Words from a walking contradiction.
Thursday, May 24, 2001
logic problem: ::AHEM:: the problem presents itself thusly..girl A likes guy B. girl A will be performing at concert C. query: how to get guy B to go to concert C (without girl A asking him of course as we have already established the likelihood of girl A asking guy B anything!!!!) girl A has only tried one approach thus far which was to hang up a flier touting the festivites where guy B hopefully will see it...but there may be a (big) possiblity that he has no incentive to go. and girl A finds herself at a standstill. oh, what is girl A to do now? ::flings kercheif up to forehead in mock despair::
a bad case of verbal diarrhea from Cheryl 00:42
finally finished the recording part of the cd tonight...it seemed to take forever. i really appreciate the way chris handled us. what could have been a semi-traumatic experience instead built my confidence and was pretty fun. i liked her.
and i just have to say "the sopranos" rules. i'm really going to miss the show. i watched the season finale on sunday and they apparently aren't going to start the next season until april 2002...APRIL! 11 months to find out what happens...wtf, eh?
i need my tavie, too ::pout::
a bad case of verbal diarrhea from Cheryl 00:02
Tuesday, May 22, 2001
i'm in a sonata-induced semi-coma and wondering when the hell my life got so busy that i dirtied every dish in my house in the last week...every single dish. there's always a flip side...i used to sit around all day everyday after work, watching tv and petting my cats wishing for a busier life...now i have a busier life, a sinkful of dishes, a funky smell coming from somewhere and two attention-starved kitties hooked on revenge. feh...
is it *terribly* sad that when the doctor i like is on hospital list that i don't exactly *not* want something to happen, just to get to go to the hospital? nothing critical or anything...then i'll just get a bunch of specialists *g*...no, just minor, silly, non-embarrassing but too emergent for the urgent care walk-in. yeah, that would do nicely.
what i *need* is my goils around. i can be supergirl around them...i could do anything, even talk to dr. crush if my goils got my back. one of these days......
a bad case of verbal diarrhea from Cheryl 23:06
you know, i put a (grin) after the first line of my last entry but it didn't come out...now i just appear bitchy : P.
well, melissa is still in the band and we were in the studio last night from 6 to 11 p.m...just doing vocals...and we still have three more songs to do. the engineer, chris, keeps telling us we are making remarkable time but, sheesh. and the thing's gonna come out craptacular anyway. but i have to admit i am having fun. we have a gig coming up on june 2 and maybe even the 4th of July (wooooo!)
why do i suck when it comes to talking to people? and more specifically people i like? my boss sent me upstairs to ask a question from the medical assistant of the doctor that i like...when i went upstairs, he was at the desk so i turned around, went back downstairs and made up a story about why i didn't find out the answer to the question. all because i choked...why do i DO that?!?! and why am i the only person (at work anyway) who thinks he is the cutest thing? if anyone at work knew, they would pick on me mercilessly. i just wish i could get up the nerve to have a conversation with him.
i seem to be avoiding my family...i don't know why, i just do. i never call and i only go over to do the laundry and the entire time i'm there i just want to leave. is this normal or just sad?
one more day in the studio to record and then we get to "mix it down"...another three or four days. then mastering. then we have to send it off to be pressed. and this is a "demo" for crying out loud! now i know why "real" CD's take weeks or months to record. i know it sounds like i'm bitching but i really do enjoy this. and this is what i've always wanted to do so i'm going to keep plugging away until it's taken me as far as it will.
a bad case of verbal diarrhea from Cheryl 19:44
Sunday, May 20, 2001
people who say i suck, suck.
today we have to have a band meeting and i'm not looking forward to it. melissa (the other singer) and her boyfriend have been smoking marijuana and we have to confront her about it and tell her if she wants to do that then there is no place for her in the band. i hate confrontation.
we were in the studio last week and it was strange how it could be simultaneously fun and boring...i just hope the CD turns out okay. if melissa is out of the band then i have to re-record all her backup vocals she already did and the one song she does lead on. god, i hate the pressure : P.
when i read my friends' blogs, it reminds me how much i miss my friends.
that "band-related crush" isn't developing, thank god. i don't know what the hell i was thinking. must have been some sort of hormone-induced temporary insanity. the last thing i want is some sort of No Doubt situation where we break up and i wind up writing horrible songs directed at him (even if it would bring us success). now if i can just get the work-related crush out of my mind, i'll be all set...
a bad case of verbal diarrhea from Cheryl 10:58