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Saturday, May 05, 2001
Hee hee hee. Goil Wide Web. Me likey. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:26 PM | shower me with attention
Kitanalog is back, baybee! Note the change of address. Woo hoo! Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:10 AM | shower me with attention
Whine about the heat or go watch Mr Show? Hmmm. (This post was brought to you by Puny Devil Knee-high Socks.) Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:01 AM | shower me with attention Friday, May 04, 2001
Ah, Goose, I hate Six Flags, too. I hate most amusement parks because I'm always Holding the Bags girl while everyone's on their stinking upside-down roller coasters. Lunatics. The only things I ever ride at Six Flags are the Carousel and the Ferris Wheel, which are both very boring. However, I look really cute with a little sunburn so I wouldn't mind one of those. Just on my nose. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:57 PM | shower me with attention Thursday, May 03, 2001
Ah, the tragedy of summertime: people start cutting their hair. Clips, people, clips. Clips and pins and elastics and scrunchies. I love summertime in this city. I walked several blocks out of my way the other day to buy a watermelon. Not a whole watermelon; a quarter of a watermelon. I love people walking around in their little skimpy outfits and sweating and wearing sandals and groovin' in the sunshine with their bad selves, and dogs running around with their tongues all out and little kids with ice cream up to their elbows. It feeds into all of my "Free To Be You and Me" 70's New York fantasies (Linn can dig my jibe on this). There are bad things, of course. Sweat smells stinky and I don't like walking around simultaneously hating and wishing I could be every woman in a sleeveless shirt that I see. I particularly hate those handkerchief-shirt bitches, because I wish I was one of them. It's so Elfquest. But, anyway. I love watermelon. I have this thing where when it gets like this I like to ring in the summer by walking down the street eating a piece of watermelon. It has to be a Manhattan street and preferably there should be seeds to spit out. And it helps if I'm wearing tie-dye, but that's not essential. Doobie-doobie-do. Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:20 PM | shower me with attention
Kitana fans: she's going back to Toronto tonight, and will fix her blog upon her return. Worry not. Why are you in Tavie's head? 5:15 PM | shower me with attention Wednesday, May 02, 2001
One last thing: Djin saw THE DOCUMENTARY and it was apparently picked up by the CBC. Although this means that I won't get to see it on a big screen (boo) it DOES mean that there is some small assurance that I WILL get to see it somehow (yay!). It would be especially nice if HBO picked it up or something. Cross your toes. Okay okay okay okay NOW I WILL WRITE THE GODDAMN PAPER. Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:20 PM | shower me with attention
I must now write my sociology paper. It is due tomorrow. I don't want to do this. I really don't. But I will do this, and then it will be done. And then I will eat watermelon and watch The West Wing. Today on the elevator in the subway there was a pregnant woman with her little girl. The woman was talking to a friend of hers, and as she was talking the little girl put her hand up inside her mommy's blouse and patted her tummy rhythmically until the elevator landed. It warmed the cockles of my sodden heart. Kirsten is watching the 1987 PBS production of The Comedy of Errors, starring the Flying Karamazov Bros, again. She watches it as much now as she did back when we lived in Brooklyn and first taped it. I like that. I like that some things don't change. Erica called me last night. She sounded silly. I screamed, "ARE YOU HIGH?" and she just giggled. Tennessee Steph graduates from college this week. Then she comes back here. Finally, my four years of waiting are at an end. My sweet boy Andrew's mother skipped town and left him homeless. He will likely move in with us until his high school graduation later this month. We have a very small apartment; he will sleep on an air mattress or something on the floor in the room that Kirsten and I share, I suppose. That will leave no floorspace, but we don't really use that floorspace anyway. Some people should not be parents. Some people should have had their parental rights taken away years ago That is enough dawdling. Now for writing paper. It's on "The Effectiveness of Various Strategies for Lowering High School Dropout Rates". I picked the topic myself. I will try to refrain from editorializing with comments like, "This program is BOGUS." Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:18 PM | shower me with attention
Thanks to Asti for helping me fix Linn's links. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:14 AM | shower me with attention
Cheryl finally joins the ranks of our omphaloskepsical little society here. Also: I cannot sleep. Yet: I cannot miss another anthro class. Therefore: I will be very sleepy in anthro today. A rant to come later about neglectful, horrible mothers who allow their teenaged sons to become homeless because they are stupid, selfish, criminal, disgusting pigs. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:13 AM | shower me with attention
I am obviously not cut out to do html. I was trying to very simply update the look of Linn's blog to her liking, and for some reason I can't NOT make the unvisited links green. I try and try and no matter what I do, they're green. I am just way too stupid for this. Someone fix it. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:22 AM | shower me with attention Tuesday, May 01, 2001
Guess who didn't go to art class today. Guess who has a paper due on Thursday that she hasn't even thought about yet. Guess who forgot to take her Gleemonex® today and slept more than any human being can healthfully sleep. First prize for guessing: pity. Prize shall be retained by this establishment. Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:06 PM | shower me with attention Monday, April 30, 2001
