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Saturday, December 14, 2002
Today Bunny and I worked on our homework. I finished mine but Kitana's is harder so she's still working on it while Gina and I listen to the soundtrack of the musical episode of a television program that shall remain unnamed (if you've got a theory, work it out yourself) and Gina made chicken and I got a new coffeepot and I'm knitting my mom a scarf for Christmas using all the leftover Homespun yarn from scarfs and afghan squares of the past.
Not exciting, you say, but very cozy. Why are you in Tavie's head? 6:24 PM | shower me with attention Friday, December 13, 2002
One last news update and then the coffee should be ready.
1. KITANA COMES TODAY! Mint Manor will once again be full of goils and good cheer! 2. If there is a Transit Strike, why can't they just cancel finals? They canceled finals at the end of Harry Potter, they did. Am I repeating myself? All I'm saying is, I wouldn't be completely against this whole transit strike deal. Except for the whole city-shutting-down thing. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:06 PM | shower me with attention
When I wake up from a too-short sleep it's like being thrown into a pool of cold water. The shock of the alarm pumps adrenaline into my veins, and although my head is still wrapped in cotton and my limbs are like leaden weights, I can eventually wake up enough to get through the day, by virtue of the adrenaline and having someplace to go.
When I wake up from a too-long sleep it's like trying to break the surface of a warm, deep lake with stones tied to my ankles. Keep getting my head a little above water, and then being dragged down, until eventually the ropes break and I slowly, slooooooooowly manage to grope my way up onto a muddy, slippery shore. Of wakefulness, yes, stay with the metaphor, please. There is no in-between as I rarely wake up from a proper amount of sleep. But I prefer the deep lake to the cold pool. What I'm trying to say is, I will start writing my study notes for those damn finals, but I need to have some coffee first, conscience, or else I'll never be able to think, so just give me a break why don't you? Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:58 PM | shower me with attention
Tante Joan rules. She emailed me this:
I heard that WFUV (90.7FM) will have a night of They Might Be Giants, along with some band members being interviewed - Sat, 12/14, from 8:00pm to midnight. Thought you might be interested. TJ Will I remember to listen? Ah, but they archive. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:52 PM | shower me with attention
I've stayed up way longer than is good for me and I wish that there were people who could make me go to bed when I need to but there aren't anymore because now I'm grownup and I have to make myself go to bed except I don't.
And that's what I don't like about being a grownup. Last drawing class was tonight. It was bittersweet because we all had so much fun over the semester, and the girl who loves every single thing I draw hugged me goodbye, and I drew a magnificent ass that drew much praise, and another lady drew the model's face and everyone said the face looked like mine, which was very flattering because the model was very pretty, and at the end I thanked the teacher and told him I got a lot out of the class and he said that I gave a lot, too, and I did very well and I should be proud. My dad scowled when I showed him the ass I drew. I think he's jealous because he can't draw an ass that good. At the end when we all tacked our drawings up, everyone had ended up drawing the ass, because it was so magnificent. Please, make me go to bed. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:11 AM | shower me with attention Thursday, December 12, 2002
If you listen to nothing else this holiday season, find a way to get a listen to track 5, El Vez and Co's rendition of "Cool Yule", from this CD. It's by far my favourite on the CD-- the cutest and the campiest. Like an aural cartoon. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:15 PM | shower me with attention
I hate Strindberg. He was a misogynist fuckhead. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:31 PM | shower me with attention
So, Crissy mentioned that she sings on the last track of Rhett Miller's new album. Curious, I look this guy up and am not at all surprised to see that the album was produced by one Jon Brion (former producer of Miss Aimee), and that Rhett recently toured with Neil Finn. So incestuous, this little musical world.
I want it. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:56 AM | shower me with attention
I was dividing up cartons of catalogues to send to the sales reps and I lifted one of them and felt a sharp pain in my chest (on the right side, whew) and it's still there when I move.
Ow. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:22 AM | shower me with attention
Slept through my dental appointment today and now I can't sleep. Tomorrow's my last drawing class. I will be tired.
I know what will put me to sleep. I'm gonna go read more of The Fellowship of the Ring. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:15 AM | shower me with attention Wednesday, December 11, 2002
Just heard the saddest news. Our neighbour down the hall, she's lived here as long as we've been in this building. In the manner of big-city apartment dwellers, we don't really know the names of our neighbours but we're friendly with them in the hallways. This lady, we called her the Cat Lady because when we first moved here she had two cats that we'd see often playing in the hallway, but she wasn't a real "cat lady", just a nice woman who happened to have a couple cats. She's the one who had the puppy Kiki. I knew she had breast cancer on both sides but last I'd heard she was in recovery and kicking its ass. Today my mom told me she saw a notice down in the lobby; the Cat Lady died. Her name was Leslie Goldman. I just found that out.
