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Saturday, May 26, 2001
Oh, poor pumpkin. :( Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:42 PM | shower me with attention
If James McNew is shaggy-head, then yes, he was there. He was actually the first one pointed out to me, and I said, "Is that the one Goose met at White Trash Wins Lotto? I'm just not good with names, see. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:38 PM | shower me with attention
OHHHH FUCK. I remember what I wanted to blog about. Yo La Tengo was in the audience at the Patton show tonight. erin pointed them out to me. I had a very clear view of that Ira guy in his seat next to the stage and I found that I could not stop staring at him, although I have never listened to Yo La Tengo. How long ago did I buy that one album and I still haven't listened to it? (Oh, well, am I surprised? HOW long did it take me to sit down and REALLY listen to the Beatles? Or anyone else? {g}) Anyway, the reason I couldn't stop staring is because Ira Kaplan is SO CUTE. OH MY GOD. I fell in love with him. Especially when he laughed (at all the really COOL places to laugh, may I add ;). Oh my god. Oh. Oh. He's so cute. He's SO cute. That Georgia gal is really cute too, although I couldn't see her too well. But I could easily incorporate her into my love, and formulate a husband-and-wife fantasy a la Aimee and Michael. That Ira, he... he... okay, get this, I'm so shallow, that THIS is what is going to get me to listen to their music. His adorableness.
Damn, erin's right. I'm a fuckin' weirdo. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:26 AM | shower me with attention
I went with Gina and erin and erin's dave (as opposed to my dave, ha ha) to see Patton Oswalt tonight. Brian Posehn was there too. They were fucking hilarious. Patton is god.Gina wrote a very good account of it, you should read it (whoever you are. Who ARE you? Who's reading this damn thing? Besides my friends? Scary, man!). erin's dave is very cool. I like him. He took us up to his office, which was nearby, so I could pee. I peed in Nickelodeon's bathroom! That was cool.
Ummmm, what else. I've been quite vomitous for the past few days but I only puked once. Oh, I won an X the Owl. It's a crappy ("loved") one, but that's okay. That's probably the way mine would be by now if I still had him. Hell, for all I know that IS the one I used to have. {g} Oh, that commercial with the turtle in the car is on. I love the turtle in the car. Was there other stuff I wanted to say? Patton rules, I won X, I've been having nightmares about oranges, um... yeah, I guess that's all for now. OH! School's out. Woo hoo! Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:14 AM | shower me with attention Thursday, May 24, 2001
I made a discovery last night: Freecell. I love Freecell.
Also, I'm ready to talk about The Beatles now. I know I'm 30 years too late and everyone's all done, but seriously, I just like 20 minutes ago found some compilations. Me and The Beatles have a sad relationship. I consider it child abuse that my parents did not expose me to them as a youngster, and now I've only a few sad compilation albums to get me through. So I need help. Help. I need somebody. Not just anybody. He-e-elp. What should I listen to? What are your favourites? Aren't they the best? Man I love them. It's so sad, isn't it? ::waving hand in the air:: I'm ready now! I know I'm a little late, but come on! Why are you in Tavie's head? 5:48 AM | shower me with attention Wednesday, May 23, 2001
Vomiting is the worst experience ever. It is so traumatic for me, I hate it.
Kirsten says no one likes it, but I have this idea that somehow it's worse for me. Because I am crazy. Kirsten took care of me. I love her. She held my head and sat on the bathroom floor with me and said funny things. Later she made me soup. Kirsten is the best sister. I have never done anything like that for her. Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:22 PM | shower me with attention
Still nauseous. Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:06 AM | shower me with attention
What I did was, I banged my shin. It didn't hurt at the time but now it does.I sort of scraped it. Klutz. You damn klutz. Watch where you're going why don't you. Ow.
WHINE WHINE WHINE Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:06 AM | shower me with attention
Need my Cheryl. She's so strong. She doesn't even know...
I feel nauseous. Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:03 AM | shower me with attention
Hey, I think that's my favourite song from "Born on a Pirate Ship".
I can't open anyone's blogs today. What's up with that? Why are you in Tavie's head? 5:22 AM | shower me with attention Tuesday, May 22, 2001
Just got back from my last drawing class. It was anti-climactic. So was the end of last semester's. I think all last art classes are anti-climactic. No big words of wisdom or emotional goodbyes to these people I've bonded with over these past few months. One guy, Bobby, took a few snaps with his digital camera, but it was no big partying affair. We took a little exam, handed in and got back some drawings, and sort of trickled out. I stuck my head into Sally and Prof. Swain's office and said, "Well, bye, I had fun." And they smiled and waved. But I thought that shouldn't be it, so I stuck my head back in and said, "One thing: should I take advanced drawing next semester?" and Prof. Swain looked up from his grading and said, "Yes. You're one of the few natural talents in this class. You need to get your act together, show up to class and stop fooling around."
That, I felt, was sufficient closure, so I nodded and waved again and marched out with my big plastic bag full of smudged charcoal masterpieces. I'm still thirsty. I think it's all the antihistamines. Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:39 PM | shower me with attention
It is amazing how many celebrity search sites are linked to my old Dave page. I wonder whatever happened to Larissa.
