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Saturday, May 04, 2002
Welcome to the scariest thing yet.
I was on the PATH today, and I was thinking, and now there's... well... there's... there's this. Any attempts here to play Frankenstein Come with plenty of chances for changing your mind... Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:58 PM | shower me with attention
I must stop blogging today. And I will. After this:
Q: Can I be your groupie? A: (from Dave): You may want to apply. There appears to be an opening!" How sick is it that I went "Harrumph!" at this? Sicksadworld. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:40 PM | shower me with attention
One non-loser took the bait, and let's just discuss her list for a moment, because it is remarkable. It is remarkable because almost every single entry on her list is either a) Something I have read and cherished in the past or b) Something I have meant to read for years and is actually lying around my house waiting to be read. How she did that, I don't know. She must have spies. There is actually a baffling copy of The Metamorphosis sitting prominently on a bookshelf that, to my knowledge, no one in my house placed there nor has ever read. Spies, I tell you.
(As for "dealing with children's books", surely you know me better than that. If I could get by in life doing so, I would deal only with children's books and ignore all other forms of life, entertainment, and matter in general.) Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:31 PM | shower me with attention
Motherfucker. I want to go back in time and make out with 13-year-old Matt. Okay? Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:16 PM | shower me with attention
I apologize to everyone who's ever had wait for me to wake up on a beautiful sunny day.
How beautiful it was tomorrow We'll never have a day of sorrow My mom called from Monte Carlo. She says in Morocco she was buying an area rug and she talked a guy from $1400 to $150. That's some himpressive 'aggling, guv'nah! Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:02 PM | shower me with attention
Today thus far:
Sunshine. Coffee. Yogurt. Blueberries. Banana. Birdsong. Poetry. Blue sky. Driveway. Lawn chair. Contentment. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:12 AM | shower me with attention
I love this site. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:17 AM | shower me with attention
Oh, yes. Anyone who reads this blog other than Asti and Toronto Steph (and, I suppose, Kitana and Matt, also off the hook) are losers. You hear me? Losers. Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:58 AM | shower me with attention
Say this boy knew me, a girl who fell madly in love with "Newsradio" right before she turned 14 and who then lived vicariously through its characters and their adventures in endless repeats until it was no longer syndicated on network television. Say this. Say that. If I wanted to convince this particular boy that, perhaps, he missed out on a whole lotta loveliness, how might I do so? What episodes? Say I had four opportunities to prove him wrong, and one was already allotted to the episode with Bill and his cane. What should the other three be? And I don't mean Bea.
You should always mean Bea. This is an excellent question. Excellent indeed. I shall have to ponder. Hm. Hmm. I like your choice of "The Cane". It shows to me that you're on the right track. Hmm. The challenge for me is to not make the rest of the choices all Dave-Nelson-centric, as I may be wont to do. No, indeed. It's a tough question. One might be tempted to show, say, "Smoking" or "Bitch Session", but I wonder if that's a favourite simply because of its Dave-centredness? The same goes with "Arcade" and "Halloween". One must be objective. And then, one is tempted to showcase "Daydream", which is not exactly typical of the show in general, but it so very cleverly done nonetheless. I think that it's probably hard to go wrong with "Massage Chair". I can't see that one not appealing to the general public. "Complaint Box" is another choice that showcases most of the characters and is stuffed with rollicking good gags. I'd stay away from the fifth season for newcomers, of course. In fact, for introductory purposes I'd stay with the first three seasons. There are some brilliantly-written episodes in season four, but something along the lines of "Catherine Moves On" isn't really appropriate for someone just getting to know the characters. And my favourite of that season, "Who's the Boss", is a two-parter, which I'm not sure we want to use up two of the four precious slots on. So, the best of the first three seasons? "The Cane" definitely. My personal choices are also "Smoking", "Arcade" and "Bitch Session", but if you want to stay away from the Foley-centric, "Massage Chair" and "Complaint Box", as well as, oh, say, "Song Remains the Same", which is the one with the prank wars and the green slime. I love that one. To be honest, anything at all from the second season is surefire, as well as most of the third season for pulling in the newbies. Wow, there is one thing in this world that I can speak about with some confidence. This is rather exciting. Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:47 AM | shower me with attention
Look at this, people. Look at the timestamp, people.
