cook without screwing up even a little bit. But I had never seen omelette-making like this before: lots of butter (we're sadly Teflon-free at my house), no spatula, and flipping. The result was evenly-golden-on-both-sides perfection. And he slid it delicately onto my plate, folding it over the cheese as he slid. I tried to repeat the results this morning for Gina, but, spoiled by the Teflon, went too light on the margarine (Mint Manor doesn't use much butter), and ended up with the same old omelette I always make: good, but nothing spectacular. Maybe one day he'll teach me. Wow, this was a very long way of stalling before taking my shower. Erin went into the city early today to go to some comics thing and she wants us to meet her. I've been very bitchy about it. I have, in fact, been a supreme crab for the past couple of weeks. I do not blame the caffeine withdrawal or the carbs binge or anything other than my own need to be a bitch, which is a terrible thing. I'm going to try and be better. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:33 PM | shower me with attention Saturday, June 21, 2003
She won't mention it, but I will: Kitana graduated at the very top of her class. Apparently they don't "do" the Valedictorian label up in Canada, but translated into American, that's what she was: Valedictorian.
Is anyone surprised? No. Is anyone proud? You should see my face... (Kitana seems, for some reason, to be embarrassed by this fact. Therefore, I prohibit her from commenting on this entry and trying somehow to deflect from the glory of my announcement.) Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:28 PM | shower me with attention
I called my sis today in London to ask her a question, and she said, "Miss you". And she said it first.
It was beautiful. Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:30 PM | shower me with attention
My wish list is ridiculously up to date. But I can't get them to list the Sports Night DVDs first. They should let you list these in the order of what you want the most... Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:18 PM | shower me with attention
So I'll talk about the weather: today is the first official day of summer. In New York City, it's 60° F and raining steadily. It's cold in the house. Yay summer.
I was supposed to get up by 11 today to get a particular yarn I need for a particular project that I can't discuss here because it's someone's birthday soon, and I called the shop ahead of time and made sure they had it. The shop is in the town in New Jersey where Gina works. It's an hour away. But I couldn't fall asleep last night, so I couldn't get up today. So I'll have to find a place in the city that sells the yarn. Gina went to work anyway. She's a hard worker. I'm up to the decorative yoke on the cardigan. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:29 PM | shower me with attention
There is nothing to report. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:22 PM | shower me with attention Thursday, June 19, 2003
So, after complaining here about how lonely I am all day, today I got out of my test early, bought a book at Shakespeare, and was reading said book outside of the building when not one but two people whom I'd taken classes with in the class, came up to me, one after the other, to chat me up.
And, as much as I hate to repeat a cliche-- who'm I kidding, I love to repeat a cliche-- why are gay guys so damn cute? Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:37 PM | shower me with attention
Some say, “I’m more of a cat person”. Choices like these don’t work for me. I want it all. I could fall in love with a turtle. Easily.
I love you, Craig Northey. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:24 PM | shower me with attention
I am studying for my computers exam, and, tell me if I'm wrong, but isn't the concept of EEPROM an oxymoron? Or, hell, just PROM? "Programmable Read Only Memory". If it's read-only, how's it programmable?
This is why computers make no sense. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:51 PM | shower me with attention
I am a lonely sumbitch. This is my cycle:
Monday- Thursday: School in evening. Watch tv all night. Sleep during day. Repeat until Friday. Friday - Sunday: Mint Manor. "Oh, sure," you say. "Three days a week you spend with friends." But the four days in between are so very lacking in company. I go for six hours a day not speaking a word to anyone. Oh, the cats. Occasionally, my dad. But mostly, I sit around wondering where my friends are. Daytime, when not sleeping, is watching tv and feeling lonely. Eveningtime is watching lecturers and feeling lonely. I hate the weekdays. Hate, hate, hate. Instead of sleeping during the day, I should be out enjoying the summery citytime. But instead, I watch tv and complain about it. So now I see the function of employment: at least then, I was getting paid for feeling lonely. And there were people around me at all times. How I miss people... when is my sis coming back, again? At least Andrew comes over about once a week and we watch movies all night. Those are the highlights of my life. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:01 AM | shower me with attention Wednesday, June 18, 2003
Let's hope I don't start any fires.
