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Saturday, November 02, 2002
I have only answered 6 out of 32 of my study questions. It makes me want to go to sleep. This isn't good. I have to finish this. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:13 PM | shower me with attention
Last night I was so terrified going upstairs alone, I almost woke Gina up, I really did.
What the hell's happened to Rachel's hair? Jennifer Aniston's hair is so unbelievably ugly this season. At first I thought it was supposed to be like she's a new mom so she doesn't have time to do her hair, but now it's apparent they're doing it on purpose. Blechh. The M*A*S*H DVDs are amazing. It's so COOL to watch them without the laugh track, as Larry "Elsig" Gelbart says they were always intended to be watched. Amazing. And they're completely uncut. It's like heaven. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:13 PM | shower me with attention
Remember how I said below that I didn't find any of the movies we watched last night that frightening? I'd been beginning to think that maybe I'm no longer capable of being scared in that horror-movie sense after all.
Wrong. Wrong. I was just looking at this web page about "Suspiria" alone, late at night, in the dark, in the empty downstairs of Mint Manor, and I am now thoroughly creeped out. I couldn't even bring myself to look at the page of stills from the movie. Brrrr. Bedtime. I hope I don't dream about razor wire. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:15 AM | shower me with attention Friday, November 01, 2002
Three more things:
1. I am in love with Steve Martin and Bernadette Peters' rendition of "You Belong to Me" from The Jerk. Download it if you can, it's terribly sweet and cute and you know you want to walk around singing it with me, especially if you play ukelele and/or trumpet. 2. Had dinner with my family for my aunt's birthday tonight and gave her the socks, which I finished JUST this morning, and they went over brilliantly. Also, my uncle was there and that situation seems to be VERY GOOD INDEED. 3. Gina bought the second season of M*A*S*H DVD and we're going to watch it after I wash my hair!! I am very excited! So I must go! Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:32 PM | shower me with attention
Dat vus goot. Went over to Andrew's girlfriend's (parents') astonishingly gorgeous fifth avenue apartment last night to watch scary movies. We managed to make it 'til dawn, although I nearly passed out during Sorority Babes of the Slimeball Bowl-o-Rama and I heard Kate snoring lightly during aforementioned film. Kate's mother and brother were very friendly, and I especially liked that before Katemum went to bed she called out, "Have fun, don't be too loud, I like you, good night!" The "I like you" was directed at me. I like that. I wish more new people that one meets would do that.
First we watched Ghost Story, with Fred Astaire. It was scarier than you'd imagine. I came in the middle of that but the parts I saw were spooky enough. Then we watched Hellraiser. Although it was the grossest movie I've ever seen, it didn't terrify me. None of the movies terrified me. I've been building up the horror in my head for so many years that the reality was refreshingly fake-looking. Next we watched Sorority Babes. Andrew has a disturbing range of knowledge about 80's b-movies. I'm pretty sure everyone in the film was a porn actor. Then we watched Suspiria, the scariest of the movies we saw. It was very weird. Kate said it was Fellini-esque, which makes me want to see a Fellini film. The set design and all that was pretty interesting, and the music was really scary, but the special effects didn't skeeve me out too much so it was okay. At this point we were pretty tired, but we gulped down Diet Cokes and watched The Innocents, with Deborah Kerr. You wouldn't think an old black-and-white movie based on a Henry James classic would be scary, but it was damned creepy and gave us all the heebie-jeebies. Then we passed out until we were woken four hours later by the cleaning lady. Kate and Andrew are really, really damn cute together. They have this sort of couple-speak that I would normally find irritating, but on them it's just adorable. Sort of quacky sound-effect talk. It was kind of contagious. Kate is a really sweet, unassuming girl who opens up to cleverness and wit after you get to know her a little. They're really good together. Damn couples everywhere. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:18 PM | shower me with attention Thursday, October 31, 2002
It's Halloween, and you know what that means?
THE RETURN OF FRANKENSCHNI! (I really hate proofreading order forms.) Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:19 AM | shower me with attention
Last night I had a funny nightmare about fat, old John Ritter, Peter Boyle as Giant Frankenstein, and Lannie. It was scary but I wouldn't mind having it again for the larf.
Tonight I'm going to Andrew's girlfriend's apartment and the three of us will watch scary movies all night. Like Matthew and Beth did in that one episode of NewsRadio. Shut up. I can design my life around old episodes of NewsRadio if I want to. Today is my parents' 32nd wedding anniversary. It is imperative I answer my sociolinguistics study questions this weekend. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:08 AM | shower me with attention
There's someone named Tavie that is now posting to groups that I (admittedly) lurk at (ahem, ahem) from time to time. I even used to post at one of them. Once or twice.
Disconcerting. Happy Halloween. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:14 AM | shower me with attention Wednesday, October 30, 2002
Whoops, wrong blog. Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:37 PM | shower me with attention
I can't believe she gave me a B on my theatre midterm. Because I disagreed with her on a point of interpretation.
Disagreed with her. This is the woman who told us she frequently fantasizes about having conversations with dead playwrights to ask them what they meant. You SO cannot give someone a lower grade than they may deserve because you DREAMED that Shaw told you you were right. Dagnabbit. Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:29 PM | shower me with attention
M*A*S*H is on now! I'm so happy I don't even care that it's "Officer of the Day" which I've seen approximately a billion times.
