Patton Oswalt

New Jersey for Democracy
Huffington Post
Democracy for America
Sam Seder Show
Center for American Progress
Habitat for Humanity

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  • Besides, I wasn't wearing any pants, and that's al...
  • Had such a great wekend. Tara and Nicole are a bla...
  • Why the hell would Tavie think I wanted toilet pap...
  • Somethings going on that I don't understand. Appar...
  • My day: 3 loads of laundry, dishes washed, cat it...
  • Deeeeeepressed. That is the word to discribe me. S...
  • I have been told to blog, right NOW, by Miss Tavie...
  • I have had a rough few days...I am not a happy cam...
  • After reading that Tavie left her phone here, I tu...
  • I was thinking about the place I lived in London t...
  • Thursday, May 30, 2002
    Today is really Memorial Day...I just found a stash of Odd tapes that Kitana made for me about 2 and a half years ago and that led me to memories of the Memorial weekend trip to toronto 2 years ago this week. I finally got the Odds in the form of a CD and Kitana, Erica, Tavie and I drove around the city sightseeing and singing along to Craig and the boys....I despaired of ever seeing a member of that group sing on a stage and now I have. I have also had a fantastc conversation with the man and he was so sweet and chatty and wonderful.
    I wish I had a clearer version of the video with Dave, Mark and Kevin. The one with Bruce is in fabulous condition and it is so fabulously creepy...I want to find it and watch it right now.