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Tuesday, April 30, 2002
The problem is that I have less friends in this city than I think I do. I have very many acquaintances, but precious few people I can call up after class when I don't want to go home yet but don't know what I actually want to do. The burden pretty much always falls on Erica, and so I've been trying to refrain from calling her every time I find myself outside of my school and restless for company and diversion. She does have her own life, doncha know.
Everyone else presents a problem. Steph is on Staten Island and so is Andrew; that's too far a jump for a moment's notice. Stupid Staten Island. Erin is on Long Island, also too far a jump unless she happens to be in the city. Matt and Goose, although not hopelessly far away, are living extraordinarily busy end-of-high-school lives and thus my conscience forbids idle contact. Gina is in Jersey and that's too big of a hassle after working all day. Poor Terry has his hands full of me at school; he shouldn't have to entertain me, too. Everyone else that comes to mind is either not close enough a friend for me to burden them with my company, or have fallen into low-contact mode, or have changed their phone numbers and issued restraining orders. That leaves Kirsten. Hello, sister. Hello, old friend. Let us cling to one another as we did in the womb. |