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Saturday, February 08, 2003
I forgot to mention a whole Special Feature below, and it was a really good one, too. I think I may be slightly retarded, mental-wise.
Anyway, I fixed it. Gotta keep my files in order... Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:12 PM | shower me with attention
Happy Matt day, everyone. My little love is 19 today. I miss him a lot. He's a big boy, off at college, doing impressive things. But his Auntie Tave still thinks of him often and adores him from afar.
To celebrate his birthday, bleach your hair, dazzle everyone with your charm, get a literary agent and wink broadly at everyone. That's what I'm planning to do, except for the bleaching. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:58 PM | shower me with attention Friday, February 07, 2003
I was lucky enough to get an advance copy of The Kids in the Hall Tour of Duty DVD. Since the show parts of the DVD are going to be airing on PPV tomorrow and the roomie and I have already ordered it, we decided to just watch the special features tonight. The special features were so excellent that I felt I needed to drool about them immediately, so I'm gonna do it invisibly. If you don't care if the special features are spoiled, then hilite the invisible text (addenda added):
First off, unlike Brain Candy and Same Guys, New Dresses, this DVD has a booklet inside. Granted, the booklet only contains two pages, but they're full of photos from the show. New ones, I think. Good stuff. There are three "Special Features" choices: Bonus Material, Craig Northey Songs and Behind the Scenes. The Bonus Material consisted of an extra/alternate Bruce song, "Never Trust" (from his CD "Drunk Baby Project", which he sometimes performed instead of "Bob Seger" from that album-- so I assume that "Bob Seger" is included on the regular feature version that will air tomorrow night?), and the encore sketch they did on Tour of Duty, "Joymakers". Both were very exciting to watch, and brought back rushes of memories from the tour, which started almost a year ago. My favourite bit in "Never Trust" is Bruce's silly R.Crumb-character-esque walk ("Keep on truckin'"), although I was perplexed that they included a different line than one Bruce usually said: Instead of, "When you do get caught cheating and lie about it, never use as an excuse, 'But did you see her, honey? She's fuckin' beautiful!'" On the DVD, they used a version with him say, "Never use as an excuse... 'oops.'" What's that about? And Nina from Joymakers was sublime. It was shot in Vancouver, I think, towards the end of the tour, so they had incorporated a lot of adlibs into the sketch, like Nina refusing to go down after being clubbed, Kevin scalping her, and Scott going apeshit with the balloons. The balloon bit was especially exciting to watch, as the sketch spun completely into the realm of the surreal. I really liked how the sketches looked on video, too. It was, in my opinion, a great improvement over most of the on-stage camerawork done for "Same Guys New Dresses", no offense to Darren the camera guy. This one looked a lot more... I hate to say professional, but that's what I think. The Craig Northey Songs were "Take a Hit off This" and "Giddy Up", of course, which I assume they don't include in the PPV/Feature because it's billed as a KITH thing and might confuse some casual watchers who wouldn't understand Craig's place in the show. I am so fucking glad that these were included on the DVD; they made me nostalgiac for the particular magic of that tour like nothing has in months and months, and now that I know the songs inside out, having become a Craig-girl in the time since last spring, it's really cool to have live versions of these. And it makes me REALLY want him to come do a show in New York. Pleasepleaseplease. When we got to Behind the Scenes, we discovered that it was a feature you could only enjoy while watching the movie. With the behind-the-scenes feature turned on, a little bull's eye will pop up on screen during scenes that have behind-the-scenes footage available, and you can choose to exit out of the film and watch those (I guess). So we're going to save that for tomorrow night, after we've watched the PPV special. I'm very excited. Addendum: I can't believe I missed an entire Special Feature last night: "Q&A". That's where you actually get to see INSIDE the famous Tour Bus, which looks really fun although I suppose I would be mighty claustrophobic after awhile. But it looks like they had some wicked video-game equipment set up in there. And, once again, the grand tradition of Scott-as-comedic-whipping-boy continues. Also, since the PPV special has aired, Gina and I watched the Behind the Scenes footage. When the target pops up, you select it and it takes you to, literally, the back-stage view of what's going on on the stage at that moment. There are two cameras showing different angles simultaneously. At first I didn't quite understand the point of it, as it seemed to be a bunch of people just walking in front of cameras, just out of microphone range, mumbling to themselves. But if you stick with it, and listen closely, you'll hear some very funny things. Mark is the best at the backstage banter; my favourite was when he said that Benny Hill was hiding inside Dave's belly during the film of Dave in his old-fashioned swimsuit. And there's a great scene of Craig rehearsing with Kevin and Dave as Dave gets his Hecubus makeup wipes clean. I can't imagine the Behind the Scenes stuff would be of remotest interest to anyone except the hardcore fans, which means that it's in there for us. And you gotta appreciate that. Everyone else in the world will go, "Huh?" but those of us who are fans will squeal, "Lookit Scott's tighty-whities!" Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:27 PM | shower me with attention
I have taught Spike how to play fetch. Or, I fancy I have. Really, he doesn't bring the ball back close enough for me to throw it again most of the time. But he tries to. He's just not a very good dog, for a cat. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:35 PM | shower me with attention
God. I hope I'm that strong when I'm 89.
