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Saturday, January 19, 2002
Go Tara!!!
In other news, boy am I dizzy. I guess I forgot to drug myself up last night. Stupid Gleemonex. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:52 PM | shower me with attention Friday, January 18, 2002
Get a load:
I thought today was the 19th, all day long. I don't know why. I just did. So, like, yeah. We're going to Disney World late Saturday/early Sunday. Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh oops. Why are you in Tavie's head? 6:58 PM | shower me with attention
I got email from the Official Voice of Reason and now I can shout freely and openly and scream and jump about and get so excited I just can't stand it!!!
> Okay, so now we can speak about the tour - you have Official Permission to > make the OVOR announcement. KITH will tour from late March through late > May of 2002, and dates will include both US and Canadian cities. The show > will include new material, and we're working on the tour routing right > now. I will share more info as soon as it becomes available - in the > meantime, everyone should be checking under the couch pillows for loose > change in order to attend as many shows as possible. > > A reminder that this is no excuse not to do your homework, or to study for > midterms/finals, unless of course such activity would get in the way of > your attending the shows. The timing is all wrong-- everything from lack of money to work to school to prelims to pregnancies are all conspiring against us-- but, I don't CARE! THEY'RE TOURING AGAIN, BABY!!!! Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:14 PM | shower me with attention
Link to Fellowship "secret diaries" = funniest thing ever. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:20 AM | shower me with attention
Wait a minute... "replace Dave Foley with anthropology"??
What does that even mean? It's making me laugh. Oh my god, someone's not WORKING. Release the hounds. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:29 AM | shower me with attention
THEN, the whores! I mean, the work! Last 20 Searchengine Queries Unique Visitors 17 Jan, Thu, 01:26:10 Yahoo: graveyard picture sent in emails 17 Jan, Thu, 02:09:41 Google: kitana baker 17 Jan, Thu, 03:34:08 Google: Funny caption for man napping in the car 17 Jan, Thu, 08:51:04 Google: john cameron mitchell shirtless 17 Jan, Thu, 11:24:40 Google: kitana baker 17 Jan, Thu, 13:28:22 Google: Tabitha Southey 17 Jan, Thu, 14:01:51 Google: kitana baker 17 Jan, Thu, 14:01:58 Google: conan preparation H raymond 17 Jan, Thu, 14:10:53 Yahoo: printable logic problems with grids 17 Jan, Thu, 14:11:44 Google: "kitana baker" 17 Jan, Thu, 14:17:43 Google: "Tabitha Southey" "home" 17 Jan, Thu, 14:20:26 Google: "Tabitha Southey" "home" 17 Jan, Thu, 15:28:40 Google: "dave foley" crissy 17 Jan, Thu, 17:48:19 Yahoo: dave foley photos 17 Jan, Thu, 20:44:53 Yahoo: tabitha boob job 17 Jan, Thu, 21:50:17 Google: underage children fucking 18 Jan, Fri, 00:21:34 Google: sugar daddy hedwig soundtrack "liner notes" 18 Jan, Fri, 02:00:04 Yahoo: kitana baker 18 Jan, Fri, 08:02:37 Google: replace "dave foley" with anthropology 18 Jan, Fri, 08:15:56 Yahoo: stella dora breakfast treats --- The fifth one from the bottom: WHAT THE HELL?? WHEN DID I? WHAT THE? WHAT THE???????? The sixth one from the bottom: ROTFL Now, if I don't get to work right now, I am going to be very, very sorry, young lady!! Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:28 AM | shower me with attention
I am one procrastinating motherfucker.
GET. TO. WORK. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:25 AM | shower me with attention
I am one sexy bitch. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:25 AM | shower me with attention
Tonight: Bring turtle to Erica's apartment so her roommate can feed and water him while we're in Disney World.
Late tonight/technically tomorrow: Go to Disney World. Then: Sleep for a week, possibly living out my missing-out-on-EPCOT nightmare. Now: Work? Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:24 AM | shower me with attention
This looks interesting. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:02 AM | shower me with attention
Fucking morning. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:51 AM | shower me with attention
Oh please, please, Somnulanigma, Goddess of Sleep that I just now made up on the spot, please let me fall asleep when I get into bed in thirty seconds. Please. I can't take another day of exhaustion, vacation or no vacation coming up.
In Somnulanigma's name I pray, amen. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:51 AM | shower me with attention
Thank god for you.
