Patton Oswalt

New Jersey for Democracy
Huffington Post
Democracy for America
Sam Seder Show
Center for American Progress
Habitat for Humanity

previous posts
  • It was nice that we had a hotel room right where t...
  • Colds and headaches can bite me.
  • Here I am in Maryland at SPX and I am sitting here...
  • The part that I wanted erin to mention about last ...
  • Another good weekend happening so far and due to t...
  • why doesn't this stupid thing have spell check any...
  • Tavie and Linn just called to try and cheer me up....
  • go ahead and hate me...I already do.
  • I forgot to mention that Kirsten and I ran into da...
  • This was such a great day. The sun was shining and...
  • Thursday, September 11, 2003
    I understand what Tavie is talking about when she says it is bruise pressing. I was going to try to stay away from to much of that myself. Unfortunatly the media wants to do more then help us press our bruises, they want to help us rip the wounds wide open. I wasn't trying to see things that would bring it all screaming to the top of my brain, I really tried a lot of trying to talk myself into keeping it under the healing skin. The other night I was mindlessly flipping through the channels and there the Towers were, burning and falling to the ground, I flipped away from that and hit another station that was interviewing survivors and I actually stopped, I told myself not to do it, but I couldn't seem to stop myself, I felt so bad for them. I wanted to reach through my TV and comfort them.
    This morning I was so tired from this cold that I have that I could not get moving and ended up leaving the house at exactly 8:46 a.m. to the sound of the sirens wailing into the beautiful blue sky, then of course my radio was on the newstation so I changed it and just as I was driving past the skyline one of the U2 songs from the CD that I had refused to listen to for well over a year came on and that was the end of it, I just lost it and started bawling.
    After that, I have managed to keep myself together other then a few bouts of tears, so I guess that I am doing okay.