Patton Oswalt

New Jersey for Democracy
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  • Do you know that I have the best road trip buddies...
  • I could not work in the war room type deal that St...
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  • My day: Spent the early morning dealing with some...
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  • Telling me(through your blog) not to call you Stew...
  • You are 33% Canadian. You must be a foreigner, you...
  • Wednesday, April 17, 2002
    Haven't had much time to blog. Too busy with friends and Kids. I have met some nice people and I have been exposed to some nasty ones. One nasty one will not go away from my brain. A woman stepped all over me while I was sitting in my seat in the theater the other night. She wanted to speak to Tavie. She had never met her, she just recognized her. I might as well have been invisible. She leaned over me and waved her hands in my face and breathed her beer breath at me all the while ignoring the fact that I was sitting there. Anyone reading this who doesn't know me (not many I'm sure!), I hate when people invade my personel space, I don't like strangers to touch me or stand so close to me. Especially if I have bad vibes about them. I had to literally push her out of my way, so I could run up the aisle to the comfort of Cheryl, who is usually my wall against creepy vibe space invaders. I waited with her and Mike till Erica and Rich showed up. I figured the woman would move. She didn't. She told Erica she was just going to have to wait a minute. She told me the same thing when I arrived next to Erica. I leaned over to Steve, who was also invisible, and said loudly, "She needs to get the FUCK out of my space!" Steve said she did, indeed, need to get out of my space. She finally caught a clue and left.
    I felt bad that I left Tavie and Steve, but I actually feel physically ill when I freak out about people in my space. I had to move or cause a big scene, which would have upset Tavie and probably Steve. They are two good kind polite people and probably would not enjoy seeing me lose it in public.
    I wish I had the self control that Tavie has in these situations. She is always so good with people when they get in her face.