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Saturday, January 18, 2003
I'm waiting for Gina to call. She's driving over to take Progo for the week while we're in Florida. It's her first time turtle-sitting. I hope he doesn't stink up the place too much. I hope the cats don't scare him too much. I hope he eats.
I'm going back with them tonight to Mint Manor and then I'll go home tomorrow afternoon and then, Disney World! Why are you in Tavie's head? 5:07 PM | shower me with attention Thursday, January 16, 2003
Bam! Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:46 PM | shower me with attention
My dad just heard Britney Spears' name on tv and asked if she had anything to do with the former French Province.
In all earnestness. I love old people. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:26 PM | shower me with attention
This is the part of the show where I beat myself up for falling off the wagon and attacking some cookies like a junkie getting a fix.
Leave me alone with my self-flagellation for awhile. I'll be fine. I'll look ahead. No looking back. If only I could skip the part where I tell myself that I will never have a real life because I will always be too fat to live, etc etc. I'd especially like to skip the part where I refer to myself as "Pig" in my head. There's really a good reason why therapy exists... It's like, hey, good things are going on! It's getting too good again, better sabotage yourself... P-- Nope. Skip it. Skip it. Skip it. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:22 PM | shower me with attention
I gots me a pair of mittens, baby.
They only took a couple hours to make, and they are perfect and soft and warm. Who wants a pair? Pick a colour! Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:45 PM | shower me with attention
Himelfarb rules Himelfarb rules Himelfarb rules.
What? Stop looking at me like that... Why are you in Tavie's head? 6:53 PM | shower me with attention
I just love my boss. She's so cool. She's so nice. It's too bad we're both very shy people so our conversations are always vaguely awkward. She told me to say hi to The Mouse for her. I think I'll get her a prezzie in Disney World. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:55 PM | shower me with attention
And now, for my own edutainment, an outline of The Sleeping Options at Mint Manor. Because I think I'll write a book about Mint Manor. Perhaps a storybook. 'Tis a magical place.
There are three "bedrooms". One of them is Gina's. Her bed, the only "real" bed in the place, sleeps two and if it is extremely crowded at the Manor, she doesn't mind sharing, but generally we let her have her room to herself due to her extreme insomnia and sensitivity to outside influences. The second-largest room is directly adjacent to Gina's. When Linn lived here for six months, this was her bedroom. It is bright because of its two windows, small but not tiny. When Linn left this became my room, and I moved The Aerobed in there. This room has a tv with cable in it and the old stereo. There is also floorspace so that The Mat can be moved in in case of guests. The Mat is a foam mattress pad placed on top of a folded cushiony thing. Can't explain it, but it's comfy when you put them together and cover them with sheets. Linn loves The Mat and used it as her permanent bed when she lived here. Because she and Oscar broke The Aerobed, The Mat is now in my room. The smallest bedroom is the Red Room. The Red Room is quite small. It has a window that is directly across from the window of the Creepy Guy Next Door. The C.G.N.D. burns candles all night long and if you don't shut your curtains, he'll probably watch you undress. The Red Room was my bedroom when Linn lived here. Now it is mostly storage, although The Mat was kept there for visiting guests. It is still used for storage, although now it has the old tv (with cable but a crappy picture) and Spike's toys and litterbox, for when he needs away-time from Riley. Downstairs in The Living Room is The Tufon. The Tufon is not very comfortable. It sleeps two, when unfolded. It is Cheryl's bed when she comes visiting. (And, recently, Mike's, too. What's that about? ;) If you put the larger foam mattress pad on top of it, it's not so bad. The main pro of The Tufon is that it is right by the Digital Cable, so you can watch Digital Cable all night long if you can't sleep. Additionally, there is a lot of floorspace in The Den (where the computer is kept, directly adjacent to The Living Room.) Ade slept in the Den on the Aerobed that she brought with her from home. According to my calculations, Mint Manor could, prior Aerobed-destruction, comfortably sleep 8. With sleeping bags and B.Y.O. airbeds, it can sleep even more. Sadly, Mint Manor only has one bathroom, so it is perhaps not a good idea for us to try and get that many people sleeping over at once. I'm just saying it's possible. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:57 PM | shower me with attention
Look who's been blogging!
