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Saturday, July 13, 2002
Back at Heathrow and another sluggish internt kiosk. I'll be home in about 8 hours. Gee.

Yesterday was hellish. I got to the airport in Stockholm late, and off the bus at the wrong terminal. Thinking it would be easier to walk across the airport rather than find the shuttle (idiot!), I dragged my 30-kilo (What's tha? 65 pounds? Weight of a fifth grader?) suitcase and various other bulky bags through endless hallways. When I got to the broken lift I almost started to cry, but did not cry, somehow managed to drag the bags up two flights of stairs. That's when I began to feel the fact that I hadn't eaten anything all day except a bowl of yogurt and some peanuts. Was fed a snack on the plane, none of which I could eat except the middle of a sandwich. Got to Heathrow and the shuttles weren't running, and when the cabbie found out I was only going to an airport hotel he got all mad and refused to help me lift my suitcase out of the cab, despite the big tip I gave him for the suspiciously high fare. I don't remember London taxi meters clicking up so quickly...

When I was checked in and collapsed in my room, my mom called and I burst into tears and sobbed at her for a few minutes. Then I went downstairs into the night and walked half a mile down the road to the 24-hour McDonald's I remembered passing in the expensive cab ride. There I purchased food that is not part of my diet plan. I took it back to my room and ate it while watching Boys on the Side on the tv. I refuse to regret it. I was weak and miserable and needed to eat and I will not allow this incident to dampen my progress.

I'll be home soon and see my family, who will give me food I can eat and hug me.