I think I've had a slight case of Ade-nemia. An Ade-amin deficiency. It would explain my wanness... no, wait, that's iron. Well, my self-loathing. Yes. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:43 AM | shower me with attention
An annoying laugh?!?!?!
You did not just say that. You have the most delightful laugh ever. (Except for maybe San Francisco Bob.) Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:39 AM | shower me with attention
It's not fair.
I did everything right. I stayed up all day even though it hurt, I was so tired. I got up early, I went to bed at a reasonable hour, I didn't read too long. I didn't take any Tylenol PM or Benadryl or anything. I took a hot bath. I took deep breaths. Why can't I sleep? I was so tired today. :( Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:36 AM | shower me with attention Thursday, January 17, 2002
Kirsten met me for lunch today. She looked very nice. Like small, young Japanese women, Kirsten can dress like Cyndi Lauper circa 1983, or like Bjork circa anytime, or like Betsey Johnson on crack (redundant?), and get away with it. Funky looks good on her. Very good.
Small people can dress however they like, I suppose? Whereas I have to wear circus tents and old potato sacks with the seams let out. Soon it will have to be muumuus and caftans for me. She was wearing this skinny red leather studded belt that Erica gave her because it was too small for her. Can you imagine? Too small for Erica! If the creature is limping, the parts are in place with a mind of its own and a fist for a fa-a-a-a-a-ace... Hey! Time to go home! Yay!! Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:55 PM | shower me with attention
You are all my loves, aren't you? Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:50 PM | shower me with attention
What is outsider art? Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:41 PM | shower me with attention
Jesus, my secret lover, thank your dad for me, for the invention of espresso. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:54 PM | shower me with attention
Says the Hydration Calculator (c/o Steve):
Your water intake today should be: 107.5 oz (9 12-oz glasses) Bulllllll shiiiiiiiiiiit. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:51 PM | shower me with attention
Painfully sleepy. Trouble not collapsing. Coffee not helping. Reading alt.support.sleep-disorders definitely not helping.
Suggested therapies for DSPS (Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome) include:
Phooey. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:53 PM | shower me with attention
Nice referral. Wish I had what they were looking for... Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:56 AM | shower me with attention
I miss my old Commodore 64.
My uncle has it now. I don't think it's anything but a decoration for his studio, but, still. I'm glad it's in the family. What I really miss is that "Little Computer People" game. Sort of a primitive gigapet. You had a little person in a little house in your computer, and you fed him and played with him and petted him. (Ours was named Julius.) If you neglected him he'd turn green and eventually die. (We never let this happen to Julius.) I have one of those Commodore-64 simulation programs on my Mac, I think, but I could never find the Little Computer People game for it. (I forget the actual name of the game, which might be a factor.) Ah, me. The waters of my geekdom run deep and true. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:53 AM | shower me with attention
Apparently, it is very common for Canadian professional swimmers to get maple leaf tattoos.
Also: John Irving, American author, has a maple leaf tattoo on his arm. Interesting. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:43 AM | shower me with attention
I am reminded tthat Tuesday, as well as being Rynn's KITH Tour anniversary, was also the anniversary of the NewsRadio taping that Erica and Ade and I went to. (And who was also in the audience, before we knew her? Rynn!)
Also, I would like to give a shout out and various and sundry mad props to my homegirl, one Miss Sarah C, for sending me an exquisitely timed "Go to bed!" email last night. Sometimes I really just need the extra push; I'm pleased to report that I went to bed, and fell immediately asleep after that. I'd choose Sweden. I wish I had lofty ambitions and pants to match. If wishes were fishes we'd all own aquariums. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:13 AM | shower me with attention
Is it not the most wonderful quiz ever created by anyone in the history of written language?
I must fully admit that it is not in any way my doing, whatsoever. That quiz is 100% pure unadulterated Goose, whose retirement from quiz-making marked the blackest day in the history of written language, a day whose blackness is approached only by the publication of Britney's Spears' mother's tell-all. Please, why can I not sleep? Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:04 AM | shower me with attention
Why with the no sleeping?
Why? I got up early today. I didn't nap. I went to bed at a reasonable hour. I did a crossword. Why? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? Despair. Tired but no sleep. Despair. I can't sleep here. Please Tylenol PM kick in soon. Please don't make to too comatose come morning. This is me begging. Please someone with a mallet come help me. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:54 AM | shower me with attention Wednesday, January 16, 2002
What happened to my resolution about saying "oh my god" so much?
