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Saturday, December 15, 2001
Today I was mean to the incredibly adorable John Cameron Mitchell as he signed my Tavie Hedwig mix, because I am always mean to people I find really, really attractive.
Good times. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:43 PM | shower me with attention Friday, December 14, 2001
I wish she could see how needless that all is. I know very most perfectly well how very most utterly unneedless it feels right now, but in a week, month, year, five, ten, not only everyone she's ever met, but even she, herself, will see the larger truth outside the smaller one, and understand why people weep--no lie, ask Kitana, I'm sure she noticed-- at her writing and thank whatever deities they believe in that they know her.
I can't articulate this properly. Intellectually, she understands. Emotionally, in time. (I will always love the maiden who got away; and I the far-off prince; and I, Milky White...) Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:17 PM | shower me with attention
Yes. Yes, but of course. Were it not so, they would have lost whatever credibility they had ever had for me.
I still feel the pride, though. My little love. Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:34 PM | shower me with attention
Boingboing is seriously my new god. I get more and more addicted to it every day.
Today, this caught my attention while I was reading this. I cannot stop laughing. As it happens, I discovered Boingboing through Sarah C, which reminds me that I forgot to blog about my presentation yesterday. And I feel I must, for my own personal records. Therefore I will simply paste my tale from an email to my friends. I finally gave my feminism "presentation" today. (Backstory: Everyone in the class had to give a three-minute talk and summary of the one paper we had to write. It's on a pass/fail basis: if you do it, you pass.) It was all supposed to be done within two class periods, but that stretched out to three, and still my turn didn't come, even after we'd completely abandoned the idea of going alphabetically, and I got more and more nervous because even though I'm comfortable with the class and it was very informal, it's still standing up in front of people and pretending to know what I'm talking about. (Which I never do. Ever. No matter what the subject. Even if the subject is what I had for breakfast.) So the agony today, the third class period of presentations, the last class before the final, and finally we get to the end of the class time and six people haven't gone, one of whom was me. And the prof suggested that we squeeze the last six in next week, AFTER the final. And I'm thinking, "Oh my GOD, not AGAIN, I can't STAND it!" when this girl who I've liked since day one because she reminds me of Sarah C in appearance and attitude, objected very reasonably to the Prof on the grounds that the people who hadn't gone yet (and she was the first person to present) would be too nervous during the exam, thinking about still having to do their presentation. So, finally, everyone who had to leave left, and a few very cool people stuck around, and the last six people did their presentations. And I kept thinking, "I'll be next, I'll finally be next, next one HAS to be me..." I went last, of course. By that point it was so informal, I was sitting behind the desk and just talking to the people left, NONE of whom had to be there anymore (since, of course, everyone had presented already.) It was after class, everyone was tired, everyone had heard the same tired topics over and over, and these cool people still sat and listened to my presentation. I feel very good about school right now. Especially that great Sarah-C-like girl. {g} Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:13 PM | shower me with attention
WOO HOO!!!! Let the sing-alongs begin! (Or continue. I can't shut up lately. People have been very nice about it.) Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:56 PM | shower me with attention
Lately my mom has been getting really into Kevin Smith movies. Being a very recent Kevin Smith fan myself, I have applauded this, and been secretly proud of the fact that she seems to enjoy the movies even more than I do myself. (She was the only one of us to go see Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. She went alone. She has a crush on Silent Bob.) Last night as we were serving ourselves dinner, she was telling me how much she'd enjoyed watching Chasing Amy a few nights previous. We began discussing the few Kevin Smith movies we'd seen (um... Clerks... Chasing Amy... Dogma...) and I said, "There was one I didn't like, though."
"Which one was that?" "I hated Mallrats." "Oh, yes," agreed my mom. "That movie was wack. Would you like some apple sauce with that?" "Excuse me?!" I shrieked. "WHAT did you just say??? Did you say that movie was WACK?" She nodded, looking vaguely pleased with herself. "It was wack." "As in, 'Yo, that movie was wack, yo'?" I cried. She nodded in reply, taking her plate to her chair. I stood there, holding my plate and sputtering. "Are you trying to-- are you trying to adopt the vernacular of the current youth?" "Yes," she admitted. "But-- no one-- no one even-- are you an early 90's gangsta rapper?!" "Yes," she deadpanned. That's when I began to scream. I'm screaming still. -- In more distressingly cute mom news, she had a day off today and went by herself to see the Big Apple Circus. I find that so sweet, and sort of sad. A fifty-one year old woman is, at this very moment, sitting alone in a big tent surrounded by small children, none of which are her own, munching a pink cloud of sugary fluff and laughing at the antics of (the, I admit, legendarily great) Grandma Clown. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:14 PM | shower me with attention Thursday, December 13, 2001
This is so not right. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:26 PM | shower me with attention
There's this guy, he reminds me of Toby on "The West Wing", but I don't know why except that they both have a beard, he teases me whenever he walks by because I'm always jumping back and forth between desks, so he teases me that I must be a twin.