Did I also mention that my mom's dental insurance rejected her claim for me? So I have no dental coverage. Two cavities and no dental coverage. Better save my pennies now. Roosevelt Island has no fire station covering us, and I have no dentist. This is not right. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:56 PM | shower me with attention
Binge, binge, bingety binge, BINGETY BINGETY BINGE. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:12 AM | shower me with attention
I just discovered that my cable system carries an international news channel that has regular showings of CBC's "The National". That's cool, dude. So, how about that Canada and its same-sex marriages, eh?
And our country? Monkey in charge. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:10 AM | shower me with attention Tuesday, June 17, 2003
There's a cat climbing up my ponytail. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:28 PM | shower me with attention Monday, June 16, 2003
Do you know how old Larry was supposed to be in the first season of Perfect Strangers?
Last night I saw an episode where he was depressed because it was his birthday and he hadn't yet become a photojournalist, and at such a ripe old age was not on the way to accomplishing his life's goals. It was his 24th birthday. Please. Cousin Larry was supposed to be 23, 24 years old at the beginning of Perfect Strangers? It's shocking, I tell you! Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:04 PM | shower me with attention
I'm ashamed that I feel the need to blog about and obsess over every tiny, insignificant school assignment. I am not troubled by school. I obsess about small assignments in lieu of something bigger to obsess over. School is a dull and necessary part of life and I have no real problems with writing a two-page film review.
Shame on me and everything that comes out of my head. I shouldn't blog from school.- Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:10 PM | shower me with attention
My sister is now in London with her friends. I wish I was there. Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:07 PM | shower me with attention
Although I didn't fall asleep this morning until after the 4:30 am Nick@Nite showing of Head of the Class, I managed to be awake when erin arrived this morning and we went to see Spellbound, which was excellent. I suppose I will say that in a more interesting way later tonight in the form of a film review, which I will write on my sister's computer and submit to my professor so that he may grade me on my opinions.
I really don't care much for film criticism, although I enjoy it when other people do it. I am extraordinarily sleepy now but I will still go watch Citizen Kane for credit. He's going all crazy with the syllabus and now that my knitting is too big to bring to class I don't know how I'll stay awake. I should've brought the sock I've been knitting for six months. Poor, neglected little stripety sock. Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:06 PM | shower me with attention Sunday, June 15, 2003
Oh, the drama of the sweater. I actually attached the sleeves upside down, panicked, ripped out one sleeve, and then calmed down enough to unknit (URRRGHH) the rest and pretty much detach and fix the sleeves. It was very frightening for awhile there; I thought I might have to scrap the whole project. But I fixed it. Which makes me, as erin quipped, "the best knitter in the world".
That's me. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:47 AM | shower me with attention Saturday, June 14, 2003
I have decided I will do my review on Spellbound, which erin and I will see on Monday here after she comes over and plays with kitten and shmitten. That's my plan-- make sure I stick to it, now! Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:49 PM | shower me with attention
Saw Finding Nemo today. It was great. I'm seeing great kiddie movies lately, reading great kiddie books. Regression as usual? In the summertime, I turn into a ten-year-old? Yes? To counteract the fact that I have to go to boring school until 9:30 at night four nights a week, in a row? So in my off time I do things that make me enjoy life as a child does. Who's it hurting?
The good folks at Knitter's Review helped me with my sweater problem. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:42 PM | shower me with attention
Today I bought a copy of Milo and the Phantom Tollbooth for a quarter. Can you believe I hadn't owned that one? F'real.
I'm stuck on a pattern. Someone help me, it's driving me crazy. I'm all about the children's books lately. I am incapable of reading adult literature now. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:41 AM | shower me with attention Friday, June 13, 2003
Well, now. I just finished confirming my application for unemployment benefits. I dunno what kind of milestone that is, but hell, I'm a freakin' adult in the freakin' real world now, eh?
The idea is, as long as I'm not working anyway, I might as well get some sort of money coming in. Until I start looking for the next job. Who knew you could claim benefits after working part-time? Anyway it should get me through my Mint Manor weekends with the minimum of burden on Gina. And I got my last check from ********* today. Oddly, it is for a lot more money than I should have received, considering I only worked one more day in my penultimate week. But I've never been good with math. It's a good thing I don't work in payroll. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:27 PM | shower me with attention
Andrew and I just watched the last episode of The Tripods and he was right; I am not happy with the ending. I am very, very unsatisfied with the ending. As it turns out, when they were making the series back in the 80's, they made the first two seasons of it, and then someone new came in to the BBC programming department and decided that he didn't like sci-fi, so he halted production on the third season. So what they did was end the second season horribly with a terrible, terrible, depressing non-conclusion sort of hopeless ending where the world just gets destroyed and everything is for nothing. Which is not at all what happens in the books, as Andrew tells me. FUCK THE BBC!! I'm trying to think of a good analogy, but I can't particularly think of one, so I'm going with Andrew's: "It's like, for a guy, if right before the point of orgasm, you have your dick cut off." I'll go with that. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:44 AM | shower me with attention Thursday, June 12, 2003
Next Thursday I have to turn in a film review. I have to go see the movie in a theatre, but not a mainstream theatre, more of an Angelika/Bam!/Gramercy Theatre/Anthonly Film Archives/I can't remember the rest of the theatres on the list- type of theatre. And it can't be a mainstream blockbuster X-Men kind of movie, although it can have wide distribution.
