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Saturday, September 08, 2001
Dreams rule. I think I'll go have one right now. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:38 AM | shower me with attention
This "Brain Candy" edit on USA is hilarious. "We kicked pennicillin's sorry butt, Don!"
What the hell? Hilarious, I say. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:32 AM | shower me with attention
This picture is such an utter lie. It doesn't come close to doing justice to the beauty of the steaming hunk of man-meat that is Palomino.
Actually, my words are poorly chosen, because the Great Sir Lord Video Lab Teacher is so very cute in such a boyish, curly-haired, sparkly-eyed, soft-skinned (hey, a handshake says a lot), charming way that "steaming hunk" really doesn't cut it, either. But I like saying it. Hee. It's all justified. Oh yes. As for his band, it was the strangest musical performance I've ever witnessed live, no joke. There was much slack-jawed staring on my part, occasionally punctuated with shrill giggling. An enjoyable evening, to be sure, although my ears still ring. Unrelated: I am surprised and delighted to learn that Sarah C has been reading my blog. Sarah C is one of the gals I met during the KITH tour, in Toronto. She's one of those unutterably cool Canadians that I don't feel hip enough to actually know. She made me a copy of The Point. I'm going to email her now and make her jealous about the fact that I get to see Neil Innes (with Yo La Tengo) in October. Hoo yeah. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:19 AM | shower me with attention Friday, September 07, 2001
Having nothing to do as I wait for my boss to bring me more random(ly generated) numbers to enter, I reread Matt's Hedwig essay, which, along with my engulfment in both the Hedwig music and inconveniently-timed surge of hormones, leads me to believe that I am now in love with Matt. Although this love is not sexual, it is everything else: sororital, maternal, pathetic, adoring, admiring, sad, useless, jealous, frustrating, painful and sweet.
As I reread the essay, I pretended I was John Cameron Mitchell reading it for the first time. Therefore, my fantasy seems to make me John Cameron Mitchell falling in love with Matt. I enjoy this fantasy. It's somehow not unlike my fantasy that I am a singing hippie Jesus. Maybe my fantasy will come true. (Maybe in the Mitchellian reality there will be the bonus sexual element. I don't know what's wrong with me; despite my surging monthly hormones, something deep inside of me doesn't permit me to be sexually attracted to this 17-year-old boy. Perhaps it's my maternal feelings that cancel out this possibility, in the interest of the incest taboo.) I want to go see that movie again right now, hand-in-hand with my sweetheart. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:02 PM | shower me with attention
I love how I'm carrying around all these other CDs and the pretense that I'm actually going to stop listening to the Hedwig OCR long enough to listen to them. It's hilarious to me. Squeeze, Aimee, Michael, Beatles, Hair, Godspell-- I used to love all of these CDs until Hedwig came along. Now there's no room for any more love.
"Random Number Generation" is especially good for numerical data entry. Must get the movie soundtrack. According to Trask, it's even better than the OCR. I find this hard to imagine. Back to my numerical data entry. god dog I eye I god dog.... Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:29 PM | shower me with attention
I don't know what the hell this is, Steve, but it's nonsense. Your blog has become one of my favourites to read. You're a clever and engaging writer and I love your "rambles". The stuff about the muscadines (which I'd never heard of before) was just beautiful, and the Gordon Jump stuff hilarious. (I haven't thought about that episode in years, but I could immediately member shirtless Dudley with his posing.)
So cut out this nonsense about not blogging. I'd miss it if it stopped. Please? Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:05 PM | shower me with attention
At least put some hope in the bottom of the box. -Aimee Mann
To be free, one must give up a little part of oneself. -Hedwig Robinson I'm not as near as possible but nearer than is wise. (I'm afraid, my dear, that I can see that in your eyes.) I'm close enough to see what I am losin. I don't think I need to tell you that my name, it isn't Susan. -Tavie Oh, you stupid thing. -Aimee Mann Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:49 AM | shower me with attention Thursday, September 06, 2001
Something occurred to me in Retard Math 101 yesterday. I am going to present it poetically, so it seems to have more meaning than it actually has:
Octavia in bed is a sideways eight: infinity. Yeah. Nifty. This is not illicit blogging, because I finished my work and my supervisor isn't back yet to give me more. :P Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:35 PM | shower me with attention Wednesday, September 05, 2001
Just out of math class. Kirsten was not present. I can't be too judgemental because I am supposed to be in Psych right now. However, according to the syllabus, we are to learn more of the wonder and magic that is the scientific method, and I conclude that my time is better spent here.
