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Saturday, August 18, 2001
Beth asks:
Is there anyone out there with a healthy body image?
No one I know has one. This is a real problem. We all hate our bodies.
So, I had no idea, but I learned from this SCTV book that Alan Arkin co-wrote "The Banana Boat Song" popularized by Harry Belafonte. (Day-o, da-a-ay-o...) I found this an interesting bit of trivia. I like Alan Arkin a lot. I couldn't explain exactly why. My 9th grade Global Studies teacher (Mr. ALLEN... eh? Eh?) looked a LOT like him, and for awhile I would walk around and just everyone would look like Alan Arkin to me. It was weird. So, anyhow, he's good. Good ole Alan Arkin. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:50 AM | shower me with attention
Friday, August 17, 2001
Gina's CD-ROM drive seems to be broken. It is not recognizing CDs, particularly the one I want to use, specifically, The Sims. This is completely bogus. It worked on Wednesday night, right before Gina left, and then as soon as she leaves, nothing? It's so wrong. So very wrong. I hope she knows what to do when she gets back Sunday. I need to play. I need to play. It also means that I can't listen to audio CDs, since her old stereo is dismantled and her new one isn't here yet. Luckily, I am a genius and managed to get one speaker plugged in and the levels adjusted so that the old stereo manages to sound halfway decent. Not that any of this is necessary, you understand, because I have all I really need in life.
erin and Kirsten and I went on Wednesday and did the temp agency thing. It is now, apparently, the slow season, but the chick just emailed me and said that she had something for me starting the 27th, lasting 3 weeks. Woo! Work.
We all, apparently, blew her away with our incredible typing and computer skills. ;) erin is, it seems, an Excel impressario, and I have, according to testing lady, "the fastest wpm score we've ever gotten". Which was actually only 84 since I was nervous. Tee hee. (Wow, what kind of slowpokes do they have coming in? I certainly picked a nicely ghetto temp agency!) Oh, well! I have a marketable skill!
This Tilbrook(/Mann) song is good, but it certainly is suggestive.
She was married to somebody else
I was lonely and lived by myself...
Whatcha trying to say, Glenn? Tee hee hee.
(It's okay, Michael. I'll be your new lovemonkey if she runs off with him.) Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:44 PM | shower me with attention
Thursday, August 16, 2001
I would like to thank sarah for my latest obsession. Online pictionary. I cannot get enough of it. It's horrible at my house because my computer is so slow but now that I'm at Gina's babysitting Riley it is like being in Paradise. erin came here with my last night and we just played for hours and hours.
My mom made me a doctor's appointment for tomorrow, a psychiatrist. I haven't had one in awhile. To try and help me with this whole overwhelming despair thing. But it's such a hassle to get to the city from here, I don't really want to go... Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:07 PM | shower me with attention
Tuesday, August 14, 2001
Oh my god, Matt. Oh my god. Do you want to know the most amazing thing about this new development?
I am not at all surprised.
As I was reading it, the whole time I was thinking, The Hedwig people should read this. They would love it. I wish I knew them so I could send it to them. I should send it to Jim or something. It's too good. It should at least be published somewhere.
So the fact that Sofee's mother loved it and that she's sending it on to Mitchell and Trask is not the least bit suprising. It is completely natural. Why are you in Tavie's head? 6:18 PM | shower me with attention
Monday, August 13, 2001
Can it be true?!
I weep with joy and longing:
I've been eating strawberries, working on my tan, cutting grass, riding my bike for hours and hours and hours, frolicking with my sisters and all the other things that come with summer and happiness. Genius, that summer.
But I'm back now, here I am! And I've missed my goils so much, but who knows, maybe I'll come over for Scott's tour... if you'd like me to?
Do ya hafta ask??
I weigh 20 pounds more than I did at this time last year.
If I'd gone to see Linn I could have swum and biked and eaten strawberries...
...or slept all day like I do no, so why am I pretending it would be different just to torture myself?
Does anyone else feel a sense of overwhelming despair at all times no matter what they're doing? Check one:
yes [] no [] Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:08 PM | shower me with attention
Sunday, August 12, 2001
Matt and I will be married one day, and have incredibly brilliant, articulate children (their father) with long hair and no sense of direction (their mother). This is one of the reasons I have decided this will be so:
The incredible power of information and imagery in the postmodern age to inflate the common to the superhuman by virtue of mass exposure (5), can also serve to reduce the superhuman. The ubiquity of television and computer screens serves as an apt
metaphor for the compression of three-dimensional reality into two dimensions: everything is of equal worth because everything appears on the same screen, with the same depth, size, shape. Everything can be contained in the tiny box, every god, every man.(6) So why is one god better than another?
This kid is seventeen folks. He makes me want to laugh and weep. When he gets home I will get down on my hands and knees like the groupie that I am and beg him to come see Hedwig again with me. I will be his Penny Lane, except without the blonde hair and charisma. Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:34 PM | shower me with attention
We had a great day in the city with Francis. We took him to MoMA and looked at the art. Then we took him to Serendipity for lunch and frozen hot-chocolate, which is my standard invitation for some reason. (Perhaps it has something to do with its proximity to the tram.) Then we took him to the Central Park Zoo and saw the penguins! For Francis is the Penguin Guy, you see. And we were very lucky as we got there just at feeding time. I was so happy with the way the penguins walked that some little kids stared at me. I don't care, penguins have the BEST walk.
Francis is a wonderful fellow and we had a splendid day in this rancid soup that is New York. At least, I did. And Gina did. I hope Francis did. Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:12 PM | shower me with attention