Not everything can have the same impact, surely. Anyway. Obviously, I've learned a new word, and I've connected two behaviours of mine. (Tasting words and compulsive overeating.) What are the practical applications of this connection? Certainly, when an awareness is gained of the relationship between two behaviours that combine to harm one, this awareness can be put to good use. Time will tell. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:43 PM | shower me with attention
Oh my god, oh my god, oh my oh my oh my.
My parents are watching some incarnation of 60 Minutes right now and the segment is about a phenomenon called synesthesia (sp?), wherein some people experience senses together, the most common being people who always see sounds as bright colours. There are also people who always have smells paired with sounds, or tastes paired with sights, or smells with touch, or any combination of senses that are just always grouped together for them. It was pretty interesting, you know, until they started interviewing this one guy who described what words tasted like, very specifically ("Friday" was "spam, but sort of a fried spam...") And that's when the segment became wildly interesting, because I have always, always associated tastes with certain words. (Most words have some sort of taste for me, but certain words have extremely vivid tastes-- the words "prove", "improve", and "approve" are all raw lemons; "love" is a soft, tart yogurt; "Octavia" is scrambled eggs and "Kirsten" is spinach; "Sarah" is also lemon, but sweeter and more solid, "condition" and "question" are both fried Chinese noodles... well, there's just tons.) It just shocked me because I figured that everyone does that-- you know, but that's what the synesthetes all thought too. And my mom says she doesn't taste words. I think it may be part of the reason I'm so horribly suggestable when it comes to food, or where my unhealthy appetite comes from... words are all around me and if I taste them and it stimulates saliva, then I'll be more likely to eat when I'm not actually hungry... hence the obese monster (or, actually, I'm an obese mouse... an obouse?) you see before you. I must do more research into this. (Research... peach-skin. Just the skin. Bittersweet.) Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:57 PM | shower me with attention
A response to this:
1. The big deal about Orlando Bloom? He's extremely hot. 2. You want to drape yourself in velvet, like George Costanza. 3. Get your tattoo when Gina and I get ours. 3a. When will that be, Gina? 4. Get a goose. A Crazy Raw goose. I just found the tracing-guide in my recent disk search. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:35 PM | shower me with attention
Jimmy makes a big deal
of the deep things he feels imagine his shock when he learns it isn't real... Jimmy's on drugs again day-glo sportswear, shoulders are lookin' tan Jimmy's on drugs again Hated us yesterday, now he's our biggest fan Thinks he's a stranger now joined the elite but he still comes around still comes around on the downbeat... I don't know what the fuck Scott Miller is talking about half the time but he's ground his way into my subconscious. I wake up singing this stuff. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:39 PM | shower me with attention
I've seen the Star Wars Holiday Special. It is extremely drug-influenced. I'm guessing there were a lot of mushrooms involved in its making. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:08 AM | shower me with attention
So I tried to watch Gilmore Girls last night and I was diggin' it, you know, and Rory and Lorelai are on a road trip and la-dee-dah, what a quaint little bed-and-breakfast, and suddenly they get to Harvard and I just got unutterably depressed and had to leave the room. I ended up watching the rest of the Mark Twain documentary with my parents. (Mark Twain. A great man with great hair.)
Why does any mention of Ivy League make me want to die? I wonder, I wonder. On my tombstone: Octavia "Tavie" Phillips 1979 - 2079 "Wasted her potential" Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:01 AM | shower me with attention
This morning I made a special point to get up and out of the house on time. I left with my dad and we walked down to the subway together hand-in-hand.
We arrived on a subway platform more crowded than a Broadway theatre ladies' room at intermission. We waited through one, two, three... seven trains, all packed like glass jars full of pickled herring, while the poster taunted us, "New Route for F train! Less crowding!" Eight being my lucky number, it was the eighth train (and now I'm certain I know what "F" stands for) that we managed to squeeze on, and I was only a little over an hour late. My headache is back. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:52 AM | shower me with attention Tuesday, January 15, 2002
Solve for x.
1 sleepless night + 1 bout of sinus HELL + sleeping through alarm clock + not calling in + going on vacation next week x HOW many missed work days?? = X. X = ??? Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:19 PM | shower me with attention Monday, January 14, 2002
Two upcoming birthday extravaganzas in the beginning of February.
