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Friday, October 26, 2001
I am off to my aunt and uncle's house in Westchester for a weekend of spooky Halloween fun (curiously devoid of paper-writing... I smell a late night Monday night, don't you?) and flaming autumnal scenery. (Or maybe brown, rotten autumnal scenery.) I shall gad about in my spooky black dress for no reason whatsoever, and make a scarecrow as I listen to that Scarecrow song from "The Wiz"-- that's right, "The Wiz"--and smell pumpkin pies baking and probably sit obligingly around while my uncle shows off something or other that his computer can do. (Unless he's reading this, in which case I will sit around delightedly as he demonstrates the marvels of his glorious, enviable technology! Exclamation point!)
But it's not yet 5 o'clock yet, you say? Oh, well. I won't tell if you won't tell. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:20 PM | shower me with attention
Motherfucker. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:41 PM | shower me with attention
Do you remember when you were in grade school and the entire class would act up, and as punishment the teacher would make everyone sit at their desks and do "busy work", like copying definitions out of the dictionary or something similarly pointless?
That's what work is. I just figured it out. I'm sitting here, typing in number and number, and I feel like a third grader being punished for throwing wads of paper. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:33 PM | shower me with attention
WASHINGTON, Oct. 25-- The Senate passed sweeping antiterrorism legislation today, sending President Bush a mesaure that would expand the government's ability to conduct electronic surveillance, detain immigrants without charges and penetrate money-laundering banks.
Italics are mine. Freezes my blood. I understand all the arguments for, but freezes my blood anyway. And it's not even as bad as they wanted it to be. ...the bill curtailed some of the tools Mr Ashcroft sought, reflecting concerns in both parties and houses that the administration proposal went too far. For example, it denied the administration the power to detain indefinitely and without charges immigrants suspected of involvedment in terrorism. The bill does expand the limit to seven days of detention, from two days, though under some circumstances that could be repeatedly extended by six-month periods. Jeez, they just wanted to set the Constitution on fire, didn't they? The bill denied the administration the power to use foreign wiretaps that would have been illegal in the United States. It also provides that authority for expanded surveillance of computers and telephones will expire after four years. The administration wanted permanent authority. For Chrissake. Thank heaven for small mercies. :P Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:12 AM | shower me with attention
I feel that a highly cliched ray of sunshine has penetrated my highly cliched veil of darkness.
::does the Matthew Brock dance, which is in no way appropriate since Matt is in no way anything like Andy Dick at all:: He's back! He's back! He's back where he belongs! ::falls over piano:: I cannot wait to see my little love in A Winter's Tale. Will pretty hair be there? Dare I hope? (Will my not-so-secret crush be there? Dare I dream?) ((Will I stop fawning over high schoolers and get back to work?)) (((No.))) Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:25 AM | shower me with attention
Steve sent me this link about the Klingerman thing.
I just want it known, I wasn't actually alarmed, but rather surprised to find this flier with the mail. I didn't start panicking and buying surgical gloves or anything. Just sayin'. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:15 AM | shower me with attention Thursday, October 25, 2001
I found this flier on the table with today's mail:
![]() WTF? Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:43 PM | shower me with attention
Fuck, I love the Onion. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:43 PM | shower me with attention
Something to tell.
I was reading one of the stories in The Fat Man in History (great book, really absorbing short stories) on the subway home from school on Tuesday night. It was called "Do You Love Me?", and it was about land, and buildings, and finally people just dematerializing. They'd start to fade and then just slowly disappear. I finished the story in the elevator up from the subway. It was one of those very foggy nights that I usually love because they swallow up the city so you can't see across the river or even, sometimes, the buildings right across the street. But having just finished the story and stepping out into this fog, it was extraordinarily creepy. The 59th street bridge was half-engulfed and I tried to imagine that the pieces I couldn't see weren't just encased in mist but actually weren't there. I stood there and stared at the bridge and tried really hard. I tried it with some of the buildings across the river, too-- couldn't see the tops of them. Tried to imagine they were just melting away. And I got the shivers, but I couldn't fully imagine it. That just doesn't happen, I thought. Buildings don't disappear from the top down. But it did happen. That scared me. I walked home real quickly after that. What you wanna go scaring yourself like that for? Stupid. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:28 AM | shower me with attention
Yesterday was bad.