The Roosevelt Island Tram is going to be closed all week after 12 pm because they're filming "Spiderman" there. Woo woo. I was disappointed. I was hoping for "Nighthawks 2". {g} Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:11 PM | shower me with attention
Last Wednesday I gave my Rhodesia presentation to my anthro class. I was nervous. It went well. That night I met Gina, Linn, Kitana and erin and we saw Eating It at Irving Plaza. Patton Oswalt was very funny. Everyone else was funny to lesser and varying degrees. On Thursday I went to Mint Manor to stay the weekend. On Friday Kitana and Linn and I went to see Matt perform in Showboat (with tech by the magnificent Goose). Matt was the best thing in the production. He stole every scene he was in and brought the house down more than once. Michael J. Fox, who was in the audience, was seen to turn quite ugly with laughter (!) at Matt's brilliant performance. I must note that Matt was the only real actor in the performance; no one else even thought to attempt a Southern accent. And he has a beautiful singing voice, although requires confidence in his harmonizing. I will help him fix this; he and I shall pack a picnic of cold chicken, cherries and spiked lemonade and sit on some rocks in Central Park and harmonize until dark. He doesn't know this yet, but that is the plan. On Saturday, Gina and Kitana and Linn and Cheryl and I met Goose and Matt in the city with plans to see Rocky Horror at midnight. We had many many hours to kill and so we rambled about the city, mostly drinking coffee and eating and laughing at Matt's stories. (He has that power to captivate an audience even when not on a stage; it's something I've always wanted, for it is a skill positively essential for Divahood. He must give me pointers.) Goose was bashful and yet somehow luminescent; the two of them together are like watching an exceedingly good magic show (a la peanabudder sandwiches and the like). She freaked me out slightly by consuming extremely disgusting-looking candied orange slices, and I freaked her out with a revelation about the smell of my urine. It's a tradition, she and I freaking eachother out. Then I bought her some asparagus and Matt took us to the hookah place where we all pretended we were the caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland as we smoked and ate Arabic food. (Or perhaps only I pretended.) Afterwards we went to Village Karaoke and screamed "Like A Prayer" into the microphones and laughed a whole lot. Then, tragically, Goose and Matt were forced to go home. I tried to get them to stay using logic, bribery and tears, but they were pillars of strength retreating into the darkness. Little punks. So it was just our quintet of Goils who proceeded to 12th and 2nd to enjoy Linn's first viewing of Rocky ever. (She was the "warm-up virgin" of the night, and did a very fine job indeed.) It was fun, as it always is. The guy playing Frank was the best Frank I'd ever seen. On Sunday, it was a very tired quintet of Goils that rode with Cheryl to Rhode Island to see her band, Brite Phoenix (I will never support that name) perform at their first gig. It was at this event that The Magic happened. Cheryl was luminous and appeared very at ease in front of the crowd; her dark gothness and sunny spirit captivated all, and she sang beautifully. Not having slept the night before, I was extremely sleepy and nodded off severall times into my meatballs, despite the beauty of Cheryl's singing. However, she sang one song during their second set that woke me right up. That girl has a gift for surprises (she surprised us with The Pilot(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) on Friday night, which resulted in much drunken revelry, which is a story I'd best let someone else tell). She sang a song she had written. It was dedicated to The Goils. It was called "alt.fan.us" and it was an incredible, funny, touching, silly, wonderful tribute to our collective love. I demand that she send us all the lyrics so we can learn it and have it become our new anthem. Gina and I, upon realizing what the song was about and hearing some of the lyrics ("Cheesecake and Baileys", "my two passions", "The Royal We", "coasting on charm", to name a few), burst into tears and spent the entire song hugging poor Kitana and sobbing. It was magical and wonderful, especially with the knowledge that our lives have been so profoundly affected by having known each other that Cheryl's very presence on a stage, singing, was in some part due to it. The love is a profound thing. It's profound love. Oh, the love. You know what I mean. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:12 PM | shower me with attention
Tara! You know what? My mom has that book, The Bad Girl's Guide to the Open Road and it's been living in Gina's car since January. There's a BNL concert in NJ? Why am I so out of the loop? Aimee and David Sedaris in New York? I must somehow be a part of this. (Even if it's Amy and David Sedaris, I must be a part of this.) Happy belated birthday a third time! Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:59 AM | shower me with attention
1. I'm back. Yay. Thanks to erin for figuring out the problem (ran out of webspace). 2. So much for this. Love and thanks to my dear friends Bob and Rynn for trying and trying to secure this for me. Mayebay rot in hell. 3. After much careful pondering, re: Stephanie's question, I'm still going to have to go with the predictable answer. Whaddyagonnado. 4. This morning as I was buying a metrocard a woman in the subway approached me and asked for change. "Excuse me, sir?" she said. "Sir?" There was no one else around so I looked up. "Oh, excuse me, ma'am, could you spare some change?" The only money I had was a quarter left over from the PATH fare lent by Gina, so I gave it to the woman. I wonder why she thought I was a man. 5. Tonight the Mint Manor brigade is meeting my mom and me at a Swedish restaurant in the city for dinner. It's Linn's farewell because she's going back to Sweden Wednesday. Kitana goes back to Toronto Thursday. It'll just be me, Gina and Gina's new computer. Sad. Sad. Sad. 6. The events of the past few days, starring Goose, Matt and Cheryl must and shall be documented when I have time and energy. Right now, a nap before class. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:49 AM | shower me with attention |