Goth Sunshine
Words from a walking contradiction.

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Friday, April 25, 2003
my friends are watching baseball (yech!) so i am at the computer listing to the magnolia soundtrack, which i haven't heard in months, and farting around (not lit'rally).

linn, you *are* evil!! and i love you very much. i'm extremely sorry for what happened with your apartment. i understand a bit about the vulnerability you've been feeling. i found out earlier this week that someone has been making purchases (as if they were using my debit card) without my knowledge or permission. i have only one card attached to my accounts, savings and checking, and when some of these purchases were made i'm positive i had my card on me (sometimes i keep in in a drawer at home where no one knows where it is and sometimes when i'm lazy i give it mike to run to the store). basically they stole my entire last paycheck, in excess of $600. That's two weeks' pay for me and i'm mightily pissed. i went to the bank, had the card deactivated, withdrew most of the rest of my money and put a hold on my account. i can't close the account because my paycheck is direct deposited so i can't have my money winding up in feduciary limbo. so the bank is going to investigate with the proper authorities and let me know what they find out. maybe i'll even get my money back, but i'm not holding my breath.

chloe has adapted pretty well so far. and surprisingly i think she might wind up the alpha cat in this household. simon simply wants to play and doesn't understand why chloe gets pissy. chloe now tolerates his presence unless he gets too close and then she puts the smack down. amazing considering he has his front claws and she doesn't.

a bad case of verbal diarrhea from Cheryl 22:43