Goth Sunshine
Words from a walking contradiction.

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Monday, March 18, 2002
i took sarah and alex to a providence bruins game and i believe they had a pretty good time. mike was explaining the rules to alex and sarah jumped and laughed whenever the players slammed into the glass. sarah got all excited by the zambonis and i explained to her what they did. when the 2nd period started and the players got back onto the ice she got all upset..."they're messing it all they're gonna havta clean it all over again!" she's such a *girl*! {g} so i promised to take them to a boston bruins game which includes a train ride and *everything*. i just hope my mojoe joejoe is playing again.

taves, i don't distinctly remember seeing elijah wood in "forever your girl" but i saw him a couple of days ago on an episode of "the osbournes" helping ozzy and family wipe doggie urine off sofa cushions. it was quite touching.

a bad case of verbal diarrhea from Cheryl 23:18

Sunday, March 17, 2002

Test Results
You think of yourself as being individual, bright, happy, and misleading.
Others think of you as being warm, fuzzy, affectionate, and adorable.
Your relationships can be described as close, immense, cold, and polluted.
When stressed, you feel small.
Take this test here.

well, i'm off my diet and i really haven't lost any significant poundage. but at least my "fat" clothes don't feel as tight, that was depressing : P...

this past friday we had a little thing at work where people brought in food that was either irish or green. a lot of people brought stuff in and it was very successful. i'm the only irish person there (i found out that day) and i didn't bring in any food. oh, the irish guilt! at least i got to to eat lunch with my gefilte fisch (and about 20 other people).

a bad case of verbal diarrhea from Cheryl 10:45