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Saturday, March 02, 2002
I just got email from Mike detailing two pieces of rather important news:
1. He has gone back to school to get his G.E.D. I'm so incredibly proud of him-- I know how hard it is to go back and do something like that when you've been out of school. I need to give him a rib-crushing hug. 2. But not until he recovers from his car accident-- the pumpkin smashed into a tree. This is not good luck. But bad news likes to follow good news to ruin all its fun, so if that's the worst he gets (a backache and a headache and a smashed-up car), I guess that's okay. I like it when my friends do positive things for themselves. It makes me very glad. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:30 PM | shower me with attention
I laughed so hard I got the hiccups.
I am hiccupping still. Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:50 PM | shower me with attention
Oh, this is nice. My web page is now the number two search referral on Yahoo for the term "fat, ugly ladies".
That oughtta learn me. Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:44 PM | shower me with attention
That's better.
That's my handwriting, too. Thanks, sarah. Why are you in Tavie's head? 6:47 PM | shower me with attention
Ah! My hypocricy revealed! Someone posted a transcript of that Mark thing on the newsgroup in 1999, and my response to reading it was to gush over Mark and pine for him.
I am obviously a severely disturbed individual. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:45 PM | shower me with attention Friday, March 01, 2002
Oh, so, did I mention my fucked-up day? It started out okay what with the ticket success and all (stressful though that may have been), but then in the afternoon I had an incredibly scary IM session with a friend of my sister's who lives in England, a very troubled young man who had apparently taken 8 Xanax and some aspirin and then signed on to tell me to tell his brother he's sorry and that his life was fading away.
Well. I did not know how to deal with this. Some things can't be afforded not to be taken seriously, as farfetched as they may appear (dying and typing at the same time?) so I spent the afternoon at my desk quietly freaking out and making long distance calls to whoever I could think of, trying to get ahold of someone who knew where this guy lived in case he was about to die somewhere in England. (And also trying to hide the fact that I was IMing at work-- not supposed to have AIM-- and trying to get some actual work done, to boot.) As of now, there's no news as to his whereabouts or status, but my sister tells me that he's done this sort of thing before-- OD'ed on pills and then signed on to IM someone incoherently until he passes out, and that he's probably okay. But it was incredibly frightening and disturbing nonetheless. Then I come home and Mark's calling his fans ugly. (Okay, I don't really take that seriously, but I'm overly sensitive about my extreme ugliness, okay? I know I need therapy.) Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:52 PM | shower me with attention
Mr McKinney is in the doghouse with me, yes sirree.
Gina and I were just watching a bunch of profiles of the various Kids on Star TV, and all was very entertaining and informative, when it came to Mark's. Mark was doing a man-on-the-street type of thing in Manhattan, and was stopping people on the street to see whether they'd heard of the Kids in the Hall. He was outside Lincoln Center and two young ladies approached, and what do you think he said? He said, "Here come some pretty girls. They won't have heard of us-- trust me, I know what our fans look like." Mark! I can't say I'm pleased. I am, in fact, miffed. When he thinks of his fans, he thinks of big, fat, ugly ladies. POOP! POOP, I say! Yes, I'm thinking of photoshopping him up really fat and replacing the picture on my shrine. In fact, I may just replace it with a shrine to Richard Simmons or something. Of all of them, Mark is the one I'd least expect to slip up like that in front of the camera. Never say such things about your fans where they might hear it. Naughty boy. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:32 PM | shower me with attention
Well THAT was a nightmare of gigantic proportions. But the outcome was worth it: 8 seats in the front row for Sunday, April 14th at 8 P.M. at the Beacon Theater.
I need to go throw up now. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:31 PM | shower me with attention
I think I just yelled really loudly in this quiet office, "SCREW THE KIDS IN THE HALL THIS SUCKS".
I need to be medicated. (I really love the Kids in the Hall.) Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:24 AM | shower me with attention
I just got off the phone with ticketmaster. They have some extremely wrong information over there-- they seem to think that the Kids will be at the Beacon Theatre in New York from April 14 THROUGH May 15.
And, of course, tickets go on sale at noon. Sheesh. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:04 AM | shower me with attention
WTF? Ticketmaster by phone says that for April 15th they go on sale today in... fifteen minutes?
What about the 14th? What about internet presale? What about SANITY??? Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:43 AM | shower me with attention
Supposedly, NYC tix for KITH go on sale today at noon.