It's snowing heavily here. Big, fluffy flakes. Very pretty. And just piling up. I'm lounging on the couch, knitting Tara's mittens, watching The Black Hole, and it occurs to me that shoveling and salting the steps would be nice so that Gina doesn't fall on the steps and break her ass when she gets home. (It takes awhile for these things to occur to me. I grew up in the city.) Then I hear scrape, scrape, scrape coming right from outside. Peer at the window, thinking, "I hope it's not Edna, I hope it's not Edna"-- of course, it's Edna, out there shoveling the driveway and the sidewalk. Edna is Gina's 89-year-old landlady. Holy crow. Now, I feel stupid because once again I didn't anticipate the snow, and wore my shoes with the holes in the bottoms instead of my sturdy boots. So I will have cold, wet feet. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:16 PM | shower me with attention
Happy Erin day, everybody! She's 22, a very boring age to be. But I'm very pleased to celebrate this day of her birth. I shall spend it watching Buffy, I think, and knitting.
She's been a close friend for nigh on these seven years or so, and constantly introducing me to new fun things, and constantly empathetic although occasionally evil. I love her muchly. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:01 AM | shower me with attention
"I wish I had boobs like that."
Great seats for Letterman! First row balcony, view unobstructed by cameras. Adorable Brendan Fraser. Coulda skipped Bonnie Raitt. Kids did great, every one, especially considering how sick I know they are of that particular sketch, and nice little updated twists, especially at the ending. Audience didn't laugh enough for my taste, but it's a weird format for a late-night show, you know. And they were the first comedy troupe Letterman has ever had on. That's cool. At Mint Manor now, lovin' it up with my kitties. My textbook has arrived and it is at home, of course, where I am not. So I will be behind once again next week... Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:24 AM | shower me with attention Thursday, February 06, 2003
You know what I love, is the people who are immediately suspicious when I tell them I'm sending them a complimentary book. "What's the catch?" Er, nothing? We're sending out review copies of a book and we thought you'd like to see it? Although if you have any toenail clippings or extra vials of your own blood lying around, by all means, we'd love to get some, here's the mailing address for our New York office...
Sheesh. I'm not trying to sell anything. I'm not a damn sales person. I'm not a damn telemarketer, consarnit! Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:09 PM | shower me with attention
GAAH! Someone just called me "ma'am" on the phone. Ma'am. Then they asked for my name and kept repeating it as "Macadamia".
ARGH! Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:14 PM | shower me with attention
Okay: this job I have to do right now? This calling people up and getting mailing addresses? This is pure evil. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:08 PM | shower me with attention
Jitters be gone!
Please? Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:56 PM | shower me with attention
Today is going to be a long work day. I can feel it.