Today is not shaping up so great, either. Once again, I arrived at the subway just as they were closing it off. Took the tram and got in on time, heading straight for the magazine store to buy Tylenol. This headache will not go away. Kept me up all night Tuesday and home from work Wednesday. The bad thing about having a headache on a warm day like today is that the need to wear my monstrous bulk of hair up off my neck necessitates my pulling it up in a heavy, tight ponytail that aggravates the pain in my head. I suppose between a sweaty neck and pounding temples the choice should be clear. But the ponytail remains, for I am a doofus. And to think, there are people in this world with real problems. I won't detail yesterday. Suffice it to say, I still have to hunt down math professor, but since I seemed to have passed that test, I'm thinking of not dropping math and feminism. Which means, yes, still have to write that paper. What is it with me and writing papers this semester? I haven't written a one and the thought of it makes my head hurt even more. Did I mention my computer was down when I got in this morning? The guy just came and fixed it... hence my writing this... I must get to work. Ere I go, I'll leave you with an excerpt from one of the company e-memos I read this morning: Earlier this week I wrote to you of an incident at our 4 New York Plaza facility in Manhattan. An employee, playing what he considered to be a practical joke, left an envelope containing harmless powder on the desk of a colleague. Alarmed employees in the area called our Corporate Security staff. The employee who committed the hoax has since been dismissed. In addition, since September 11, we have had to dismiss 13 other individuals, not only for inventing false anthrax scares, but also for communicating hateful comments, either through e-mail or verbally, directed at employees of Middle Eastern background. Don't we live in a wonderful world? Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:40 AM | shower me with attention Tuesday, October 23, 2001
Please forgive my faux pas, Steph. I thought another dog had entered your life, and actually remembered about Raisin and how terrible it was when she died. And I do like Miss Taves, can that be your special name for me now?
I use italics too much. Deal with it. I'm leaving here in half an hour, dammit. I shall hurtle myself towards the joy of having to get a professor or two to sign withdrawal slips. I wish I used alcohol or nicotine instead of food for comfort. A quicker death, but at least you stay pretty. I've tried to become addicted to alcohol or nicotine, but nothing takes except Saltines and Pop Tarts and things. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:58 PM | shower me with attention
The resurgence of school prayer in classrooms is pissing me off. I don't care how many arguments they make about the country being founded by "good, Christian men"; I don't care how many parents call in their support; I don't care how many lawyers "vow to defend any community whose postings of 'God Bless America' face a court challenge"; it is un-freakin-Constitutional to hold public prayers in classrooms and over public sports events.
No should public schools ban prayers over the intercom system, said Angela Maxfield, an emergency room nurse, because some children would otherwise never be exposed to Jesus. "There's a very large number of children who've never seen the inside of a church," she said. That's because their parents don't want them to, and the law protects that right, lady. Son of a... That's it. I don't read the newspaper NO MO'. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:30 PM | shower me with attention
Good article, Richard, but this:
Ideas are the easy part; those who ask "Where do you get your ideas from?" simply haven't looked around themselves. Ideas are all over the place.... ideas are easy... Bulllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. Shitttttttttttttttttttttttt. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:38 PM | shower me with attention
Awaken, you dreamers
asleep at your desks Parrots and lemurs populate your unconscious grotesques Please let some out do it today Don't let the loveless ones sell you a world wrapped in grey... And at the very least you can stand up naked and grin. I love XTC. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:22 AM | shower me with attention
Last night I went to get a withdrawal slip for my Children'ts Lit course and ended up getting four. (I'm taking four classes this semester.) I have filled them all out but have not decided whether or not to get the other three signed. I only have until next Monday to decide, but seeing as I haven't started that paper yet... I think I'm going to throw this semester away.
I haven't told my mom yet. The good thing about going to a city college is that the money loss is minimal. If I hand over all of the money I've made at this job, I should be able to pay my mom back. So much for my credit card bills. After obtaining the slips, I left the school building and stood outside watching the smokers smoke. I didn't want to go home yet because both my parents were there. I felt a sudden urge to get drunk, but I didn't want to go to a bar alone. I took out my cell phone and ran through the address book. Not home. Not home. In school. Studying. In Rhode Island. In New Jersey. In Michigan. In Toronto. Out having ice cream with his girlfriend. Wouldn't approve. In Staten Island. Gave up and went home and ate highly caloric junk. Fell asleep early. Is it November 10th yet? Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:15 AM | shower me with attention
Last night I dreamed I was Mr Creosote. At least that was his name in my dream; I can't remember if that was his name in Monty Python's Meaning of Life. Anyway, you know. And this morning I am reading a book of short stories by Peter Carey called The Fat Man in History. Do we sense a theme?