Tavie goes to bed 11:00 pm. Tavie reads a few poems and falls asleep. Tavie wakes up... 7:30 am, baby! SEVEN THIRTY A.M.! Oh yes. Oh my, yes. Who's the black private dick who's a sex machine with all the chicks? TAVIE! Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:34 AM | shower me with attention Friday, May 03, 2002
I made it 'til 1:30 or so and then fell asleep on the futon. Awoke when phone rang, rolled off tufon and decimated a box of tissues. Squashed it flat.
This is from a year ago today. I thought I'd see what I was thinking then, and, as it turns out, I was thinking about the same thing I'm thinking about now: watermelon. Mmm, watermelon. Why are you in Tavie's head? 5:24 PM | shower me with attention
Look, look, it's 10:20 am and I'm still up. I'd forgotten what 10:20 looks like.
It looks like M*A*S*H*. I can't... I wonder how... long I'll... dughishfasdjknaksDN KAJFnosfLZKmnaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:19 AM | shower me with attention
This list sucks, by the way. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:46 AM | shower me with attention
Books, now.
I'm currently in an odd position. I've got about three weeks left of school, with papers and necessary readings to get out of the way. I've just now finally finished the Atwood novel, and now I'm refusing to allow myself pleasure reading until I get my paper written. Nothing except poems, books and essays by or about Wallace Stevens must be permitted to pass my eyes until the work is done. It may appear that I am being unneccesarily hard on myself, but to not get good grades when I'm only taking two classes, not working, and going to a school with low expectations all at the same time is unacceptable. These three factors combine to create a situation in which failure must not be permitted. This is a rare position indeed for someone who sets so few standards for herself, but there you have it. You're all readers. You understand the pain involved in this. However, summer is fast approaching and, due to my upcoming vacation in Sweden, I will not be taking summer classes this semester. Therefore, I will have plenty of time for reading. Indeed, I have shelvesful of books that have been waiting patiently for years to take their turn with me, but most of them are on anthropological theory, and I don't want to spend the entire summer drenched in anthropology alone; I want to intersperse my personal summer bibliography with some literature, as well. I have novels by Eric Idle, Michael Palin and Tom Robbins waiting, but I wish to expand this list. You see, I feel there is a lot of literature that I missed out on by leaving high school early. (Yes, it always comes back to that, doesn't it?) Certainly I've read and do read on my own, and certainly I've taken several of the requisite college literature classes, but there remains the niggling, and possibly irrational feeling that the scope of my literary background is stunted. This phantom fear will not leave me, and I can do something about it. So I will. I came to the realization that I needed to do some more exploring when I got to reading Huckleberry Finn a few months ago. The book was so fucking amazing that I couldn't believe no one had ever made me read it before. Then I thought, well, maybe they might have, but I didn't give them a chance to. I blew that popsicle stand, thank you very much. It's up to my own damn self to pad out my intake of literature. I began my quest last night by consulting Big-Top PeeWee, one of the most well-read people I've ever met (tenderly aged or not-- and I know old people), and so I've added Catch 22 and Lolita to my list. (Kirsten's been urging me to read the Heller book for years; I finally started last night, but forced myself to put it down. Too much Harmonium to attend to.) What I'm looking for are lists along the lines of this, but with more explanation and personal reasoning behind your choices. What do you consider "must-read"? What books do you consider to have enriched your understanding of our culture or world or your personal life? I'm mainly interested in classics, but I leave it to you to define what a "classic" is. You have to get to me before the professors do-- I must read as much as possible on my own before they have a chance to sully it for me! So, I ask you: What must I read? Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:28 AM | shower me with attention
And now the mist is lifting high
leaving bright blue air rolling clean cross the moor come the May say I! The storm'll soon be by leaving clear blue sky soon the sun will shine comes the day, say I! And you'll be there to see it! Stand and breathe it all the day! Stoop and feel it Stop and hear it Spri-iiiiiiing Iiiiii saaaaaaaaaay. Dagnabbit. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:21 AM | shower me with attention Thursday, May 02, 2002
Jiggety jog.