I'm excited because (and so much for crypticness, screw it!) after work I am going directly to 53rd and Broadway, to the Ed Sullivan Theatre, where Late Show with David Letterman is taped, and there I will pick up my ticket and go inside and see the Kids in the Hall, my idols, my heroes, my favourite comedy troupe, my favourite anything, performing on the show to promote their PPV special. I am very very lucky to be able to go and I am very very excited. Whew, that felt really good to type out. Now I believe I have some filing to do. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:21 AM | shower me with attention
It would be cool to get a number "8" tattoo. 8 is a great number, and also my name means the eighth child, even though I'm not. But it looks like infinity. I bet a lot of people get inifinity tattoos. That's boring.
No, I'm not getting another tattoo. I'm trying to help my sister decide on one. I'm just saying. It would be cool. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:36 AM | shower me with attention
I wish that I could share good fortune with my friends in every situation. Especially this one, where it would've been really, really great to be able to have been able to get people I love-- one in particular whose birthday is the day after tomorrow-- in on fun things. I know it's not a huge deal, and that they understand and everything that sometimes you just get a vibe that asking for an inch more than you're getting would not be a good idea. When that happens it's out of your control and it's no use feeling bad. But I still do.
Anyway. So that's the thought of the night that's keeping me from sleeping. I will be tired at work tomorrow. My other thought of the night is: we're supposed to make coil pots in ceramics as our project for the week. That's when, you know, you take the clay, you roll them into long tubes (like when you used to make Play-Doh snakes as a kid), make the tubes into rings or coils or whatever, and pile them on top of each other until you have a pot. They have to be ten inches high. I think mine was at about 8 inches when I left. I ran out of clay. I still need to stack on two inches and make a base for it. I'm just not sure what the clay etiquette is. We haven't been taught how to make the clay yet, so I think she said we're supposed to ask the advanced students to lend us some, or wander in to the mixing room and see if someone's making clay and ask them to teach us. That's all very vague, if you ask me. I'm not comfortable with asking strangers for clay yet. So I guess I'll come in a couple hours early next Wednesday and see if I can get some clay, somehow. I'm not good with vagueness. I like to be told exactly where to go, exactly when to be there, exactly who to talk to. I need instructions laid out explicitly for me, or else I am too stupid to make things happen. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:12 AM | shower me with attention Wednesday, February 05, 2003
When your trust is all but shattered
When your faith is all but killed You can give up, bitter and battered or you can slowly start to build We can build a beautiful city Yes we can yes we can... Man, those lyrics sound so trite when I type them, but they sound so pretty when Jesus sings them... Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:12 PM | shower me with attention
Patton Oswalt was HILARIOUS last night on Conan.
Ceramics tonight. Gotta bring in my sorry excuse for a nose. Tomorrow: Letterman! And they're finally doing that sketch that they always turn down! Yes! And they still call me at times of crisis, and OVOR as well. That's good to know. We're useful in emergencies. I like it when I can help. (My crypticness is purposeful. I don't mean to annoy but the primary purpose of this blog is for me to read it back to myself in the future and remember events, so I feel I should recall something of this kind of stuff.) Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:30 PM | shower me with attention Tuesday, February 04, 2003
First the dizziness, now this sleepy caffeine headache when I KNOW I had enough coffee today. What is this?
Yet when I try and actually sleep, nothing. And it's really really hot in here. I have the air conditioner on in my room tonight. And I can't seem to make myself read my chapters or articles. And my archaeology text still hasn't arrived. Why is it so hot? Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:21 PM | shower me with attention
I forgive you. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:25 PM | shower me with attention
I really need to stop talking to my blog at work and find some friends or something. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:19 PM | shower me with attention
Oh, okay, help me with this one: I need to come up with a research question around which to build a proposal for my Research Design in Anthropology class. I don't have to actually carry out the research, but I need to design the proposal. I don't suppose it has to be anything brilliantly new or exciting, seeing as most of us are just stupid undergrads.