She was a great neighbour. She thought Lily was the prettiest cat she'd ever met. Maybe on some plane of reality, they're hanging out together now. Could be true. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:12 PM | shower me with attention
Have I been posting Daveland updates here?
More coffee, more coffee. For shame. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:25 PM | shower me with attention Tuesday, December 10, 2002
I'm never going to find out what that vegetable-like thing was in the mulligatawny soup I had for lunch today. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:28 PM | shower me with attention
Hey. There's a funny bonus track 15 minutes into track 10. Whee. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:36 PM | shower me with attention
"Who is this Yule guy? Is he the bald-headed guy from the King and I?" -The Great El Vez Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:32 AM | shower me with attention
It's not quite time yet, but I like to get my homework done early:
2002: The Year In Review January-March: Blah. March-May: Kids in the Hall! May-July: Blah. July-August: Sweden! August-December: Lost a lot of shit. Lost a lot of shit. Yeah. This year was about losing shit. My prediction for 2003: maybe I'll find a lot of shit. Maybe that will be my New Year's Wish. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:01 AM | shower me with attention
Of course this morning I show up in an extra-warm sweater and fingerless gloves, and now it's too warm in here.
Saw El Rey last night with Mom and Gina-- ai-yi-yi, it was fantastico! Interestingly enough, the same opening act that we all loathed in the damp, crowded, pneumonia-laced chill of last year's El Vez Mex-Mas show--one Tammy Faye Starlite-- was actually pretty funny last night. I especially liked when someone dropped a glass at the bar and she announced that Jesus prefers Tanquerey. I guess it was just hard to laugh at songs about shaving one's vagina whild frozen and cranky. But the true magic happened when El Vez took the stage. Magnifico! Now I can't imagine Christmas without him. I do so love the song about the oranges for Christmas in the red mesh plastic stocking. Before the show, we were vegging out on the steps whilst that nice long-haired El-Vo backup-singing starlight-flashing gentleman was setting up the stage lights, and he chatted us up a bit, asking how we got into The King. "Well, through Crissy," we said. He got all excited! "Crissy Guerrero! Oh! How do you know Crissy?" Sheepishly, "Through Dave..." "OH! You're friends of DAVID!" And, really, there's no better way to explain it than that. So, yeah! Okay! Everyone else in the world seems to accept this, so I will too! "He's the nicest man! Oh, we're going to be seeing him tomorrow when he screens his Christmas Special!" crowed the El Vo. "I know," I said sadly. "I'm so jealous." "Which I choreographed," he added proudly. "So how is it?" we said. "We won't get to see it here until next year." (Technically true, Canuck-tacts or no!) "Oh, it's WEIRD," he gushed. "Dark and cheesy lighting, it's really... WEIRD." "In a good way?" I said. "Oh, YEAH! It's GREAT!" I'm so jealous, ai-ai-ai! Anyway, the show, I could have watched that man-- El Vez, I mean-- dance and sing all night. I got a copy of his new CD, Sno-Way, Jose, and "Maria Christina (sic) Guerrero-Foley" has the most fabulous solo in the first track. Muy caliente. El favorito de mi madre was the song about Guadalupe. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:36 AM | shower me with attention Monday, December 09, 2002
This review of Aimee's show last Friday tells it well. Great fucking show.
"If I'm going down I'm fucking going down fucking Fiona-Apple-Roseland style!" Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:00 PM | shower me with attention
Santa, baby, give me a space heater for Christmas because they don't heat this office properly and my feet are turning into footsicles. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:36 PM | shower me with attention
Aw! They're playing Michael Penn. I think because it's Monday and it's 21 degrees out. That's pretty close:
Monday, 17 degrees Shadows disappear All around you, dear 'Til it's loud and clear... ...all my words fall flat, but I'm used to that. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:57 AM | shower me with attention
They want me to pay $2 a ride when I can't even get on a fucking F train before 9 am. Seriously There is no getting on the F before 9 am.
It's bad on Mondays when I'm supposed to be in at, heh, 9 am. Train after train stuffed to the gills with passengers stops at Roosevelt Island. The doors open. People almost fall out because they're crammed so tightly against them. The saddest part is, despite this, people still try to shove their way in. They think they'll be the one person who will be able to defy the laws of physics this morning. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:11 AM | shower me with attention |