This weekend I have to get some serious reading done. But people are coming... Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:55 PM | shower me with attention
I am going to stop complaining. All I do is complain, when I really lead a very comfortable life. (I almost said "overly comfortable", but that's complaining. About comfort. Which deserves a smack.)
Kirsten brought home something called a canary melon today. It was sweet and cool and juicy and delicious. It didn't have the nail-laquer stink of cantaloupe, and had more flavour than dull honeydew. Mmm, canary melon. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:19 AM | shower me with attention Wednesday, May 01, 2002
I think I'm more fartsy than artsy.
Definitely more wishy than washy. Why are you in Tavie's head? 6:28 PM | shower me with attention Tuesday, April 30, 2002
This proves my point. Terrence wrote it from not 10 feet away in the very computer lab from which I am now typing.
I have forgotten how to communicate with my voice, face and body. Is there some kind of class I can take to relearn this? I need to go out in a forest and sing to the birds and trees or something. I am blogging instead of walking over to Terry, who is sitting over there blogging as well. I can see his computer screen from here. What has become of us? (By the way, the sentiment is much appreciated. Beware of strange and desperate phone calls. ;) Why are you in Tavie's head? 6:51 PM | shower me with attention
Sweet holy mother of stink, I have no words to describe... I can't adequately put down... I...
This is the weirdest thing I've seen in a long, long time. I can't tear myself away from it. It simultaneously attracts and repels. I can't believe I've never seen it before. (Thank you, Satan!) Why are you in Tavie's head? 6:38 PM | shower me with attention
The problem is that I have less friends in this city than I think I do. I have very many acquaintances, but precious few people I can call up after class when I don't want to go home yet but don't know what I actually want to do. The burden pretty much always falls on Erica, and so I've been trying to refrain from calling her every time I find myself outside of my school and restless for company and diversion. She does have her own life, doncha know.
Everyone else presents a problem. Steph is on Staten Island and so is Andrew; that's too far a jump for a moment's notice. Stupid Staten Island. Erin is on Long Island, also too far a jump unless she happens to be in the city. Matt and Goose, although not hopelessly far away, are living extraordinarily busy end-of-high-school lives and thus my conscience forbids idle contact. Gina is in Jersey and that's too big of a hassle after working all day. Poor Terry has his hands full of me at school; he shouldn't have to entertain me, too. Everyone else that comes to mind is either not close enough a friend for me to burden them with my company, or have fallen into low-contact mode, or have changed their phone numbers and issued restraining orders. That leaves Kirsten. Hello, sister. Hello, old friend. Let us cling to one another as we did in the womb. Why are you in Tavie's head? 5:23 PM | shower me with attention
I have twice, in recent entries, made reference to it being May. It is not yet May. These are the signs of slippage; Gorg approacheth.
I dug through dusty videos-- actually dug-- until I found The Chipmunk Adventure last night. I am a little ashamed this morning (afternoon), like waking up after sleeping with a dreadful mistake. ("Arnie? You slept with Arnie??") I am excited that my hair is so dirty that it needs to be washed before I can go to school today. Washing my hair will give some structure to my day. This is obviously a cry for help. Reach out to me. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:24 PM | shower me with attention
Today I got email from Annie McG, the first friend I made when I moved here and the only one who I still consider a friend, although we never see each other because she lives in Minnesota. Minnesota? Minnesota.