Richard is mad at me again. Whatever. It takes two people to have a conversation, you know. Anyway. I'm thirsty and my sleeping is all fucked up. Whatever. Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:53 AM | shower me with attention Monday, May 21, 2001
I am exhausted in the dream and I become more exhausted in my sleep, if that's possible. I wake up tired, amazed that I can even get out of bed...
...In my waking like, I am almost this tired... ...That's the thing I want to make clear about depression: It's got nothing at all to do with life. In the course of life, there is sadness and pain and sorrow, all of which, in their right time and season, are normal--unpleasant, but normal. Depression is an altogether different zone because it involves sa complete absence: absence of affect, absence of feeling, absence of response, absense of interest. The pain you feel in the course of a major depression is an attempt on nature's part (nature, after all, abhors a vacuum) to fill up the empty space... ...And the scariest part is that if you ask anyone in the throes of depression how he got there, to pin down the turning point, he'll never know... ...in the midst of a wildly vibrant city like New York, raised by people who were not really involved or engaged in the culture... ...helping me fill in patterns on the Lite Brite... dancing around the living room with me while we played Free to Be You and Me... ...they all seemed to enjoy braiding my long, long hair... ...until I really cracked up, at ten or eleven or twelve or whenever it was, you most certainly would have described me as, well, as full of promise... ...Dr. Isaac is the psychiatrist that the school psychologist recommended to my mother when I started to spend more time hanging out in her office than in the classroom... ...By now I have an entire secret life that my mother either doesn't know or doesn't want to know about: Several days a month I wake up in the morning and get dressed to go to school, but instead I take my knapsack and head over tot he local McDonald's, drink tea and eat an Egg McMuffin for breakfast, wait until my mother has left for work at 9:00, and then I go back home and get into bed for the rest of the day... ...Nothing about my life seemed worthy of art or literature or even of just plain life. It seemed too stupid, too girlish, too middle-class... Prozac Nation Thank you, Elizbeth Wurtzel, for writing my book. Now what am I going to write? Oh, well, at least she's not fat. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:18 AM | shower me with attention
Goose, whom I've already gotten a present for :P, asks a question:
How did you get into the music you like today? And, similarly: What attracts you to a particular song/album/band/artist? I got into the music I like today in two ways: I saw a movie or musical play, got the soundtrack, and memorized it (that accounts for the showtunes), or friends (usually sarah) made me a tape, I sat on the tape for a year or three, finally listened to it, and became obsessed. Or else a friend-of-an-acquaintance musician began IMing me, I discovered who they were, listened to their music, and began listening to everything related to that person. (Husbands, influences, favourites of that person, etc. {g}) In other words, friends tell me to listen to someone. I listen. I love or I don't love. What attracts me to a song? If I listen to it three times and it sticks, I usually like it. Unless it sucks. I can't explain. It's an instinct. Clever, literate or silly lyrics help. Usually the song has a real catchy hook. Or really good harmonies. Or people clapping, I love any songs with people clapping. {g} Or really strummy guitars and/or harmonicas. I have a thing for harmonica music which can be directly traced to the Sesame Street intros of my youth. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:52 AM | shower me with attention
May 21: FUCK YOU!!!!
In your face, asshole! 11 years, you fuckin' fucked up day, you! 11 years gone! 11 years strong! 11 years of medication and recovery from the tyranny of this loathsome, hellish day. It was a Monday just like today that the worst day of my life happened exactly 11 years ago today, and it will be on my mind all day like it is every May 21st. Last year was the worst because it was 10 years. But, FUCK YOU, May 21st!! Look at me now, you rotten scumbrown slime of a day. You sweatsucking cockmuncher of a day. Look at me now! Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:40 AM | shower me with attention
Caroline's still sucks, but we got Patton tickets. Yay. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:36 AM | shower me with attention
Thank Scott! Cheryl lives!! Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:36 AM | shower me with attention Sunday, May 20, 2001
WHY, GOD???? WHY?????????? Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:43 AM | shower me with attention
I wouldn't be too jealous yet, if I were you.
Fuckin' Caroline's fuckin' sucks. I saw two movies today: Shrek and Chasing Amy. One of them I saw in a theatre with two 37-year olds, a 5-year-old and a 4-year-old. The other one I just finished watching on digital cable all by my lonesome. There was entirely too much Ben Affleck in my day. (He's not in Shrek, but it's still too much.) Warning, spoiler of SHREK to follow!! DO NOT READ BEYOND THIS POINT IF YOU DON'T WANT SHREK RUINED!!!!!!!! The girl ogre that Cameron Diaz becomes resembles nothing as much as a pretty, green-skinned fat girl. She wasn't even obese, just chunky. She had a better body than I do, I kid you not. I admit that with all honesty and openness, because I do not bother being bitter about cartoons. She just did. She didn't even have a hump or love handles or anything. She was a pretty, green fat girl. So imagine, a bit, how annoying I found it that she was called UGLY and HIDEOUS and HORRIFYING when she was Girl Ogre. Stupid cunts. But, there was a Rufus Wainright song on the soundtrack, that was nice. And any movie that ends with a Monkees song (I know it's a Neil Diamond song but in my heart it's a Monkees song) is okay with me, I guess. I guess I'll go to bed and study. Just to reiterate: Fuckin' Caroline's fuckin' sucks. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:36 AM | shower me with attention |