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masque of the red death
the perry bible fellowship
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Thursday, February 28, 2002
Today, I am feeling ambitious. I am going to respond in some way to every blog on the list to the left.

Ade is back! I want to note here that when I think of Yoko Ono, I think of three people, in this order:
1. Ade
2. Paul
3. John Lennon

Steve:Although I have never seen the show "227", I have been thinking about it for days. Specifically, I think about it when I sing the following song to myself (which is often):

Jackée, hey-hey-hey!
Jackée, hey-hey-hey!

Over and over.

Barb: I hate spam too, and I always kill a chain letter.

Beth: I can't believe TMBG won a Grammy. Do I have to start respecting the Grammies now? Good god.

Beth: I don't find you boring. I wish everyone would stop second-guessing themselves when it comes to blogging. I thrive on other people's minutiae.

Boing Boing: Thank god for you.

Cheryl: Valentine's Day is OVER! Say something new.

Djin: You're sick. Get better. Stop taking those online quizzes and get back into bed.

Aggie: I really love a lot of the I Am Sam soundtrack, and really loathe some tracks on it.

erin: In god's name, COME BACK.

Gina: You no like-a the word picture I painted of you? Too bad, there will surely be even more graceful ones to come. ;)

Gleebs: That song, that "I've got sunshine in a bag" song has been in my head for days. I somehow blame you.

Goose: Your teacher is stalking you. There's only room for one Goose stalker and that's me. Sign my Goosed Book already.

Jen: Where the hell are you? Karaoke convention? Kidnapped? What the dilly?

Jess: I'm always tired in the A.M. too. I got to work PRETTY MUCH on time today and the person who complained about my lateness was LATE.

Jodi: I love your class notes. I love other people's class notes. I love my old class notes. So far T.S. Eliot and Langston Hughes are neck-and-neck in the poll, although by this point I'm pretty certain I'm doing William Carlos Williams. I don't know why. He has the same birthday as my dad. Why not.

Kat: You're coming to New York. Please blog before you do.

Kitana: It is very reassuring that the professors recognize your obvious superiority to the other students. This gives me hope for the future of the world.

KITHblog: Roll.

Lannie: Very glad to hear your grandmother's okay.

Linn: Jag vill ha du fitta. (NO NO NO EW NO EW.)

Matt: It's been 12 hours and you still haven't explained the Daniel thing. What have you been doing, sleeping or something? Pathetic.

Mike: You haven't blogged your news, but I am so proud of you, honey.



I am 67% CANADIAN!!!

(Take the Canadian-ness test)

Rynn: Lur dee dur dee bork bork bork!

sarah: See erin.

sarah c: Once upon a time in a far off kingdom there lived a young maiden, a sad young lad, a childless baker and his wife. The poor girl's mother had died and her father had taken for his new wife a woman with two daughters of her own. All three were fair of face but vile and black of heart...

serra: I secretly want to see The Princess Diaries because I hate it so very much. Same thing with Shallow Hal. I am so very against these movies, I loathe the very idea of them with so much of my being, that I really want to see them.

Steph: Intervention-as-excuse-for-family-reunion? Sometimes I'm glad my family is so very small.

Tara: Ou est la Trask love?

Toronto Steph: Hello, Punky. You're the last person on my list and I'm too exhausted to think of anything to say. How's "Crime and Punishment: The Musical" coming?

Wow, that was really exhausting. I am never doing that again.