I love that guy. I love that he doesn't believe that I really am a twin. That guy rules. How sad it will be when I have only one desk. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:22 PM | shower me with attention
I think this is the first post ever to the newsgroup.
Am I spending too much time on this? Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:14 PM | shower me with attention
Ooh, here's a good one. Early backlash against Buddy Cole. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:35 PM | shower me with attention
RuFUS! Stop being so good! TAVIE GOTS TO PEE! Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:39 PM | shower me with attention
Sometime between 12:43 and 12:44 p.m. today I actively began hating music criticism for no discernable reason.
Music criticism is the most useless, pretentious thing on earth. And I say that simply because I don't understand it at all. However, at 1:09 p.m. this radio station began playing, in full, an album by Rufus Wainright called "Poses", voted by their listeners as no. 6 of the year. I am currently held captive by it, unable to tear my ears away long enough to get lunch or pee, and have decided that I must own it. I don't want to know what music critics thought of it, either. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:26 PM | shower me with attention
So funny. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:43 AM | shower me with attention
I feel so full of joy and peace and relief when Kitana is here. I cannot wait until the weekend, when the three of us will get a Christmas tree, get a new DVD player (with cash, FUCK YOU, VISA! FUCK YOUUUUUU!), change into our pajamas, decorate a Christmas tree, and watch Hedwig, and work on Mark (Heh, heh, work on Mark) all weekend. Oh, yes. And sleep, sleep, sleep. Oh, baby.
Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:35 AM | shower me with attention Wednesday, December 12, 2001
And, to my own horror, this thread is almost my first post ever on Usenet. (My actual first post is not archived, for some reason, but the first post in this thread is a response to it, and quotes it.)
Frightening. September 02, 1994. I make my first post to the now-defunct alt.comics.elfquest (now rec.arts.comics.elfquest), and am almost immediately deemed "adorable", which theretofore cements my obsession with posting stupid things to newsgroups. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:59 PM | shower me with attention
I really find pre-newsgroup discussions of the Kids fascinating. I may collect the threads and read them later for my personal enlightenment.
It's funny that it actually feels like I'm reading real, valid, textbook-worthy history here. It's just early fan responses on the internet, but considering how much of my life since my early teens has been devoted to fan responses of this show on the internet, this stuff really feels significant to me. I suppose it's silly. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:22 PM | shower me with attention
In a similar vein, here is the first ever "which ones are gay?" thread, also the first ever usenet post to mention our specific "dave foley".
Isn't this fun? And this is the first post I can find from the newsgroup. It doesn't look like the first ever post, though. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:14 PM | shower me with attention
Because I've no desire to pursue actual work at the moment, I've been combing Google and seem to have stumbled upon the first ever usenet post to mention the Kids in the Hall.
1988, man. A quote in a sig from the pilot. I feel geek-awe of an almost religious nature. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:48 AM | shower me with attention
Swedish ice-rock? I want some. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:17 AM | shower me with attention
I officially welcome Cheryl's hip-replacement and travelling roommate, Mike, to my list of blogs at left.
There, wasn't that nice and official? I love Mike because he's a fellow-coffee drinker and always remembers to get me some when he goes out, and also because he stares, open-mouthed, like a child, when the K-Mart blue light commercial comes on, and when he sees "Scooby Doo: Stagefright!", and also because he and my goth sunshine take care of one another. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:21 AM | shower me with attention
I promise not to hit, pumpkinface, but I don't promise not to tickle.
