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Saturday, March 01, 2003
About time. I'm glad we can all agree that Dave in a dress is better than a sex-toy shop. Why are you in Tavie's head? 5:12 PM | shower me with attention
It is Buffyfest 2003 over here. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:57 PM | shower me with attention Friday, February 28, 2003
More more more!!
This is just my kind of story. ("Children's" story, if you must.) An imaginative youngster and the concept of an elephant. Elephants, I don't know if you know, are the best. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:54 PM | shower me with attention Thursday, February 27, 2003
Holy shit, am I into smiting people! Damn you, Pardilla! Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:51 PM | shower me with attention
This should be a weekend of studying and studying and studying for the archaeology test on Tuesday, as nothing seems to be able to stick in my head, particularly about hominid evolution, nothing at all, but all I can think about is that in another sleeve and a half (and some blocking and sewing), I'll have my own sweater that I made myself.
Also, I am really into Seth Green as Oz right now. Heavy into. He and Willow broke up, I cried boo-hoo-hoo. Seth Green and Sean Astin. It's all about those two scrumptious celebrity nerds right now. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:48 PM | shower me with attention
How, how, how is Requiem for a Dream better than NewsRadio??? Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:50 PM | shower me with attention
I would really like a boyfriend with a British accent. If someone could get on that for me, please, that would be great. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:37 PM | shower me with attention
I'm really beginning to be dismayed by Haloscan. I won't change it because it's my third or fourth commenting system and I refuse to try any more, but I really hope they get their act together soon. My page won't load for me and that's just not good. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:00 AM | shower me with attention
Goodbye, Mr Rogers.
I'm saddened by his passing. He was responsible for a good part of my upbringing, being one of the few shows I was allowed to watch daily as a very young child, and therefore part of my earliest memories. Two years ago I went through a lot of rigamarole to get an X the Owl puppet on eBay, as it had been a favourite childhood toy. The most important thing Mr Rogers taught me was that I won't get sucked down the drain when I take a bath. This changed my life. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:59 AM | shower me with attention
My sister has been engaging our father in her fannish activities of late. She's been commissioning him to help with the artwork of one of her projects, some fanzine-type publication, quite an ornate production, that she collaborates on with her internet buddies. I think this one's Tolkien-y, so it's appropriate for Dad.
This is why I found him poring over old scraps of paper yesterday and weeping. He's glad to be involved in fan activities again and producing art. He's so excited to be part of something like this. It breaks my heart in ways I can't articulate very well here. So, lest I forget that my father is an artist and a poet, I'll look at things like these. I think that this is my favourite. Rather wish she hadn't scanned them in quite so large, though. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:10 AM | shower me with attention Wednesday, February 26, 2003
I'm unspeakably relieved that no one I love was hurt in the horrible fire in Rhode Island, but poor Cheryl. Poor Mike. Rhode Island's such a small state, and they were both involved in the music scene there, so it was inevitable that they'd know people who were injured or killed in the disaster. And the media saturation in their part of the world is getting to them. I hope they're okay.
Slightly cheerier, tonight in ceramics I finally got my locker open. I had to go up and borrow a hammer from the woodshop place, and then thie guy whacked the lock off. Nice guy. Then I worked on my silly trophy-ritual project, which is quite an ugly bit of nonsense based around the image of the maple leaf that adorns my ankle. After class a girl noticed my knitting needles sticking out of my bag and, since she was also walking to the F train, we got to talking about knitting and now I've agreed to come in early next week and teach her how to make mittens. So, see? I made a friend. Apparently, it's not so difficult to make friends. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:52 PM | shower me with attention
I love The House of Mouse. It is a fabulous postmodern collage of obscure Disney characters. I just saw the three Hitchhiking Ghosts and Horace Horsecollar in the same frame. I must remember to watch this show more often. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:48 PM | shower me with attention Tuesday, February 25, 2003
Welcome Asti to the blogroll. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:56 PM | shower me with attention
Haaaaaaaaa....! Saving that snowball in the freezer doesn't seem like such a silly idea after all, DOES it! Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:19 PM | shower me with attention
Remember my shout out to guy from junior high that I haven't seen in years from a few weeks ago? No? Well, anyhow, contact has been made! Phone numbers have been exchanged! Bases have been touched! And all thanks to the magic of-- no, not the internet, the fact that my sister ran into him at the subway. So I guess all thanks to the magic of an economy that forces us all to be living with our parents! Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:51 PM | shower me with attention
Looking at this list of prominent alumni from my former high school, the one I am most impressed by is Jon "Duckie" Cryer.
And, oh my dear sweet benevolent Jesus, the Sciffie web page. It's like a time capsule to 1996-ish popular website design. It doesn't get any cheesier than this. The Sciffies were the closest thing I had to a "crowd" in high school. Although never officially a member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Club, I occasionally accompanied my friend Cayenne to meetings and sat with the Sciffies at lunch. They made me read Douglas Adams and didn't laugh at my love of Elfquest. This is important nerd history. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:27 PM | shower me with attention
Has anyone studied the long-term effects of frequent internet usage on the structures of the brain? How about the effects on general psycho/socio/intellectual behavioural patterns?