Been bedding down later and later; sleeping now from 7:30 to 4 pm. Much later and I'll start missing my 5:30 class. I purchased Benadryl today. Today in class was Marianne Moore. I couldn't read any of her at home but I found that I enjoyed her in class. I must release the idea that a book needs to be read from beginning to end; I miss out on much that way when I end up abandoning things early. Must practice reading things from the middle and flipping about. ("Willl you two stop talking about roller blading?" "Why, are you afraid you're missing out o something?" "Yes!") After class, became depressed and moody. Called sister and begged her to meet me for Chinese food and a movie. I've spent almost $400 this week, mostly in expensive and desperate need to do things outside of this apartment.. This is a staggering figure for me. I cannot spend any more money or I will starve in San Francsico later this month. $400 a week is unacceptable. This is an expensive city but living beyond my means is not an option for me. Repeat after myself: You do not have an income. You do not have an income. You do not have an income. Nevertheless, sister and I went to China Fun and then across the street to The Cat's Meow. Joanna Lumley was fabulous and Eddie Izzard an impressive Chaplin, but Kirsten Dunst irritates me very mucho. Still moody and depressed. Perhaps hormonal. I sure hope so, am beginning to think I am carrying the next Messiah. Cheered immensely by coming home to happy news. If I had a therapist I would be talking to her about living vicariously through overachieving younger friends, about despair at wasted potential and useless regret. Read that article about suicidal M.I.T. student today and had to stop, it was making me cry in public twofold: fear for the children, and fear for myself that I was jealous of the overstressed-to-the-point-of-breakage students. Jealous of the ill ones is a bad illness indeed. The tree sloth frightens me because it has no neck. It is to me what spiders are to Gina. Luckily domestic infestations of tree sloths are rare in this part of the world. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:09 PM | shower me with attention Monday, April 29, 2002
The latest from my mom at sea is so darn cute that I forgive her misclassification of the primate species for the sake of the closing pun:
I wish you were here. I know you would get quite a laugh from seeing a Barbary ape eat a banana off my head. We were in Gibraltar where the barabry apes run free. I put a piece of a banana on my head and hoped a little ape would come and eat it. With my luck, I got this enormous mother of an ape scurrying up my back and on my shoulders and snatched the banana. From that point on I hand fed the cheeky monkeys. The tour guide got a picture of the monkey on my back, I think. Cute thing, cute thing, cute, cute mom. Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:02 PM | shower me with attention
You're wrong. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:47 AM | shower me with attention Sunday, April 28, 2002
I don't understand why nothing can be thrown out. I don't understand a place where no plastic grocery bag can be thrown away, every packet of ketchup and soy sauce and butter sent from the diner must be kept, where I have to throw out February yogurt in May, where broken chairs sit in heaps in the front room, where clothes are cast off and left, where light bulbs are taken out of cartons and the cartons left where they lie because everything is left where it lies, where hampers are full of dirty clothes and so are floors, beds, chairs and couches. Where couches are ripped to shreds by cats and then covered with a layer of shoes, books and video tapes and dust. Dust on everything. Dust on the people as well as the books and papers and garbage. Where no broken appliance can be discarded. Where nothing can be discarded. I don't understand these things even though I grew up amid them.
And I don't understand a family that doesn't understand why someone would wish to leave such a place as often as possible. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:01 PM | shower me with attention
Why do I talk to people more through my blog than through email or IM or, god help us all, telephone?
Stupidhead. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:34 PM | shower me with attention
It doesn't matter what the rock and the hard place are. The fact that the rock is diamonds and the hard place is more diamonds doesn't make it less hard, it makes it more.
I hate that I can't help one bit here, because in my mind the choice I would make is clear, and I don't have a great track record of making the best choices for myself. For me, comfort is key. Without comfort everything else falls away. I don't have work ethic, I don't have the backbone of steel, I don't have any consideration for what Future Tavie might be missing out on. I love you. Just hope that whatever decision is the final one is the one that doesn't make you hopelessly ill the next day. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:32 PM | shower me with attention
You're both and more, darling girl; I was just associating the three schoolmates with the play I saw. You're a different slice of strawberry-cheesecake all together. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:20 PM | shower me with attention |