Goth Sunshine
Words from a walking contradiction.

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Tuesday, January 01, 2002
my goals for this year are simple, so far...lose weight and get my own apartment again. the latter may take some time because i want to move to new york city when i get another apartment. but that will be hard to do with my bad credit. and i thought i made decent money but after looking at requirements for renting an apartment (at least in Manhattan) one seems to need muy lucrative employment to live there. losing weight seems easy by comparison...and i've struggled with that since puberty : P

a bad case of verbal diarrhea from Cheryl 11:57

last night was one of the best new year's in recent memory. and it was so simple. great company, great champagne and the hint of possibility that this year will be better than last. plus, these goils are funny when they're drunk...i mean, how does one fall down steps when one is *sitting* on them?

a bad case of verbal diarrhea from Cheryl 11:47

happy belated birthday, goose! it would have been on time but with the frequency with which *I* blog...well, you know.

i'm going to be evil...when discussing our meal options for new year's eve, tavie suggested, in honor of goose's birthday, that we (not including myself for obvious reasons) partake in roast *goose*..........roast GOOSE!!!!!! she tried to defend this by explaining that it would be an homage of sorts. i think she confused the words homage with effigy.

plus, all the goils here would look at their vaginas in a mirror...if given the time...and mirror............and an assload of alcohol.

a bad case of verbal diarrhea from Cheryl 11:39

Sunday, December 30, 2001


Take the Which Beatle Are You? Quiz.

a bad case of verbal diarrhea from Cheryl 17:11