For the one, belated Christmas gifts, well-intentioned but poorly-constructed knitcraft, and chocolate egg creams. For the other, a glorious white cake decorated with a mosaic of rainbow-coloured M&Ms, crowned by a glorious Baby Jesus Buttplug. (Or, more likely, for both, apologies and promises to make it up to them at Midsummer.) Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:25 PM | shower me with attention
Is it wrong that I think it's highly awesome when she displays irritation at something?
Not that I want to irritate her, but, man, I love it when she gets angry. Or, rather, when she shows it. She's probably pissed at me right now for even saying this, but too polite to say anything. I'm unworthy of her friendship. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:43 PM | shower me with attention
There are more things in Heaven or Earth, Horatio, that are dreamt of in your Philosophy.
Witness. Today, as we were going over some new exciting piece of data, Arnold and I somehow got on the subject of Ogden Nash. Rather, he quoted Ogden Nash and then asked if I knew him, and I said I didn't. For no reason whatsoever, I swear upon it, I just now remembered a poem that my dad used to read to us when we were wee. It was in a big green-trimmed book, maybe The Oxford Treasury of Children's Poems. (I wonder if we still have it?) It was about a dragon named Custard. Overcome by nostalgia, I did a websearch on it, of course. I suppose something about its author had sunk into my subconscious, because of course it was written by Ogden Nash. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:23 PM | shower me with attention
Back when Kirsten and I were friends...
Yeah, I've been looking through old pictures, but have I done any further work for Markland? Heavens, no! Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:09 PM | shower me with attention
This song, baby.
And this is how I discovered them. Listen and learn. (Yes, that's who you think it is.) Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:48 PM | shower me with attention
Did you want something? Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:38 AM | shower me with attention
What, that didn't happen in real life?
The difference between the dream world and the waking world for me is that when I'm asleep, I can fly. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:34 AM | shower me with attention
Yes, well, I'd long planned to amend the drawing (which was made for a tee-shirt, you know) to include a transfer for the back of "alpha males"; the problem being that there are five boils, by my count, and I don't have pictures of all of them.
Love the Rosie. Love the Lily. Love the monkey. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:23 AM | shower me with attention
I am officially obsessed with Plants and Birds and Rocks and Things and play it on a continuous loop. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:17 AM | shower me with attention
I usually ignore my sister's weirdness and that of her friends, but I happened to glance over her shoulder last night and saw this, and I nearly bust a gut laughing. (It was drawn by her friend Liz Cheng, whose other work can be viewn by clicking the link.)
Hilarious. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:15 AM | shower me with attention Sunday, January 13, 2002
I feel the need to add that none of the classes list below satisfy any of my core requirements (perhaps linguistics does, but I don't think so) and unless I end up majoring in English, they won't help me with my intended major (which I've always thought will be anthropology, but how can that be when I never seem to get off my ass and transfer those BASIC anthro credits from Columbia?)
What is wrong with me? Seriously. Why are you in Tavie's head? 6:16 PM | shower me with attention
A rare weekend spent at home (as opposed to home) means a weekend of too much sleeping and too much eating, with the inevitable side of guilt.
Watched Castaway because it was on. ("Look what I have created! An unnecessary film!") Some good news in the form of Steph being able to go with us to Disney World after all! She's flying home early, but, dammit, this is a bit of brilliance on the part of my clever mom, finding a one-way fare back to NYC for forty-four dollars so Steph can come back and register for classes she doesn't want to take. Speaking of classes, I am still 3 credits short of being a full-time student next semester, but I procrastinate. Since I still haven't gotten my anthro credits transferred, I am once again saddled with a semester of classes I'm not terribly interested in taking but will anyway because I have to take something. So I'll be learning about:
So, that's that. I still need three more credits to get health insurance, so I guess I'll have to do something about that. There's an honours course called "Language and Knowledge" that I really want to overtally on, so if I'm real lucky I'll be taking that in the place of Modernist Poetry. Does anyone care? Well, if you post your schedules I'll pretend to care about that, too. This computer is so goddamned slow that I never want to look through my disks for stuff for this, or really do much of anything on it. Now for a bubble bath. Why are you in Tavie's head? 6:07 PM | shower me with attention ![]() Take the Which Hedwig and the Angry Inch Character am I? Quiz Check out the Hedwig and the Angry Inch web site. Poll created by jsmusic Dammit, I wanted Yitzhak. I was too honest about my lack of a penis. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:59 AM | shower me with attention |