I've been "digitalized" since March of 1993. I was 13 and a half. If I were to draw up a chart and compare the various pros and cons of my life pre- and post-internet, how many of the differences would be attributable to the fact that I was a young teenager at the cusp of a tumultuous period for human beings regardless of available technology, and how much to the fact that I've barely spent a day since that time where I haven't gone online at least once? I'd have to do some research on the issue. Read articles about the benefits of cybertechnology (psychologically, socially, academically.) Read articles about the dangers of internet addiction. Review the data. Conclude that before the internet, I went out more, had more friends that I saw day-to-day, watched more television, was in junior high. The last fact is inextricable: your social psychology is messed up in grade 8. I was happy in grade 8 one day and miserable the next. I was great in school, fairly extroverted, had lots of friends, had lots of miseries. I got the internet right before I entered the frightening world of high school, when old alliances are forced to dissolve and new ones made. At least in New York City, where there are hundreds of high schools to choose from, you have to say goodbye to your old friends and get to know a whole bunch of strangers. It's terrifying. Imagine the amount of comfort I took from the fact that I had these new online friends to rely on if the new high school ones proved too difficult to get close to. Did I begin to overdepend on the internet for social interaction? Did it make me more shy, or less? Review the data. Conclude that after the internet, I had more friends, knew more people from a more diverse group of places and cultures, began to discover that I had things to offer, began to discover that the concept of cyberpersona (and cybercharisma, is that coined yet? Can I coin it?) can, in fact, inform and enrich the perception of the self so that it carries over into "real life". Not to mention the fact that the internet completely fucking revolutionized the concept of "research" to me. I don't remember what school, what life was like before search engines, newsgroups, online library databases. What did I do when I had a question about something? Go to the big building with the stone lions? More often just wallowed in ignorance, shrugged it away. The availability of such vast resources is still enthralling ten years later. Does anyone remember their first search engine? Mine was Webcrawler. I'm surprised to see that it still exists. Google was another revolution. Is there such thing as cyberarchaeology? Because that's what I'd like to do. This is a cool site. I wish I had access to my old Prodigy accounts, GEnie accounts, old versions of AOL, early versions of web browsers. I'm nostalgiac about them. I can divide my life into two parts: July 1979- March 1993: Life, 1.0; March 1993-on: Life, 2.0. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:28 AM | shower me with attention
Do you think it would be at all interesting to go to an archaeological field school in Poland this summer and dig up a gothic cemetary? Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:09 AM | shower me with attention
I'm having sleep-position issues. After 23.5 years I am still trying to find my optimum sleep-position. Either I sleep so I can breathe and wake up with sore muscles, or I sleep in a muscle-friendly position and can't breathe, or I don't know where to put my arms and they get all numb, or else I feel totally comfortable except for the fact that I'm pretty sure my neck is at a 90-degree angle to my body (or has disappeared completely and been replaced by some sort of bendable foam toy.)
If you could please tell me about your own favourite sleep position, that would be good. And try to get it in promptly as I have to be up in 6 hours. Who am I kidding, everyone smart is asleep right now. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:48 AM | shower me with attention
You know how I'm always going on about avoidance as my primary approach to sanity-maintenance? Avoid, avoid, avoid? Well, check it out, there's a whole article in this week's Sunday Times Magazine validating this as a therapeutic technique. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:24 AM | shower me with attention Monday, February 24, 2003
God, this site is completely addicting. Do you know that people unanimously agree with me that Aimee Mann is better than midget wrestling? Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:08 PM | shower me with attention
Holy kee-rap!
How can you tell if you're manic depressive? One day I can't get out of bed, everything is hopeless, I don't want to live. The next day, I feel energetic and, if not happy, I feel... capable. Okay, I know that this is not a serious question, but it was funny to read this today because just the other day the hypochondriac in me went into overdrive and I was certain that I have both Polycystic Ovaries and Bipolar Disorder. In reality I probably have neither, of course, but they both run in my family. PO's are more likely in women with diabetes in their family medical history, and diabetes runs in my family-- it practically gallops (Arsenic and Old Lace was on yesterday)-- and would explain why I am a fat, hairy troll (not really, actually I'm an overweight human being with a normal amount of hair growth). This is the most self-contradicting paragraph I've ever written. As for BPD, my grandmother was manic-depressive, and I do tend to get bursts of energy and talk very fast sometimes, but that is actually a rare occurence probably correlatable to instances of excessive caffeine consumption. Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:57 PM | shower me with attention
She's not even half the girl she-- owww.... Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:54 AM | shower me with attention
Another pleasant coat-related encounter this morning. I usually average about 5 or 6 a week, sometimes two or three a day. They range from gushing old ladies who follow me into the subway car to tell me about this history of buttons, to thumbs-up from young people driving by in cars. This morning it was a youngish professional-type woman, curly hair, Crissy-ish smile, who asked The Question ("Did you sew those buttons on yourself?") and then went on to explain that she writes for a teenage girls' magazine and that she was always on the lookout for "new trends". "Great job!" she kept repeating. "Great job!"
So let's hope the teenagers start picking this up. We can educate all the young people of America about English music-hall tradition. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:48 AM | shower me with attention
I don't know if I've mentioned this lately, but I love Dave Foley.
Let's see, what else have I got? Ah, I will outline my strategy for getting to sleep on Sunday nights after staying up all night on weekends: caffeine deprivation. An extremely effective tool. What you do is, stay up as late as you want on Thursday through Saturday nights, and sleep in as late as you please. Drink as much coffee as you like. Then, on Sunday, NO COFFEE ALL DAY. No Diet Coke. No chocolate. No tea. Not a drop, not a crumb, not a ground or a leaf. You will be groggy and bitchy. Your head will ache. But you will fall asleep on Sunday night at a decent hour. (Or, if you're doing your crossword puzzle, at 2:30. But still better than before.) The tricky part is Monday mornings, when you will be in severe caffeine withdrawals and need a fix as soon as you're out of bed. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:15 AM | shower me with attention Sunday, February 23, 2003 |