I am a headless chicken this morning. Will my credit cards hold out? Will Ticketmaster get its crap together? Will my browser shut down unexpectedly? Will I be held up by ticket limits? Why do I have so many friends? Will everything go right only to have us end up with crappy seats? Why can't Kitana go? (I know the practical reasons; I am now addressing god.) Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:34 AM | shower me with attention Thursday, February 28, 2002
Is this true? Is Luke Perry a maple-leaf-tattooed American? Can anyone confirm this?? Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:35 PM | shower me with attention
They've still not given me work today, so, dammit, I'm going to blog too much.
They can't arrest you for truancy, legally, if you are 16 or older. Them's the rules in New York City. I know this because I have had experience with truancy officers. I feel oddly proud of this. I need to explore these feelings with a professional, probably. Also, There once was a woman named sarah c who liked to arrange words in my favour. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:20 PM | shower me with attention
This (c/o cool girl) is amazing. Word at a Time with pictures. Pixel at a time. I love it. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:05 PM | shower me with attention
I couldn't rest until I had freed my mind from the obsessions which had been tormenting me all day... Having scribbled I could rest. - William Carlos Williams
This quote needs to be in my template somewhere. Help. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:34 AM | shower me with attention
Two more things to say.
Firstly: I got a bunch of KITH tickets in the mail last night. I opened them and a wave of pure joy came flying out of the envelope and crashed around my head and neck and shoulders, soaking my hair and the top of my nightgown with its goodness. Secondly: I need a tutor to teach me how to read poetry. No, seriously. My professor becomes increasingly frustrating. I still like him and his mannerisms and his lovely long beard, but he is frustrating me. Are there any volunteers? I need remedial poetry 101. We need to cover the basics: What is poetry? What makes something a poem? Why do we read poetry? Do we need to dissect the meaning of every poem like it is a puzzle and like we are Sherlock Holmes, or are some poems purely about aesthetic pleasure, sound/shape/rhythm? How do we know what we need to dissect and what we don't? What is the importance of line breaks? What is prose poetry and what makes it different from regular prose? Why am I so stupid? Why did I leave high school at age fifteen and why am I stuck now desperately trying to fill in the huge gaps in my education by begging my friends to throw crumbs of knowledge at me? Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:09 AM | shower me with attention
Today, I am feeling ambitious. I am going to respond in some way to every blog on the list to the left.
Ade is back! I want to note here that when I think of Yoko Ono, I think of three people, in this order: 1. Ade 2. Paul 3. John Lennon Steve:Although I have never seen the show "227", I have been thinking about it for days. Specifically, I think about it when I sing the following song to myself (which is often): Jackée, hey-hey-hey! Jackée, hey-hey-hey! Over and over. Barb: I hate spam too, and I always kill a chain letter. Beth: I can't believe TMBG won a Grammy. Do I have to start respecting the Grammies now? Good god. Beth: I don't find you boring. I wish everyone would stop second-guessing themselves when it comes to blogging. I thrive on other people's minutiae. Boing Boing: Thank god for you. Cheryl: Valentine's Day is OVER! Say something new. Djin: You're sick. Get better. Stop taking those online quizzes and get back into bed. Aggie: I really love a lot of the I Am Sam soundtrack, and really loathe some tracks on it. erin: In god's name, COME BACK. Gina: You no like-a the word picture I painted of you? Too bad, there will surely be even more graceful ones to come. ;) Gleebs: That song, that "I've got sunshine in a bag" song has been in my head for days. I somehow blame you. Goose: Your teacher is stalking you. There's only room for one Goose stalker and that's me. Sign my Goosed Book already. Jen: Where the hell are you? Karaoke convention? Kidnapped? What the dilly? Jess: I'm always tired in the A.M. too. I got to work PRETTY MUCH on time today and the person who complained about my lateness was LATE. Jodi: I love your class notes. I love other people's class notes. I love my old class notes. So far T.S. Eliot and Langston Hughes are neck-and-neck in the poll, although by this point I'm pretty certain I'm doing William Carlos Williams. I don't know why. He has the same birthday as my dad. Why not. Kat: You're coming to New York. Please blog before you do. Kitana: It is very reassuring that the professors recognize your obvious superiority to the other students. This gives me hope for the future of the world. KITHblog: Roll. Lannie: Very glad to hear your grandmother's okay. Linn: Jag vill ha du fitta. (NO NO NO EW NO EW.) Matt: It's been 12 hours and you still haven't explained the Daniel thing. What have you been doing, sleeping or something? Pathetic. Mike: You haven't blogged your news, but I am so proud of you, honey. Nicole:
Rynn: Lur dee dur dee bork bork bork! sarah: See erin. sarah c: Once upon a time in a far off kingdom there lived a young maiden, a sad young lad, a childless baker and his wife. The poor girl's mother had died and her father had taken for his new wife a woman with two daughters of her own. All three were fair of face but vile and black of heart... serra: I secretly want to see The Princess Diaries because I hate it so very much. Same thing with Shallow Hal. I am so very against these movies, I loathe the very idea of them with so much of my being, that I really want to see them. Steph: Intervention-as-excuse-for-family-reunion? Sometimes I'm glad my family is so very small. Tara: Ou est la Trask love? Toronto Steph: Hello, Punky. You're the last person on my list and I'm too exhausted to think of anything to say. How's "Crime and Punishment: The Musical" coming? Wow, that was really exhausting. I am never doing that again. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:47 AM | shower me with attention Wednesday, February 27, 2002
Wait, but wait. You met Val Daniel?
