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Wednesday, July 09, 2003
Today Andrew helped me and sis get rid of this old dust-mountain of a computer desk that had been housing some ancient computer equipment-- we're talking early 90's stuff. We kept only the LCIII itself (might work) and its monitor (works), the cables, the iMac (broken but full of data) and its accompanying keyboard (questionable), and some ancient software to give to Andrew's dad, if he can find it under the dust it's caked with. Everything else went-- 14.4 modem (broken), olllllld external CD-ROM drive (broken), speakers (broken), ancient Stylewriter II printer (broken). Oh, we kept the old 300 modem. That's some sort of relic, and it's the first thing we ever used to get online, in the 80's I think (it didn't stick, not til the 2400 in 1993), so I consider it an historical artifact.
In 20 minutes I'll go take my two finals, and this summer session will be complete. Then on Monday I'll start the next summer session. Because I am, as we have established, a masochist. I'm gonna try these finals on no studying. That'll be a first for me. Usually I do it with almost no studying, but I think I might even fail to give my notes the usual cursory glance on the one-subway-stop-ride to school. So we'll see what happens. I think as long as I can explain how a mouse works (trackball moves rollers, gears, sends signals through a sensor, something like that, who cares, standard mice are almost obsolete anyway) and use the phrase mise-en-scene in a sentence, I'll be okay on these two exams. |