So, suggestions please? Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:56 PM | shower me with attention
Twelfth of June, a triple-threat:
1) Today is Goil Day! On June 12, 1999, The Wrong Guy was playing at The Screening Room and certain people showed up, and those certain people were the beginning of the sloppy, beautiful entity known collectively as The Goils. Thank you, Dave Foley. 2) Today is Scott Thompson Day! In his honour, I suggest that those with Trio (like myself) try and catch him in "That's Not Funny!". His segment appears towards the end. And if you can tape it for me, or come over to my house and hook up my VCR for me, that would be good too. 3) Twelfth of June, a gibbous moon... Second-best song on that album. Is Aimee psychic, or did she have inside information? (You were clued in, you knew just how this thing would go...) (Of course she didn't, I'm just being provocative.) Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:38 AM | shower me with attention
Today I skipped film class to go see Jordan's show at CBGB's, which was very good. Then sis and I went home and had dinner with Junior High Guy, who is a fabulous human being and I just love him and must conspire to make sure he remains in touch with us and so we're going to the movies next week. I just love this guy. He is the best guy.
High pollen count today, must be. I'm a sneezy thing. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:30 AM | shower me with attention Wednesday, June 11, 2003
I need this. Badly. Why are you in Tavie's head? 5:37 PM | shower me with attention
My dream last night:
The Kids in the Hall have hired me as an assistant. I am in Group Headquarters, which is some sort of a clubhouse or a tree fort, and I'm going through their email and junking the spam. Kevin doesn't like me and keeps casting suspicious glances my way. Bruce seems oblivious to my presence. Dave is nowhere to be found. Mark is on his way. Scott decides that we must go to Raveland, a themepark for Ravers, and all take Ecstasy. I am very nervous. "I don't want to take Ecstasy," I say. Scott insists. He shows me a brochure of Raveland. Everything is oversized and colourful and people are dressed as giant orange octopi. I am very much afraid. "Where is Mark?" I say. "Mark is here, we're all getting ready to leave." "How will it interact with my medication?" I say. I am beginning to dislike Scott a lot. "Oh, you can't have any of that the whole week we're there," Scott says. "But after a day or two I get really nauseous if I don't have it," I say in a tiny voice. Scott shrugs and carries his suitcases out of the clubhouse. I look around in panic. Suddenly, by the door, is Mark. He has in his hand two small Effexor pills. I look at him gratefully. He is my knight in shining armour. Suddenly, we're all outside singing, "I've Got a Theory" from Buffy: The Musical. Raveland is forgotten. "Let's sing another one!" says Kevin. So it was a scary dream but it ended on a high note. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:07 PM | shower me with attention
Tonight is the first night of kitties-loose-in-the-house. We've moved their food out to the kitchen and their litterbox to the back bathroom and they've been unconfined since this afternoon.
Having been accustomed for the past month to sleeping on the couch, despite my freedom to return to my own bed, I have this evening been lounging on the couch watching an Alan Arkin movie (because as we all know, I love Alan Arkin) and they both snuggled down with me. Oh, the lovins! But then I decided to check my email, so I settled into the computer chair, and now they're both snuggled down in my lap here as well. Damned if they didn't follow me! That's so lovable. I can't even. So lovable. Lovable babies. Maya just erased my last sentence. She didn't mean to. I fixed it. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:45 AM | shower me with attention Tuesday, June 10, 2003
I'm back in that place where I feel like not quite a worthwhile member of society. I knew this would happen after my job ended. I don't mind not having money, except on weekends, but my parents spare what they can so I don't have to be stuck in the house all the time. And all I buy on weekends are PATHfare and food so that Gina doesn't have to be burdened. If I couldn't afford it, I wouldn't go. Gina and I have a very good system worked out in this respect. We help each other when we can.