You all laughed at me when I repeatedly begged the Swedes not to have sex on my bed. Well, they did, they did, and they BROKE it! They popped my air-mattress with their wild Nordic lovemaking! Now I have to sleep on the mat full-time. It's quite comfortable, but I miss the air mattress. Maybe I should start the "Get Tavie a Bed at Mint Manor Fund". Or maybe the Swedes should buy me a new bed... recognizing that in lieu of a bed, I will accept sex... Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:34 PM | shower me with attention
Tavie, stop thinking about Kids in the Hall for five minutes and fold those sample book covers to send to the sales reps. Right NOW. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:04 AM | shower me with attention
I am the proud creator of one mitten, knitted on two pairs of chopsticks, in Lamb's Pride Bulky (Sunburst Gold). I hope there's enough yarn left for the second mitten. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:48 AM | shower me with attention Wednesday, January 15, 2003
A little overcome right now. Rachel, whom I barely know except through this world of blogs, just sent me the most thoughtful gift. Well, two of them. A M*A*S*H beer can (are you laughing at me? It's awesome, friends) and a storybook, a storybook called The Patchwork Cat. I'll not again explain the signficance of that one. If you know, you know. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:22 PM | shower me with attention Tuesday, January 14, 2003
See how often I blog when the goils aren't in town?
I'm getting a callous on my right index finger. I think because I hold my knitting needles "wrong" so I have to push against the pointy tip of the needle to slide the stitches up. But Ade told me I'm the fastest knitter she ever met, so I'm doing something right. I made this epiphanous connection between my love for turtles and my intense need to carry a self-protective comfort zone "shell" on me wherever I go, stemming from being thrust cruelly at an early age into a horrifying situation, but then I got distracted by the acrostic puzzle, missed my subway stop and ended up in Queens. Whaddyagonna do. Larry Gelbart is a genius. A real, live one. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:41 PM | shower me with attention
Parents and sister are gathered together on the couch watching a documentary on Tolkien, arguing about the origins of the One Ring. They are hilarious.
I will say this: if you've noticed, Fellowship of the Ring has been on my reading list (at left) for quite a long time. I'm nearing the end now, in the sense that the pages are now stacked thicker to the left than to the right. (They're in the Mountains of Moria.) And I will say this: he's a long-winded, pompous bastard. He's Bilbo Baggins if anyone ever was. I understand quite clearly, quite completely, my father's attraction to him as an author. I will give him this, that he seems (I hope) to recognize that he is Bilbo, but I think it is mental masturbation for him to write that the elves clamored to hear Bilbo's songs, that he was renowned as a bard, because, god, I find the songs boring. And the pages and pages of repetitive description, I could do without. I would dearly love to take a blue pencil to this book and shave off a few hundred pages of description-- and I say "dearly love" because, despite my criticisms, despite my personal peeves, there is something to this book. There is something quite worth looking at. There is a vein of true, old-fashioned excitement, glorious and undeniable. Adventure to be had. Adventure shared by the reader-- albeit, the reader with mettle and determination. I'm seeing, hey, the quest as a metaphor for reading the book itself. Every once in awhile I'll hit a pocket of tedious prose, and the quest stands on the edge of a knife, but the reading will continue if the company is true. Now, reread the above paragraph, and ask me who the hell I think I am to criticize Tolkien for being long-winded. Criticize not others, little me, lest ye be forced to look into the mirror of Galadriel yourself... For there's a bit of Mr Bilbo in me, too, you know. I hope I don't get any ideas and try to make a break for it... Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:55 PM | shower me with attention
I'm a Cancer who's allergic to crab.
If I believed in astrology, I would find this significant. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:30 PM | shower me with attention
Speaking of KITH, Himelfarb gave me some great KITH news today!
I MUST somehow get standby tickets to Letterman on Feb. 6. Who do I have to sleep with? Oh, whoring myself for free tickets. That's nice, Tavie. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:39 PM | shower me with attention
Today is the 3-year anniversary of KITH Tour 2000, isn't it? Or was it yesterday?
