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Thursday, December 19, 2002
Following Jen Pardilla's example, I went through this list and pulled out all the phobias I suffer from.
I don't understand how this one can be on there: Zemmiphobia- Fear of the great mole rat. and yet nothing about tree sloths or holocaust/explosions. Anyway, my list: Agateophobia- Fear of insanity. Agliophobia- Fear of pain. Agoraphobia- Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like markets. Fear of leaving a safe place. Allodoxaphobia- Fear of opinions. Anuptaphobia- Fear of staying single. Apeirophobia- Fear of infinity. Arsonphobia- Fear of fire. Atychiphobia- Fear of failure. Carcinophobia- Fear of cancer. Catagelophobia- Fear of being ridiculed. Coitophobia- Fear of coitus. Coulrophobia- Fear of clowns. Decidophobia- Fear of making decisions. Diabetophobia- Fear of diabetes. Didaskaleinophobia- Fear of going to school. Dishabiliophobia- Fear of undressing in front of someone. Emetophobia- Fear of vomiting. Enosiophobia or Enissophobia- Fear of having committed an unpardonable sin or of criticism. Ereuthrophobia- Fear of blushing. Ergophobia- Fear of work. Hypengyophobia or Hypegiaphobia- Fear of responsibility. Obesophobia- Fear of gaining weight Social Phobia- Fear of being evaluated negatively in social situations. |