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Thursday, August 14, 2003
I told myself I'd never walk across the 59th Street Bridge again after 9/11, but I had to today.

I'm using up the VERY last of the battery power on my iBook so I'm gonna make this brief.

It was hot and exhausting but I made it home in only half the time this time. It's a lot quicker walking from 68th and Lexington than from Wall Street.

We were evacuated in the middle of my math final. Good thing, too. I think I messed up on combinations.

I was very scared and upset but I got myself under control. I didn't like seeing the Mass Exodus making their way across the bridge to Queens. It was very bad memories. I managed not to freak out but I almost did cry.

My dad and sister were at home. My mom took longer to get home, but she made it on the bus. I'm the only one who had to walk. Again.

So my family isn't really understanding what I'm so freaked out about, but none of them were as close to the terrorism attacks as I were so to them it's just a blackout. To me it's a terrible flashback day. I thought the world was ending again, and when I get home people are sitting on their asses. Not even bothering to find candles.

I waited at the tram station for about an hour just to make sure that nothing was going to happen. Then I finally resigned myself to walking. No friends with me this time. I had to sing "Into the Woods" in my head all the way home.

I was very scared but we're okay now so I'll try to have fun with it and not think about the people trapped in subways and elevators or dying of heatstroke.

It doesn't help that I finally finished Good Omens last night, which is a book about the Apocalypse, which is preceded by a worldwide blackout.

Yeah. They don't understand what I'm freaked out about...