Yesterday she broke us into groups to brainstorm, which is when I discovered that I am way more capable in this class than I thought. I managed to help everyone else come up with some research questions, but still haven't hammered out my own. I know I want it to have something to do with the internet, with online community formation or something. Maybe relating to fandom. (See Jenkins' Textual Poachers). Maybe related to Usenet. Maybe related to online identities and personas. Or charismatic leaders. I like that one. Charismatic leaders and usenet. Or Troubled Teens Who Become Charismatic Leaders on Usenet. Oh, come on, there's an anthropological question in there somewhere, isn't there? Help me find it. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:18 PM | shower me with attention
Fuck you, fax number that refuses to work even though I tried it fifty different ways and called the people up to verify it and everything. Fuck you. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:10 PM | shower me with attention
This is a morning of nausea and dizziness. I must have forgotten to take my Gleemonex® yesterday.
On the subway this morning, caught a headline that made no sense to me: "DOCTOR SUES SWISS MISS HUBBY". Then my brain started playing a word game to amuse me for the rest of the ride: A girl from Geneva is a Swiss Miss. A girl from Paris is a French Wench. A girl from New York is a Yank Skank. Then it started getting hard and I was stretching it to, A girl from Berlin is a German Wer-man. A girl from Toronto is a Canadian Lady-an. A girl from Nassau is a Bahaman Maman. Then I was at 23rd street. Still dizzy, though. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:13 AM | shower me with attention Monday, February 03, 2003
Further acts of self-absorption take the place of studying. Updated my bio page. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:23 PM | shower me with attention
I wanna know whassup with my cable provider not getting the KITH "Tour of Duty" Pay Per View special.
I mean, it's no big deal because I was gonna watch it from Gina's and dub a copy off of her anyway, but what about the rest of, oh, Manhattan? That's not right. Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:31 PM | shower me with attention
I unplugged the phone charger in my room and it gave me the biggest shock. I got mad at it and screamed. Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:26 PM | shower me with attention
I went to ask my boss a question and when I got back I heard Goose's voice coming out of my computer! Too bad I missed most of what she said, but dammit, that was excitin'. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:32 PM | shower me with attention
This is definitely my favourite recording of Godspell. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:51 AM | shower me with attention
Oh my gosh, I'd better remember to listen to Goose's brand-new radio show tomorrow from 3-5. I'd just better remember to listen. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:18 AM | shower me with attention Sunday, February 02, 2003
Look, look, Ade had some more pictures of Spike!
There's this one where his face is a little dirty because he still had a cold, and there's this, too. He's my baby. Gina has taken to calling him and Riley the Bumpuses because they go tearing through the house like the Bumpus's dogs in A Christmas Story. When they do that now she has us all shouting, "BUMPUSES!!!" like Darren McGavin. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:50 PM | shower me with attention
My textbooks have still not arrived in the mail, and I'm supposed to have several chapters read for the two anthro classes by tomorrow and Tuesday.
Whoops. But I finished the baby hat and booties and they're mighty cute and soft. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:41 PM | shower me with attention
I hadn't even known that we had a space shuttle mission going on. I'm not a news-keeper-upper-wither. If I know what's going on in the world it's usually because Gina tells me. I didn't know the State of the Union was going to be on until my archaeology professor made a passing mention of it in class that day.
Sometimes I'm ashamed that I don't know about what's going on in the world, and sometimes I'm angry that I'm expected to be ashamed about it. Why is it terrible to protect myself from the confusion and the sadness and all the other emotions that the media'd be manipulating out of me anyway? It's hard enough to sort out facts. My brain gets tired. By your spin, I'm intellectually lazy. Interpret away. By my spin, I'm mentally exhausted. Furthermore, I'm hurting no one with my ignorance. Let's call what I live in the "Now" of Wolf Thought. I choose the smaller truth (lack of general awareness outside of my microcosm) inside the larger (The World and Its Workings). "Day to day, the smaller is enough." Don't respect me for it? I'm going to go ahead and choose not to care. Unnecessary defensiveness aside, what horrible, horrible news. Dim flashback to the Challenger in the first grade. Didn't quite understand, then, what had happened. Yet in EPCOT's "America" exhibit, the part of the tribute montage at the end that makes me cry every time is the footage of the Challenger crew. Now this. Those poor, brave people. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:37 AM | shower me with attention |