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Friday, November 02, 2001
Someone keeps refilling those damn candy baskets! Every time I walk by, there is new and tantalizing candy waiting to be taken! Goddammit! I am strong, I am powerful, I once threw my sister into a bookcase! They will NOT succeed in breaking me!
HALLOWEEN IS OVER, PEOPLE!!! Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:17 PM | shower me with attention
They found my first Dragonrealms account, from years ago ('96? '97? From way back when it was on AOL) and my character is still there! Yeah baby! Shycloud Foleylove lives again! (SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP) I can't wait to get to Gina's house and play. Damn you, firewall! Damn you! {/geekspeak} Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:09 PM | shower me with attention
Trois mots:
Steve est Dieu. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:02 PM | shower me with attention
Um. Where did all my archives go? Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:40 AM | shower me with attention
C'mon... c'mon... Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:53 AM | shower me with attention
Apparently yesterday my hosting place was having "DNS issues" that are supposed to be resolved now.
Let's see if I can blog. Yesterday, yesterday. Servers at work were down (what's going on with everyone??) and me and Jason had to suffer through... THE RETURN OF COMPUTER GRAVEYARD INVENTORY! (dum dum DUMMM) Just when you thought it was safe to go back to work...! Ah, it was okay. Then I pretty much goofed off for the rest of the day. Got a couple calls from Djin, in Atlanta, where she and Amy and Steve were going to see Jim Millan's new stage show of Scooby Doo (co-penned by the incredible Mark McKinney), and I was all happy and jealous and I can't wait to see this show (fun for ALL AGES!) And Djin finally got to meet Jim, and I was name-dropped, which makes me giddy, and so that was all pretty sweet. I guess that's about it. Oh. Wait. Okay. I resubscribed to Dragonrealms. I'm weak. I tried playing last night and was amazed at how much I'd forgotten. And also {geekspeak} it was kind of dismaying to be only a 2nd circle empath when I had once been 10th circle, powerful... now I'm back at level 2 and have to learn everything all over just like a baby... sigh... {/geekspeak} I had to vent. Us computer RPG geeks (::cough Thursday, November 01, 2001
Okay, now I can see my web page but it won't update.
What the fuckety fuck fuck fuck? Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:27 PM | shower me with attention
Eh??? Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:25 PM | shower me with attention
I know no one can read this, including me, but OHHH. GROAN. Why did I give up sugar and starch four days before Halloween? I made it through yesterday all right because Kirsten got crappy candy like I asked her to, but today... at work... there are big bowls of free candy, and it's good candy. Reese's Peanut Butter cups kind of good. There are big plates of Halloween cookies. They look really yummy.
This is day four of my abstinence. I am proud. Who needs candy when I can have lukewarm mineral water? Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:26 PM | shower me with attention
Why can't I get into my damn website today? I can't be out of space again. Fucking Hostsave. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:58 PM | shower me with attention
Did I mention that I love the Onion?? Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:40 AM | shower me with attention
This morning when I stepped out into the hallway I found by the window nearer my apartment a little bird in a frenzy of little flapping wings desperately flying himself into the glass, over and over. He was just a few inches to the left from the opening where he could fly out, but he didn't seem to get it.
I went back in and told my mom, for it was a novelty, and also because I felt sorry for the little guy. She had no ideas and I was late for work so I left again, walked down to the elevator, and found the bird at the far window, going through the same thing. I put my hands on my hips. "Bird," I said, "why don't you just fly out?" And right after I said that, he found the opening, and did. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:07 AM | shower me with attention Wednesday, October 31, 2001
Steve reported news about the upcoming "Into the Woods" revival, which in itself is very exciting.
But VANESSA WILLIAMS? BLEAAAAAAAGH! Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:05 PM | shower me with attention
A smiling man just stopped at my desk. "Hello. You wouldn't by chance be Kelly, would you?"
A smiling Tavie looks up. "No, I'm sorry, I'm not." A smiling man walks away. A frowning Tavie thinks, I should be Kelly. And is actually sorry that she is not Kelly. Please, be just a little more pathetic. Just a little more, and you'll have enough to cash in for the fabulous Loser Prizes. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:47 AM | shower me with attention
Happy Halloween.
Last night I had to leave a chat early because crazy images like the afterimages you get from staring at light started swimming around in front of my eyes. Kirsten suggested eyestrain. I think she's right, I did do five hours at the computer at work yesterday without stopping. I developed a headache when I went to bed and Kirsten brought me Ibuprofin and ginger ale and she rubbed my head. How sweet is that? My teeth hurt thinking about it. Anyhow, I definitely need to get the ole peepers checked out. Dreamed about anthrax last night. Scary. Halloween is sad this year. A lot of stuff is sad this year. Today is my parents' 31st wedding anniversary. I hope we watch Arsenic and Old Lace tonight. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:50 AM | shower me with attention Tuesday, October 30, 2001
I have a habit of standing at a certain place when I take the subway the one stop from Lexington Avenue to Roosevelt Island. I do this because in the evenings, when I'm usually returning home from classes, the elevator at the Roosevelt Island stop tends to be crowded, and I know that if I stand in a certain spot I'll be sure to get on the elevator, which is faster than taking all those escalators up to the surface.
