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Saturday, June 30, 2001
I just played Sims for 6 hours straight. Swear to god, no exagerration. I got up at 5:30, came straight down and played Sims, and when I looked up it was 11:30. I didn't feel the time pass at all.
Holy macaroni.
(The Foleys, by the way, have each been fired twice; our daughter Crissy was sent to military school; Tavie and Dave will cuddle and flirt but still won't sleep in the same bed. Dave's a campaign worker, formerly a night security guard and then a military man, and Tavie's a mailrook clerk, demoted after she lost her Executive Assistant's job.) Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:03 PM | shower me with attention
The first person to fix the background picture on my bio page gets freshly-squeezed lemonade. Why are you in Tavie's head? 5:56 AM | shower me with attention
I hope Asti doesn't hate me for standing her up the other day. I feel truly awful about it. The guilt has been plaguing me. I've not known how to reach her. Asti, if you're reading this, call or email me so I can grovel. Why are you in Tavie's head? 5:54 AM | shower me with attention
I've made a deci-zhun. We are now a pork-free household. We are now Jewish!
No, that's not it. My deci-zhun is: Cheryl must come down next weekend in honour of my 22nd birthday. Even though I think the weekend after is technically closer to it, because the weekend after I'm goin' to DISNEY WORLD. So, yeah. Hear that, Cheryl ? You have to come here.
Another thing: When I went to see The Anniversary Party, which is rated R, the other night, the girl behind the counter would not sell me a ticket until I showed her some ID. That's right, I got carded at the movies. Apparently I do not look over 17. I was very pleased by this. A year or two ago I would have been annoyed. Not now, nay. I cherish it. Extend my yoith as much as is humanly possible, please. Give me a bib, a kiddie menu, a booster chair. I have the body of a 79-year old woman, but the face of a 16-year-old girl! What an apparition I am!
Erica was funny. She bought her ticket after mine and fairly winked at the ticket girl, saying, "I'm 21, too."
There was a character in the movie named America. This made Erica and I giggle. "Merica?" "No, Erica." "Oh, I thought you meant 'Merica. As in, short for America." That was five YEARS ago TOMORROW. Yikes! Why are you in Tavie's head? 5:54 AM | shower me with attention
Friday, June 29, 2001
Gina almost beat me at Scrabble. It was really close. I think I'm slippin'.
Bill: Query.
Dave: Recognized.
Bill: Is Matthew superior to me?
Dave: You mean genetically?
Bill: No, I mean in this office.
Dave: No.
Bill: Good. ::pause:: How about genetically?
Dave: Well, he is ambidextrous.
Bill: ::makes a face:: Freak.
Who has to pee? Why are you in Tavie's head? 6:42 PM | shower me with attention
I saw a trailer for the Hedwig movie when I went with Kirsten and Erica to see The Anniversary Party on Wednesday. I got so excited! I wanted to sing along with the song snippets, but I also DIDN'T want to, if you know what I mean. (Me being in a quiet, dark, public place is what I mean.) I can't wait to see the movie. It won't make up for not seeing Jim's version on the stage, but it will still be gooooooood. Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:09 AM | shower me with attention
I have to sing something in a response to a recent Kitana post on the newsgroup, and I can't post it there so I'm going to do it here:
We are the friends of Mark McKiiiiinney
We are the ones who.... showed up
Trouble and grief, woe and worry
Don't bother us 'cause we've got Mark
We've got Maaaaaaaaaaark....
Thank you. Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:03 AM | shower me with attention
Thursday, June 28, 2001
The day before yesterday was Mark's birthday. At 42, he's one sexy sonofabitch. I wish I was Marina. I don't wish Marina was me, though. That wouldn't be fair. {g} Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:26 AM | shower me with attention
Sigh of relief: I'm back at Mint Manor.
It's a miracle: I fell asleep at midnight last night and woke up today at eight.
That is so very wrong: Would Goose really leave for Commie Camp without leaving an address at which to write to her? (I think I have it somewhere at home from last summer, but...)
It's a miracle, part II: There is air-conditioning here!
I am: itchy. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:24 AM | shower me with attention
Wednesday, June 27, 2001
Have you screwed over your friends lately?
I have.
Yesterday after Andrew's graduation lunch at Ruby Foo's, we planned to go home, change, and meet Andrew in Times Square at 9. From there we'd pick up Asti from "The Producers" and go club-hopping. (Never mind that I wasn't fully decided that I would go, and had yet to call Gina and explain why I couldn't come over last night.)
What happened: we went home. Around 7 pm I fell asleep. I woke up at 3 am. 8 messages on my phone; 2 from a tired and annoyed Andrew; 2 from a worried Gina; 2 from a tired and annoyed Asti; 2 hang-ups. (They called my phone because Kirsten's doesn't seem to ring more than once.)
There are no excuses. We were inexcusably horrible. Andrew went home, exhausted, thinking we'd meet Asti; therefore, NO ONE met Asti. We called him today to apologize, and he was very understanding about it, which makes me feel much worse. He's shit on all the time by his family; his brother asked for his graduation money to pay for a towed car. (And, of course, Andrew paid it.) And Asti's here from England for just a few days and we left her in the lurch. Not to mention Gina.
I don't know how to make it up to them. This attempt at waking up out of my paralysis certainly was a rousing failure.
I screwed over three friends yesterday; how about you? Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:22 PM | shower me with attention
Tuesday, June 26, 2001
Kitana's brother graduated this past weekend. Andrew's the closest thing I have to a brother. See how our lives parallel? {g}
The Rufus concert sounds magical and fantastic. I am very pleased Kitana could attend.
Match Game marathon? O why o why did I not go over to Gina's this weekend? Tonight. Tonight I'll go. And stop eating like I'm trying to kill myself, and sleeping all the time. Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:59 AM | shower me with attention
Andrew's graduating today.
I was looking through pictures of old vacations and found a batch from some of the old trips we used to take down to Disney World. The best ones are a batch from 1985; Adam and Kirsten and I were almost 6, Andrew was a year and a half and Asti was 16. We all look like members of the same family. Kirsten and I were dressed alike... blue shorts and little matching strawberry shirts. It looked cute then. If we tried to dress alike today it would look highly comical.
I found a picture to stick in the graduation card-- the five of us on the steps opposite Cinderella fountain.
Our little baby's all grown up. ::sniffle::
(Dear God, please don't let me swelter today in the non-breathable synthetic-fibrous shirt I am forced to wear.) Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:53 AM | shower me with attention
Monday, June 25, 2001
You know what's better than getting dressed? Sleeping.
I'm itchy and full of snot. Is it a) Pollen? b) dust? c) cat hair? e) life?
Wow, I have an Amazon Wish List? I completely forgot. I should probably go update it.
P.S. I AM GOING TO DISNEY WORLD. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:45 PM | shower me with attention