School is dull and the hours are long. Every night, two hours of "This is a port." "This is a CPU." "This is ROM." followed by two hours of "This is a genre." "This is a sprocket." "This is a second assistant director". Tonight we finished Stagecoach, which had a helluvan impressive chase scene near the end. I'm not a chase-scene gal, but it was really good, it was. The problem is, I am very soon going to have to be able to say things like the previous sentence in an interesting way, so I can be graded on a film review. I'm not really much for saying things in an interesting way. My caffeine-deprived brain is too tired for critical thought. I had half a cupcake today. People shouldn't leave the following items around the house: 1. Crunchy Chinese soup noodles. 2. Crackers. 3. Cupcakes from Magnolia's. Well, what does it matter? I'm too tired to exercise so I'm not getting any skinnier anyway. I emailed Brucio.com to ask if they were gonna post Kaylum's interview. Bruce's assistant emailed me back. That was, literally, the most interesting part of my week. Oh but hey, me and sis are gonna have coffee (decaf) tomorrow night with that guy from Junior High tomorrow, and on Thursday the boy is coming so we can watch the last two Tripods. So who says I don't have a life. Oh, right. Me. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:35 PM | shower me with attention
How long does caffeine withdrawal last? I'm too sleepy to look it up.
Getting an air-conditioner cold. Lonely days. Happily: got my plane tickets for Sweden. That brief window of time between the end of summer school and the beginning of fall school, two weeks, will be spent in paradise. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:39 PM | shower me with attention
I don't know what it is that caffeine does for your body, but I'm pretty sure that without it, your head caves in
your head caves in your head caves in your head caves in your head caves in your head caves in Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:56 AM | shower me with attention Monday, June 09, 2003
Happy 69th birthday, pal.
(We're buds.) Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:15 PM | shower me with attention
"But they made MUD GUM!" Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:12 PM | shower me with attention
1) I just turned down the job offers. I'm not going to look for work until after Sweden (late August), on my mother's advice. Since it was her advice, I suppose the idea is that she'll help me financially as much as she can over the summer. Good mom. Good, good mom.
(Addendum: One of the companies sent me an email just now, "Call us in the fall, you never know." That's nice. I like them.) 2) Can anyone tell me more about Airport wireless technology? What will I need to buy, will it work without my broken ethernet port (which is the whole point of getting it), who should I buy it from? Does Apple have to install it or can Tekserve do it? What's the difference between Airport and Airport Extreme? FAQs give me a headache, someone tell to me in stupid-person terms. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:04 PM | shower me with attention
The Tonies were predictable and largely appalling, but that girl from Hairspray-- which I didn't even see, but I wish I could, and I really want the CD, based on the one song from the musical I've ever heard, but the song is so good-- she won! She won over Bernadette Peters (whose performance of "Rose's Turn" absolutely fucking enthralled me, and there's another musical I'd cut my toes off for the chance to see!) Bernadette Peters, goddess of the thee-yate-er! Man, that girl was cute. I wish I could remember her name. I wish the reasons for my delight over her winning weren't so damned shallow. I really wish they weren't. I'm a big hypocrite. But it's so cool that short, spunky, fat girls are winning Tonies.
Also, Harvey Fierstein. I just love him. He's so strange and raspy. Also, I haven't had a drop of coffee all weekend. I've had some Diet Coke, and some green tea, because you're not supposed to go cold-turkey. But nowhere near the amount of caffeine I'm used to. My headache is nonstop and I don't think I've been fully awake all weekend. My napping levels reached an all-time high. But a few more days of this and I should be clean, right? I'm really in the mood to watch this, though. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:39 AM | shower me with attention
My dream yarn arrived weeks ago and my family neglected to tell me about it. Oh! What shall I make? I have 1000 yards of it. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:23 AM | shower me with attention Sunday, June 08, 2003
This is much better. Thanks, Andrew.
Beanpole is still dead though. :( Why are you in Tavie's head? 5:44 PM | shower me with attention Saturday, June 07, 2003
We got a postcard from Kitana today, and I was able to translate the whole thing except one line! So I guess my French isn't as gone as I thought. I got everything except, J'espère que vous aimerez cette carte postale! I had to run that one through the translator... I hope you will like this postcard!
I have decided to drastically limit my intake of caffeine now that I don't have to get up for work. To that end, I am having a glass of Diet Coke this morning instead of a pot of coffee. Baby steps. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:02 PM | shower me with attention Friday, June 06, 2003 |