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Sunday, March 31, 2002
Every time I say the word "poop" Gina scolds me. I find that very funny.

The Kids in the Hall are gods.

Ummmmmmm. Blaaah. I wrote a long post on the newsgroup and I don't feel like talking about it anymore tonight. But I wanted to blog something else.

I can't believe how short our time with Ade and Kitana was. I miss them twice as much as I did before. There was this amazing moment last night in our hotel room where we're all just crowded around in a big loving heap, watching bonobos (chimp-like apes) at the zoo on the viewscreen of Ade's tiny little video camera. It was a perfect moment.

My other favourite moment was when we were picking up our tickets for the London show. It was late afternoon and there was that really lovely golden sunshine coming in the glass doors, and suddenly Mark was in front of us. He'd spotted us from in the theatre and had to come over to chat. And also, I can't be "mad" at him about the StarTV thing anymore because at the HMV signing he said, rather urgently, that he had to speak to me about something on the newsgroup.

"I didn't do it!" I said.

"Nononononononono, it's not that, I was misquoted on the newsgroup. I need to you to clear my name."

Although I was curious, at this point there were a hundred fans behind me with their time to have their DVDs signed growing perilously short, so I said, "Well.... email me," knowing full well that he would never remember to. But I'm going to ask him next time I see him, because I really want the name-clearing to be about that Star TV thing that we all had such fun bitching about recently.

Himelfarb exclaimed, "Tahvie!" when he saw me. I think he does it on purpose to piss me off. He's a funny man. (Did my dryness come across there?)

Oh. Gina is an amazing driver.

Cheryl took a picture of my tattoo but will she actually install the software for her digital camera so she can upload it?

I showed the tattoo to Crissy, which was really fun.

I didn't actually expect Matt to cry when he got his tattoo. Sheesh. And he's much braver than I, for his tattoo is much bigger than mine, from the sound of it. He's brave. I'm a big nelly bottom.

Big nelly bottom, big nelly bottom! Can you use that phrase as a verb? "Stop big nelly bottoming and come help me lift this amp!" Hm.

School tomorrow. Bleagh.