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Friday, May 09, 2003
The kittens are here! The kittens are here! Right now they're curled up on my bed together. I left the room with the tv on and when I came back, there they were, on my bed, sleepy-eyed.

And so cute. But that's sort of an unnecessary statement, as kittens are, by nature, cute. So I won't say how these may well be the cutest kittens in the whole wide world.

They're black with white feet and bellies. One is a boy, one is a girl. Boy has a white-and-pink nose, and is the runt of the litter. (I chose him.) Girl is slightly larger, all-black face (including nose!) and white chin. Round blue eyes. They are tiny. Seven weeks Monday. (Not supposed to leave Mama til eight weeks but lady HAD to get rid of them as soon as possible. Still three in the litter left, so if anyone in the area is looking to adopt a kitten...)

The names aren't completely set in stone yet, but they're, to use a pottery term, leather-hard. The girl is definitely Maya. My sister's choice. I got to choose the name of the other one, and was all set to go with Hawkeye, ("Benjamin Franklin 'Hawkeye' Pierce Phillips", to be exact) but the rest of my family objected. They wanted names that matched. So my mom suggested Inca. Maya and Inca. I wasn't thrilled at first, but the name has grown on me. I wanted to throw in one final bid for Francesca and Bruno, but it's not gonna happen. And, anyway, I've always wanted a dog so I'm going to save Hawkeye for when I can finally have a dog.

And, anyway, I can call him Inca-dinka-doo.

So far, not a single person I've spoken to has liked the name, but he really does look like an Inca, and the rest of my family all pushed for it.

So I guess it's Maya and Inca.

Mayhaps someone will come over soon with a camera... I've been videotaping them like crazy, because one thing I always regretted with my Lily and my Rosie was that we never got them on tape. But no cables to get video on computer. Poop.

Inca groomed his sister the whole subway ride home. Lick, lick, lick. It was unbelievably-- my god-- squeal. Squealies. Squealment.

My parents get home from their cruise tomorrow. I can't wait 'til they meet the babies.