Where did you meet E. Valentine Daniel and why wasn't I there to coo, "Dr. Daniel, may I touch your shoes? You changed my life!" Sometimes I want to be Matt so bad it hurts me physically, like biting tinfoil. ("Sometimes"?) Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:13 PM | shower me with attention
It is a beautiful thing that Kit is sitting there singing "Inverness" while I am sitting here, still going, over and over,
Jack-ay! Hey-hey-hey! Jack-ay! Hey-hey-hey! Jack-ay! Hey-hey-hey! Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:45 PM | shower me with attention
Now, if shape were the only thing that was important to a poem, then I could just
rearrange my blog entries to look like this and everything I say would be poetry. But, having experimented thus we find that this is not the only relevant factor. And so, sadly, we press on and return to our unpoetic lives. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:57 PM | shower me with attention
Please don't be votin' unless ye have an actual opinion, thank ye kindly.
Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:41 PM | shower me with attention
For no reason whatosever,
The Second Coming by William Butler Yeats Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity. Surely some revelation is at hand; Surely the Second Coming is at hand. The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert A shape with lion body and the head of a man, A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun, Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds. The darkness drops again; but now I know That twenty centuries of stony sleep Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle, And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born? This is the only Yeats poem I had been familiar with before this class (and still the only one I am familiar with), having read it in an English class a couple of summers ago, and recognizing the reference to the famous rough beast slouching toward Bethlehem (probably having read it in a Stephen King book or something.) I think that I have an opinion on Yeats and I think that opinion is as follows: I think I understand the meaning of some of his poems. I certainly do not understand the meaning of others of his poems. But whether I understand them or not, I like how almost all of them sound. This appreciating the shape and rhythm and sound of a poem apart from its meaning seems to be important. Glancing through some of the other works of the other poets on the syllabus, I certainly hope it is important, or else I will be utterly lost. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:10 PM | shower me with attention
This Stephen Merrit is intriguing. Any man whose profile references Maurice Sendak's (and Carole King's) Really Rosie is someone that has my attention. How to proceed? Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:54 PM | shower me with attention
The options as I see them:
a. Stop hanging around with exceptional geniuses. (I'm not going to hyperlink that, I think you all know who you are, and even if you don't you ought to.) b. Change my name to Salieri. Some would say there are further options: c. Get professional help for this crippling inferiority complex. d. Get the fuck over myself already and just accept how things are and do what I have to do and just shut up about it. I don't like any of these options. I'm thinking of going with b. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:03 PM | shower me with attention
I really sort of hate this world. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:56 AM | shower me with attention
It's snowing.
I feel blah. Not because of the snow. I don't care much about the snow. I just feel blah. A million minor issues. Whatever, whatever, whatever. Nothing but complaints. Synaesthesically, "complaint" tastes like yogurt. Coincidentally, I am having yogurt for my breakfast. This is not interesting. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:30 AM | shower me with attention Tuesday, February 26, 2002
I like to listen to the song Mystery Hours while staring at this banner. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:12 PM | shower me with attention
Now, you see! This is really something. Scroll to the bottom. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:14 PM | shower me with attention
Do you have a favourite poem by one of the poets below? Or perhaps just a favourite poet? Which one should I pick?