Yes, but such an odd theme. I am not a fat man. Now I should work. Delicious spreadsheet-y goodness awaits. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:45 AM | shower me with attention
I AM 33% GEEK. ![]()
Take the GEEK Test at Fuali.com! Courtesy of Gleebs. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:34 AM | shower me with attention Monday, October 22, 2001
WITHDRAW BEFORE THEN! Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:30 PM | shower me with attention
Okay. Four things, then, and I shall proceed with getting to work already so I don't get fired for surfing the internet all day.
1. Reading Goose's interview with my new secret gilfriend Georgia Hubley made me feel all kinds of things, but above all an intense yearning to be a high school student at Goose's school, and at a Yo La Tengo concert. 2. I scored 100 out of 180 on that lesbian test, meaning I am more than half lesbian. Surprising. I thought I would lean more towards heterosexuality, but online tests do know more about me than I do. 3. Apparently, no one is passionate about anything. This could just mean that no one who reads my blog is passionate about anything, due to the fact that reading my blog sucks all the zest for life out of everyone. Wow, I'm powerful. But, man, more people responded to my 84 Charing Cross reference than to my call for passionativity. (I just made up a word, you like?) 4. My paper is due in a week. My sense of impending doom looms larger by the hour. Help me pick a topic, will you? From what I can decipher from the topic list I hastily scrawled into my notebook, my choices are: -Child porn and John Stuart Mill's notions on harm/offense distinction -Feminism vs. Post-feminism and Does economic equality equal equality? (Huh? What'd I write there? Is that a separate topic?) -Beauty (What, just beauty in general? Sheesh. Wait, I think this one means I have to cite every single text we've read so far, and since I haven't read all of the texts, this may not be a good choice) -Birth control and abortion: religious aspects, when does the soul exist? etc. -Prostitution and international trafficking thereof (can we also use Mill's harm/offense stuff here, or is it only to be about forced prostitution/slavery, which is a different issue? Why am I asking my blog?) -Genital mutilation and relativism (fun for all!) Okay, so, apparently my notes make no sense. Also, we can't use internet sources, which means I have to drag my sorry ass to the library. Fuck, I'm not gonna get this done, am I? Okay, so help me decide... Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:41 AM | shower me with attention
Goddess, thy name is Iced Coffee.
Cold, bitter, creamy, silken queen of my tongue, caress my throat with your icy goodness. Maketh me to write bad poetry; leadeth me unto the path of wakefulness; for I shall dwell in the house of Juan Valdez for all the days of my lives, amen. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:00 AM | shower me with attention
And the excitement never stops around here. This morning I arrived at the subway station to find the turnstiles all blocked off with pink tape. Hoardes of people are being shooed away, are milling like addled cows over towards the Roosevelt Island tram station. The grapevine let it drop that there had been a bomb scare at 34th street, thereby closing the entire subway line. The only way off the island for subway commuters was by tram.
There are two tram cars, one always going to and one always coming from Manhattan. Their lawful capacity is no more than 126 persons. I'm not sure how much the average subway holds, but I am certian is substantially more than that. The lines for subway tokens (for the tram does not accept Metrocards) were not to be believed. I met my dad there; he decided to go home, but I pressed bravely forward, stufffing myself into a tightly packed tram car for three and a half minutes of sweaty companionship with cranky strangers. A good time was had by all. And I'm only about 45 minutes late, so. Not too bad. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:57 AM | shower me with attention Sunday, October 21, 2001
Only 20 more days 'til I get to see Mark's play in Toronto! Reading serra's blog made me so excited about it.
Of course, that means only 9 more days until my Feminism paper is due. Pick a topic, pick a topic. Research. Write. Just thinking about it makes my head hurt. Hey, I'm almost positive the kid in that milk commercial with the guy in the big milk suit talking about what you can win if you drink milk-- you know that commercial?-- I'm pretty sure the kid in that is the little kid from "Picket Fences". He's all old now. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:56 PM | shower me with attention |