"Radar, you've got class coming out of each bellybutton." "Now, sir, you are aware that you are officer of the day?" "Uh, yes, I'm not some movie that I walked in on the middle of." One of my favourite things is when Radar whispers, "Cut that out!" Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:07 AM | shower me with attention
Tonight I met Aggie and erin for dinner and we went to see good old Jordan perform at the Sidewalk Cafe. It was the first time I've seen him play outside of his bedroom, and the first time ever I've seen heard him on guitar. I am pleased to report that his original songs are both witty and melodical, with some admirable hooks, his songwriting style (as well as, to a certain degree, his voice and demeanor) reminiscent of TMBG's John Linnell. I particularly enjoyed his earnestly self-conscious stage banter, and the use of punnery in his lyrics. Although Jordan had previously been perpetually fourteen years old in my mind, tonight I saw him as a creative guy living out his dream. Also, my whiskey sour was only four dollars.
I am further pleased to report that I finally gave erin the Harry Potter scarf I made her last winter (jeer-within-a-cheer to two of my shoddily-attached tassels falling off). A man who barely spoke English approached us on the subway platform to ask erin where she got the scarf. That was awesome. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:42 AM | shower me with attention Tuesday, October 29, 2002
Damn, how many songs with "Rosie" in the title do I have on these CDs??? Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:34 PM | shower me with attention
I just had a disturbing epiphany while wiping away tears caused by track 3 ("The Rainbow Connection") as track 4 ("Free to Be, You and Me") began: I have always associated Alan Alda very strongly with Free to Be, You and Me. Before my love affair with M*A*S*H this year, it was what I had known him best for. (Aside from a couple Woody Allen movies and an ER appearance, it was all I'd known him for, ever.) FtBYaM, as we know, is something I associate with the best memories of my childhood, or a phenomenon I refer to as "70's New York", a powerful, magic, emotional idea for me. Additionally, Alan Alda's wife, Arlene, wrote a favourite picture book that also evokes 70's New York. In a certain sense, I grew up with Alan Alda. In regards to what I've described, I feel safe, childlike and innocent.
This is the first time I've really listened to FtBYaM since I started lusting after Hawkeye Pierce. I cannot have this childlike warmth clash with these adult fancies! It's disturbing! How do I go from Alan Alda, who, in a sense, practically raised me, to Alan Alda, 70's hunk? I'm definitely overthinking this. Okay: It's not Alan Alda I'm attracted to; it's Hawkeye. That should help. Yes. Alan Alda-of-70's-New-York is a comforting, innocent father figure; Hawkeye Pierce is a sexy mofo. Right. Right. Next issue: Track 4, "Really Rosie". I don't know if I can handle this. I've not been able to sing this song since my Rosie died. Can I handle this? First Kermit, now this. What if someone catches me blubbering over a kiddie song? Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:10 PM | shower me with attention
CDs fond! Hedwig, Loud Family, obselete homemade Company, kiddie tunes, Aimee! Reunited at last! Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:45 PM | shower me with attention
Tonight I'm finally going to see my old pal Jordan perform. It has been reported that he is quite impressive, and I know of his raging talent. It should be a treat.
Mild insomnia last night translates into a painful struggle to remain awake this morn as I continue to proofread this endless catalogue. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:01 AM | shower me with attention Monday, October 28, 2002
Crap. Half.com told me they cancelled my order, so I went and got the (Original Cast) Company CD off of Ebay. Today the one from Half.com arrived inexplicably in the mail. The Ebay one is on the way. I don't need two and no one I know has heard of this musical, much less cares to own a copy of the CD.
Guess I'll put one of them back up on Half.com? Knit. Knit, knit, knit. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:47 PM | shower me with attention
No more games. I have three days to finish this sock. If you catch me online, tell me to sign off and get knitting. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:40 PM | shower me with attention
I hate proof-reading order forms. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:10 PM | shower me with attention
I had a fantastic dream last night about hanging out with Bruce.
Welcome, Apocalypse. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:18 AM | shower me with attention
I love running sales reports. I love the way it sounds. I love its mindlessness. It feels like when you were little and you would play office. It has spreadsheets, hiliters, paper, pens, databases. It's all very satisfying.
Running sales reports is my favourite thing to do here. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:11 AM | shower me with attention Sunday, October 27, 2002
I don't appreciate the fact that I haven't been paid for the past two weeks.
I hate that I'm going to have to ask someone about that tomorrow. But I needs my money. There's $26 left in my bank account, and that ain't doin' me no good. Addendum: Matter straightened out. I do, in fact, get paid every 2 weeks, so I'm not behind - just poor 'til Thursday. Whew! Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:21 PM | shower me with attention
It's kind of worrisome, how little I feel like studying right now. I really want to just go to bed. I'm not even that tired. I just don't want to study.
Maybe I'll glance through my notes at lunch tomorrow. Just wing it or somepin. Probably a bad idea. Why am I so lazy? Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:15 PM | shower me with attention
I wrote my Dances With Wolves essay last night. Man, is it terrible. No substance whatsoever. Enough style to get me through. That's my way, baby: all style, zero substance. Shouldn't I be in the arts? (Erica's husband is trying to get me to practice telling people that I'm in publishing. "Oh, yes. I'm in publishing. La-dee-dah." So far I have not been able to do this. I'm a terrible liar. I feel much more comfortable telling people I'm an office drudge for a publishing company. "I'm in publishing, la-dee-dah." Maybe if I wore suits like Annie Hall it would aid in my pro-cess.)
Tonight I have to study for my theatre midterm. I'm not terribly worried. In a week and a half I have a sociolinguistics midterm. He handed out a long list of study questions. I fear I've been a bit cocky with my lax attitude towards this class. I have a lot of brushing up to do. I have to read Keith Basso for two different classes now. This guy gets around. I finally finished the tassel on erin's Harry Potter scarf. I can now give it to her in all its imperfect, curled-up glory, only eleven months late. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:54 PM | shower me with attention |