Vote from this list: W.H. Auden Jean Toomer T.S. Eliot Langston Hughes Marianne Moore Ezra Pound Gertrude Stein Walt Whitman William Carlos Williams W.B. Yeats Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:44 PM | shower me with attention
How sick is it that I really wish I could get an EPCOT jumpsuit? Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:39 PM | shower me with attention
Pick a poet from this here list. Find stuff about the poet. Read the stuff about the poet. Read a poem by the poet. Write a whole lot about the poem. Do it in two weeks. Do it. Do it now. Do it. Do it now.
Ugh, I'm sleepy. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:35 PM | shower me with attention
Steve is a smart cookie. He notes a possible connection about my anxiety last night and the flight dates 5/18-5/21. May 21st is a very significant date for me. I didn't see it last night, but now it's so obvious it's clubbing me over the head. No wonder I was feeling old feelings.
Seeing it is making me feel better about it. It's not too late to get flights. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:10 AM | shower me with attention Monday, February 25, 2002
Not banished. Conquered. I was wrong. It never will be, will it. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:19 PM | shower me with attention
Mom found me a good flight for San Francisco and she was going to book it online when I was in the bath. She kept calling out, "Okay, I'm going to do it now, okay?" and I kept saying "Okay" and then the last time she asked I yelled, "STOP!!!!"
I was/am feeling a generalized anxiety of the sort that they hospitalize ten-year-olds for. It is an old feeling. It is unwanted. I thought it was long banished. I do not understand. I want to see Rynn and Puddin' and go see the Kids with them. So I don't understand this crying in the bathtub. Here I am, my hair's still wet, my chest is still full of choked balloons and I don't have a flight booked. I don't understand. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:03 PM | shower me with attention
If anyone has the European version of the I Am Sam soundtrack (featuring Aimee's cover of "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" rather than the Black Crowes), or if anyone can find said track somewhere like Audiogalaxy, please contact me. Thankee. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:51 PM | shower me with attention
Did you see the tour banner at the bottom of this page? Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:44 AM | shower me with attention
Uno: When will it be shorts weather?
Dos: Alex just set me up a special password for something. The password? Tavie. Thassright. Wassmyname? Wassmyname? Tavie's my name. Now if only I could get her, and everyone else around here, to call me Tavie, then we'd be somewhere... Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:32 AM | shower me with attention
Stop being brilliant, you horrible bastard, I hate you.
(I love you.) Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:46 AM | shower me with attention
I'm moved into the new building at work, waiting for them to set up the printers and things. My cubicle is smaller, which is fine-- the old one was too big-- and also more private. I'm in this row alone and surrounded by two huge computer monitors and high cubicle walls. It's very nice. I feel like I could strut around nude in here. Not that I will. But I could.
I really want to show someone my tattoo but I have no idea how anyone will take it, or how to explain it to them. Ah, me. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:26 AM | shower me with attention Sunday, February 24, 2002
My collection grows; my love for sarah c also grows.
Gina is scratching her back with a knitting needle and snorting. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:44 PM | shower me with attention
Americans who have maple leaf tattoos:
Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:01 PM | shower me with attention
I love sarah's banners, and I especially love that in this one she used the handwriting fonts she made for me and Rynn. (Rynn's "in tour of duty", my "Spring 2002".) Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:25 PM | shower me with attention
I have just taken the bandage off of my new adornment. It looks lovely. I cannot wait until the period of swelling and lubing is over and I can enjoy my tattooed glory in full.
I must get a camera. Hm. Last night, I graced the royal birthday celebration with my presence. I was struck by how mature Goose and Matt's friends are. Not at all like the high schoolers I knew when I was one. (Well, not at all like most of them. I did hang out with nerds, mind you.) These kids shake hands with you when they meet you. Oh, I met the illustrious Aiofe! She was lovely. I was a little star-struck. I very much enjoyed making polite small talk with the dapper Mittens (try to imagine, I know it is difficult, a dignified and handsome version of Screech from Saved by the Bell.) I also enjoyed subtly antagonizing the extraordinarily adorable Stupid/Daoud/Staoud/N.Daoud by politely asking him what he was writing (faux pas!) and why he was wearing two watches. He is, I will report, a moody, mumbling, artistic-al type who spent the evening hunched over a mysterious notebook. Much like a male Goose. I hope they won't turn into that episode of Seinfeld where he dates Janeane Garofalo. Goose looked stunning. That is all. A pleasant evening. I returned home afterwards and watched Please Don't Eat the Daisies with Gina. I had never seen it before and was perplexed to find myself vaguely attracted to David Niven. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:24 PM | shower me with attention |