Today I stepped on the train, barely registering an older woman who was leaning against the pole in front of the subway doors. I stepped in front of the subway doors, and heard her muttering from behind me to someone standing next to her something about "disrespectful white people" and "a certain kind of people" and other nasty, racist things. I resisted the urge to turn around and glare at her but I saw her glaring at in the reflection of the subway doors, and heard her laughing nastily. What the fuckety fucking fuck is the matter with some people? I didn't even touch her; I merely stepped in front of her. How does that make me disrespectful in any way? That old bitch. I don't even think she even knew the person next to her, who happened to be another older black woman, because the other woman didn't respond and they didn't leave the station together. So, I get on the minibus to take me the one stop to my building (okay, so I'm lazy, so?), and I'm fuming, and I get off the bus and notice that that old bitch got off the bus, too. And as I'm crossing the street towards my building, I heard her hiss something at me. I didn't understand what it was, but I swear it conveyed the image of a witch casting a hateful curse. Some fucking people. Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:30 PM | shower me with attention
I need to formulate a dream already. What would I like to do? What would I be good at?
Nothing involving talking to people. That cuts down the choices considerably. There is no "professional hermit". Oh, wow. Just as I typed that, I looked down at the newspaper and read the headline: A City Dweller Chooses the Life of Religious Hermit. Okay... so, nothing religious, then. And every job involves talking to some people... but there are differing degrees of required interaction depending on the field, yes? So, have I narrowed down the choices at all? Too much? I still have no ideas what I could pursue. Please, suggestions. All that I need now is someone with the brains and the know-how to tell me what I want anyhow... Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:44 AM | shower me with attention
The paper is written. The subject is closed. It is morning. There is work. We are spoiled babies living fat and spoiled lives. The lives are soft and sweet and rotten. Enjoy them. Not everyone has desks and hot beverages and loving families and several spare chins. Mmm, coffee. Mmm, work. Mmmbop. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:35 AM | shower me with attention
Gina reports:
I was told that the schools in my area have sent letters home telling parents not to take the kids out trick or treating, to go to local shops or have home parties only. They said they are afraid someone will do something... No trick-or-treating for the kids? Aw, man. That really does suck. Don't eat ALL the candy, though, Gina. Just the crappy candy. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:28 AM | shower me with attention Monday, October 29, 2001
I dreamed last night about meeting Goose, Matt, a bunch of their really cool school friends (in my dream they had really cool names and attitudes that are, in wakeland, completely gone now) and, for some reason, my sister, in a playground at night. In the dream, I broke down emotionally, curled up in a ball beneath the monkey bars and fell asleep. When I awoke, I found a giant sketchbook called "READ THIS". In it was a short dedication from Goose and Matt, and pages and pages of fantastical drawings by their friends and them. I was featured in several of the drawings, dressed as Robin Hood. My sister found me looking at the book and took me home.
Utterly strange. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:28 PM | shower me with attention
I have not even started reading the articles I downloaded as research for the paper due tomorrow. I am not one of those people who generally leaves papers-- even short ones like this, did I mention it's a short paper?--to the last minute, but there you have it.
I have, however, eaten out of a pumpkin. And built a scarecrow. Pretty good one. His name's Bartholemew. And my uncle has this sexy new Miata. All I had to say was, "Did anyone see the episode of NewsRadio where Jimmy James gives Matthew a bunch of cassettes for Christmas, and gets everyone else Miatas?" Big laughs. Can't wake up this mornin'. I'm going to try another experiment to see how long I can go without eating anything except coffee, water and Diet Coke. (My prediction: until 11:00 am. Sigh.) Jessica asks, Where have YOU been? That's a pretty good list. Me mum fancies the travel. I've been to various places in Florida a lot, but mostly Disney World. I've been to various places across the country, as we took a lot of cross-country Amtrak trips when I was a teenager. I've pretty much stayed in towns in every state in the Northeast, as well as towns in Tennessee and Virginia. I've spent a fair amount of time in D.C. I've been to New Orleans, San Antonio, the Grand Canyon, San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles, Seattle. I've been to Hawaii. Niiiiice there. I've been to Montreal, Quebec City, Toronto. I've spent a good amount of time in Ann Arbor. Spent about 10 minutes in Mexico once. Very depressing. I've been to London four or five times, and I like it a lot. Done Paris, Rome, daytrips to Florence. Did Brussels last year. Did a month in Australia visiting various towns. (Did some mighty fine pukin' in Adelaide.) I've been on three cruises to various Carribbean isles (I think), but I tended to stay in the cabin sleeping instead of exploring the islands during the day, for I am a lazy lima bean. That's all I can think of, but it's a pretty good list. I've done my share of bitching and moaning about being "dragged" to these places, but really, I'm a spoiled brat about it and I actually consider myself very lucky to be so well-travelled. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:49 AM | shower me with attention |