My personal 3-year KITH anniversary is on the 26th. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:02 PM | shower me with attention
Who wants to sponsor me on my trip to Disney World?
When I was in grade school we did this St. Jude's Math-a-Thon things, where you get people to pay you a nickel or something for every math problem you do and then donate the money to St. Jude's Cancer Hospital. So, hey, who wants to help keep me on my diet? Every time I'm tempted to eat a churro or a handful of popcorn or one of those frozen-orange-juice-and-vanilla-ice-cream-swirlies that you get in Adventureland, or any of the other millions of Disney World treats that don't fit into my diet plan, and don't eat them, I'll make a mark on a little pad and then you give me money for every mark. And if I fail even once, then I have to pay you for every mark. Well, it's a good idea, but no one's gonna go for it. If this helps at all, here's a top-of-my-head list of Disney World treats that are completely legal for me: giant pickles at Aunt Polly's, smoked turkey legs (formerly out of Frontierland, now from just about everywhere), cappuccino from the cart outside City Hall on Main Street, Diet Cokes in giant Spaceship-Earth-shaped mugs. Um. I can't think of any more. See why I need to be sponsored? For every turkey leg you find, there are ten churro guys. For every Aunt Polly's pickle, there are twenty root-beer float stands. They need to have just guys in Mickey Mouse suits selling cheese on a stick. That I could eat: cheese on a stick... Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:55 AM | shower me with attention
Cool. Good yarn for a cause. And really pretty, beautifully-priced handpainted needles. Too bad ordering the needles from them would double the cost when shipping is added.
Must I remind myself that I have no money to spend? Sadly, I must. In other news, I absolutely cannot wake up this morning. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:25 AM | shower me with attention
So I can't sleep and I'm watching the end of Adventures in Babysitting and you know that scene where Elizabeth Shue goes to see her slimy boyfriend in the restaurant and Anthony Rapp punches him out? Well, the boyfriend is played by Bradley Whitford. You know, from The West Wing.
Well I love it when I recognize an actor that I've been looking at for years and suddenly I know who the actor is. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:08 AM | shower me with attention Monday, January 13, 2003
You know, I keep trying to hate the songs from Starlight Express, but I just can't. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:55 AM | shower me with attention
I'm supposed to go to that anthro professor's office today and try and convince her to add me into her Research Design class, only the stupid Faculty Page won't load-- keeps freezing my browser-- so I have no idea what room she's in or what the office hours are.
Urgh. I dreamed about Ms. Austin last night. She was my sixth grade teacher. One of the all-time greats in my personal annals of teacherdom. Been dreaming about her a lot lately-- in the dreams I'm always showing her a drawing I've done or an essay I've written (last night's essay was on Into the Woods.) I wonder what she's doing now. She was cool. She looked a lot like Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio. She used to dance on MTV before she was a teacher. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:23 AM | shower me with attention Sunday, January 12, 2003
The Swedes have gone. Oscar is truly a boil. (That's a male goil, although I don't know why anyone reading this wouldn't know that.) I miss them. I'm back home now for the first time in almost two weeks. All of the goils have gone home and back to their real lives. The holidays are over.
It will certainly not interest anyone to know that, apparently, double-pointed knitting needles in size 10 are fairly difficult to find. As my beautiful Lamb's Pride Bulky in "Sunburst Gold" has arrived and I'm eager to try my hand at mittens, which require aforementioned needles, I ingeniously found two pairs of round chopsticks in our kitchen drawer that fit into the size 10 slot in my needle gauge, sharpened the ends in an electric pencil sharpener, sanded them a little, and am now knitting myself a pair of mittens on old chopsticks. This is a fabulous knitting site. Free shipping, baby. The M*A*S*H VCD's have arrived. Also, the tape of Dave's Christmas Special and miscellaneous KITH-on-Canadian-tv appearances has arrived from Yvonne. I haven't anything to give in return. Mayhaps I'll knit her a pair of mittens. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:55 PM | shower me with attention
They're leaving tomorrow, they're leaving tomorrow, the Swedes are leaving tomorrow.
I won't cry, I promised. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:17 AM | shower me with attention |