dave foley
mark mckinney

blogs i like:

barb cooking blog
boing boing
cartoon brew
gena/ deadly stealth frogs
jim hill
kids in the hall lj
matt k
mike t
post secret
sarah c
tea rose

webcomics i read:
american elf
american stickman
masque of the red death
the perry bible fellowship
toothpaste for dinner

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Tuesday, March 12, 2002
If one more person complains, on their blog, about how much their blog sucks, I will become cross-eyed with anger.

People: I blog about knitting, boiled water, and what I've eaten. And my blog is riveting. Yes, that's right, riveting. You're riveted to it right now, aren't you? You think I'm descending into madness and you have front-row seats.

I have descended into madness and it made my face very red and puffy and sticky. Right now my face is smooth, cool and paste-coloured. So I know I am not mad.

And now, for the fun stuff: knitting, boiled water, and what I'm eating:

  • I've made two whole baby booties and they are mighty cute. I am mighty proud of me.

  • I have not scalded my belly today with anything, but I did take a bath that was very hot and scalded my feet.

  • Not eating anything at the moment, thank you very much.

  • Today I woke up and learned that Today was The Day That People Want to Talk About September 11th. But I slept most of the day and, thankfully, missed that fun-fest. However, later on, after it was dark, the sister and I went downstairs to see if we could see the light-monument. We could see it very nicely, and were appropriately chilly and solemn as we looked at it. From our angle a plane appeared to fly through it, which was eerie enough for one evening, thank you very much.

    I also marveled at what a beautiful view it is in front of the river at night. We are lucky to live on the west (Manhattan) side of the island. We should really have our blinds open more often because it's a beautiful city that we live in.

    The one thing I really miss about work is the fast computer. I find that I do not have the patience to sit at this lumbering dinosaur and read blogs. I will likely save most blogs to read on weekends from Gina's fast computer.

    I am watching my DVD of Into the Woods now.

    And take extra care with strangers
    even flowers have their dangers
    and though scary is exciting
    "nice" is different than "good"

    This is every other blog that I read:
    Wah wah, my blog sucks, wah wah, I am so boring.
    This is my blog:
    Wah wah, everyone says their blog sucks, wah wah, I am so boring.

    Pooooop! Only a dolt would exchange a cow for beans! To bed without any supper for you!