Goth Sunshine
Words from a walking contradiction.

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Saturday, November 01, 2003
why do i only seem to blog when i feel like shit? i put a note on my work crush's car inviting him to a halloween party. no email, no call. nothing.

why do i have to be so hypersensitive to everything? i'm sure i'm pissing people off by my inclination to be put off by the slightest remark but i can't help it. if i feel unwanted or unappreciated, i can't help but withdraw.

i got hit on yesterday by this old guy who i'm not even interested in. why does it have to be the ones you like don't like you and the ones who like you you don't like? i'm getting pretty sick of it. i'm also getting sick of half the people in my life telling me to "put myself out there" and the other half saying "if you stop trying, you'll find someone". i've been "not trying" for 30+ years and it hasn't worked yet and i really don't want to continue dating guys simply because they asked me out.

a bad case of verbal diarrhea from Cheryl 02:01