-- SO. They're officially moving my desk over there for good. I'm filling out the TSR (Technology! Service! Request!) right now. It will be ever so much more difficult to slack off and play games over there. I feel extremely sorry for myself right now. -- AND. I am pissed because we never got to my presentation last night in Feminism, which means that I have to prolong the agony until Thursday, when I will finally be allowed to get up, stand behind a portable podium, shuffle and shift, and pepper my dry-mouthed stream of "um"s and "er"s with the occasional badly-articulated fact, for exactly three minutes. -- Fuck, I can't believe they're making me move my desk. It's so nice and private over here. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:16 AM | shower me with attention Tuesday, December 11, 2001
Really amazing sunset out there. I wish I had a camera, and the ability to take a decent picture. Bright red ball out there. You almost want to bounce it. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:21 PM | shower me with attention
You're on your honour 'Cause I'm a goner and you haven't even begun. So do me a favor: If I should waver, be my savior and get out the gun. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:49 PM | shower me with attention
See what happens when I try to make something up?
Nothing. Nothing happens. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:37 PM | shower me with attention
Today I invented a machine that will make it possible for people to turn their farts into fuel for their car. I saved my boss and three little puppies from a burning building and gave a homeless woman a big kiss on the ear, for which she punched me squarely in the nose. After that I went to China and rode a three-person bicycle along the Great Wall with character actors Michael Jeter and the late William Hickey. We sang Clash songs and afterwards we rode to a little inn and had oolong tea and Pez. William Hickey told us about the afterlife and we made him do his scene from "The Producers" with us. (I played the Zero Mostel character and Michael played Gene Wilder's character.) We did the part where they all sing "By the Light of the Silvery Moon", only my voice was very nasal because my nose was still swollen from the homeless woman punching me. But William Hickey was famous for having a nasal voice, and Michael Jeter ain't no Barry White, so it was okay. It was hell getting back from China but I brought everyone souveniers.
My life is very exciting and you should be envious at how full and interesting my days are. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:36 PM | shower me with attention
Fucking hell. I got this story from Boing Boing. Kitana, being way hipper than I'll ever be, mentioned something about it to me and I remember seeing some girl on a subway platform knitting (I mean, some girl that wasn't me), but now it appears that it's a real movement that I am not cool enough to be a part of. That's right: I'm not cool enough to knit.
Well, fuck you, you knitster-hipsters! Coincidentally, I wore my First Ever Finished Piece (from last winter-- the scrambled-egg scarf) today, because it was cold. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:32 PM | shower me with attention
You see what happens when I try to make something up?
Nothing. Nothing happens. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:23 PM | shower me with attention
Holy mother of crap. Google's archives now stretch back to 1981, and I just found my first post ever on the newsgroup. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:31 PM | shower me with attention
Today I have to stand up in front of my feminism class and talk for three minutes about John Stuart Mills' harm/offense distinction as it relates to pornography, and child pornography in particular. I wish it was over already. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:05 PM | shower me with attention
Santy Claus put me on the good list this year, and rewarded me richly by sending one of his elves with a gift for me. The elf presented me with something I've wanted for months now, ever since I first got the Hedwig movie soundtrack: Hedwig Super-Compilation (Distillation) of my favourite versions of the songs from both the OCR and the soundtrack. Getting it was a beautiful, touching surprise.
I just finished listening to it for the first time, just as I was finishing a big pile of work: one more miracle of Christmas. (Or just really good timing.) It is bliss. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:59 AM | shower me with attention
I just unthinkingly signed an email to a coworker with a "T." That ought to be confusing, seeing as they only know me as Octavia around here. I wonder what they will think "T" is supposed to stand for. Tepid?
Here's that spreadsheet you wanted. Tepid That would be a good name for me, really. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:28 AM | shower me with attention
There is no recourse but to be a spaz. My hobbies include dribbling saliva down my chin, twitching and freaking out. I am sleepy, as I always am. When I am not sleepy, I want to be sleepy.
One should not be thrust cruelly back into cold work after a weekend of warmth. Being with my goils is like, I was reflecting upon this last night, it is like how Meg feels in A Wrinkle in Time when she meets Aunt Beast. There was an apt phrase, "lapped in love". (No, not like that, you salacious motherfuckers.) I wish I was back in bed with my nap partner. This desk is so uncomfortable for snoozing. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:18 AM | shower me with attention Monday, December 10, 2001
Christmas is coming... Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:49 PM | shower me with attention Sunday, December 09, 2001
The weekend is proving magical: we walked around in the rain for years lasts night and saw his magnificence (although Crissy was absent!!!), not to mention having a lengthy dinner with Jesus and Buddha, during which I misbehaved horribly, to my own amusement, but all along there was no Rynn and it seems a very unfair world, so inconveniently arranged.
Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:31 PM | shower me with attention |