My math professor made me want to cry today for no reason at all. I think it's his voice. He's about my dad's age, looks to be in his early 60'a, bald, white beard. He has a sort of soft, almost feminine voice. Gentle. It's nothing to do with his personality or his teaching method, just a coincidence of voice that seems to trigger some sort of sympathy chemical in my brain and make me want to cry. There's nothing that particularly pitiable about him, which is what makes my reaction so very strange and uncalled for. I just wanted to go hug him towards the end of class, when he was going off on a tangent about the relationship to scientific funding and the disproportionate amount of American Nobel prize winners, a tangent loosely based on a Venn diagram he was showing us, and talked a little past the scheduled class ending time, and as people gathered up their things as he was still talking I almost cried. Ah, well. These things will occur, particularly at certain times of the month. Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:11 PM | shower me with attention Tuesday, September 04, 2001
On the other hand (and I'm aware that anyone who's reading this is reading this all backwards and I apologize, but it's how Blogger does things), my Children's Lit class is the biggest bore of all time, so far. She doesn't seem to have anything to teach; we're doing deep analysis on Harold and the Purple Crayon at the same level a fourth grader would. Are we going to learn anything, I wonder, or will it be 75 minutes twice a week of a kindly old librarian reading picture books aloud to us for the rest of the semester? Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:10 PM | shower me with attention
Not that, I have to add, the people in my feminism class who are engaged and interested have anything particularly brilliant to say. A lot of them seem to be very sort of simplistic and narrow in their thinking. I must admit to feeling a bit snobbish, still, even though I've never taken a philosophy or women's studies course. But, still, they're trying. And maybe I'll lose this superiority complex after the first test. Methinks that will be the case. This intellectual snobbery just won't do; it's not like I add anything particularly enlightening to the discussions. (When I do talk it seems to me to be pointing out obvious things... but some people seem to need these obvious things pointed out. Oh, what a snob I am! Oh!) Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:08 PM | shower me with attention
I love my feminism teacher. I love her. She's so great. She has all this stuff she wants to point out to us from these boring texts, but instead of insisting we sit there in class and go over them she lets us go off onto these tangents, and the whole class is full of people eager to add to the discussion. People are really engaged and interested. I was worried that we were straying too far from the text but at the end of class she said, "You guys are so great at... adding... to the text that I don't want to discourage you. How about I write down some of the page numbers and notes of things I want you to remember from the text and photocopy them for you in case we don't get it all done in class."
How cool that is. She's not forcing us to stick to the boring text in class. I adore her. In other news, they got my computer ready at work today and I started my tedious job. Boy is it boring. I am bringing lots more CDs tomorrow. It wouldn't be so bad if it was just a steady flow of typing, but the system they have me working on is so slow that it's type a little - wait ten seconds - type a little - wait ten seconds - and ten seconds is a long time when your fingers are poised over a keyboard. Tomorrow is Ade and Rynn's birthday. I didn't get them anything. Not even a card. I meant to, but I didn't. Oh well, they will still love me. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:05 PM | shower me with attention
Blogging from work, blogging from work. Blogging from work. My workstation at the place where I work.
Nothing derogatory at all to say about work, nope. In case you're someone from work and you're checking my tracks, please note that I have nothing at all bad to say about this fine company and its fine employees. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:52 PM | shower me with attention
Sleep log. Down at around 12:30; up at 6. Not bad. Still here; in an hour will be taken to PATH to go to work. Thanks to the magic of melatonin, not too groggy (yet).
Miss Cheryl. Want to see Hedwig yet again. Can't stop thinking about it. Looks great, Nicole! Clarfication: in an earlier post, I was actually blogging about Steve's grandpa, not your grandpa (whoever you may be). Sorry. I forgot to link. Now some of this before I have to get dressed. (P.S. Am jealous that she will get to see her today while I am stuck in class.) Why are you in Tavie's head? 6:27 AM | shower me with attention Sunday, September 02, 2001
Aggie wrote:
Tavie wrote "..nowhere in this post do you mention that you were dressed as Princess Leia at the time" I wasn't!! *That* was for the showing of Star Wars - A New Hope with Johnny as Vader and me as Leia ;) Oh. Well, I guess I should be embarrassed then. {eg} Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:27 PM | shower me with attention
I love your grandpa. I love him. I never had a grandpa. I wish your grandpa was my grandpa. Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:26 PM | shower me with attention
Goose writes:
I am really looking forward to "Bones" starring Tha Dogg aka Snoop Dogg!! This makes me laugh. so. much. A great big group of us went to see the Hedwig movie together and the preview for "Bones" made me laugh so hard that the people in front of us got miffed. It looks like the funniest movie ever. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:33 PM | shower me with attention |