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Wednesday, August 13, 2003
Okay. I'm back. I was going to wait another day, but I can't. It's Wednesday now. I've abstained from posting in this space for a week today.

This is where I've been all week. You can read the details of my Cunning Plan at the very bottom of the page. Even if she is still checking after a week, I hope that my actions have impressed upon my mom the seriousness of my request that she quit pokin' her nose in here. It ruins it for me.

I missed you, faerie. I thought about you every day. I did my obsessive link-checking from here-- I never really left you alone...

I've discovered the name for the bizarre corn on my right-hand middle finger: it's called a "writer's bump". Who knew? I'm on the keyboard more than anyone I know. Why would I have a writer's bump?

I do take a lot of notes in class. It keeps me awake. I rarely refer back to them, but if I don't keep busy I will fall asleep. Perhaps I'm gripping my pen too hard. I thought for awhile the bump was from knitting, but there's more pressure on the index fingers from that.

Anyway, I wish it would go away. It makes the sillhouette of my hands against a bright computer screen look ugly. (Then stop looking at your hands against the computer screen.) (But why, they look so pretty in the dark like that!) (Except for the bump, you mean.) (Except for the bump.)

I saw Secretary tonight. I wanted Kirsten to stay up and watch it with me but she's being all responsible and going to bed before dawn these days. So I watched it with the Inca Stinka. Although I think he failed to appreciate the novelty of the movie's themes and the sensitivity with which they were portrayed, I myself thought it was very good. I did have, although, as I had with Donnie Darko last night (and what is this Maggie Gyllenhaal film festival??), some reservations: I was with them up until the drawn-out, overly-literal, ridiculous climax, which I think did little to explain the satisfying conclusion. It seems like there's a hole somewhere there. But other than that scene (and I don't want to spoil the movie, which I recommend, but for those who've seen it, I mean the hands-on-the-desk/feet-on-the-floor-until-I-come-back scene), I thought the movie was beautiful. The other problem I had was the sound-- the whacking was very loud, and James Spaders' voice was very soft, which I suppose isn't a problem in an eardum-deafening theatre setting, but at home with the air-conditioner running and people trying to sleep, it made for the necessity of frequent volume adjustment.

Which is something I hate about movies lately. Whacking sounds aren't usually a problem (consarnit-- there should be more whacking in films today!), but why is the music in so many movies so much louder than the dialogue? Is it my tv? I have to watch everything with the remote in hand, turning the sound DOWN when the music comes on and UP when the people speak, UP and DOWN and UP and DOWN like I'm Tommy Smothers and the volume control is my yo-yo.

Bah! Always something to complain about!