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Friday, December 14, 2001
Boingboing is seriously my new god. I get more and more addicted to it every day.

Today, this caught my attention while I was reading this. I cannot stop laughing.

As it happens, I discovered Boingboing through Sarah C, which reminds me that I forgot to blog about my presentation yesterday. And I feel I must, for my own personal records. Therefore I will simply paste my tale from an email to my friends.

I finally gave my feminism "presentation" today. (Backstory: Everyone in the
class had to give a three-minute talk and summary of the one paper we had to
write. It's on a pass/fail basis: if you do it, you pass.) It was all
supposed to be done within two class periods, but that stretched out to
three, and still my turn didn't come, even after we'd completely abandoned
the idea of going alphabetically, and I got more and more nervous because
even though I'm comfortable with the class and it was very informal, it's
still standing up in front of people and pretending to know what I'm talking
about. (Which I never do. Ever. No matter what the subject. Even if the
subject is what I had for breakfast.) So the agony today, the third class
period of presentations, the last class before the final, and finally we get
to the end of the class time and six people haven't gone, one of whom was me.
And the prof suggested that we squeeze the last six in next week, AFTER the
final. And I'm thinking, "Oh my GOD, not AGAIN, I can't STAND it!" when this
girl who I've liked since day one because she reminds me of Sarah C in
appearance and attitude, objected very reasonably to the Prof on the grounds
that the people who hadn't gone yet (and she was the first person to present)
would be too nervous during the exam, thinking about still having to do their

So, finally, everyone who had to leave left, and a few very cool people stuck
around, and the last six people did their presentations. And I kept thinking,
"I'll be next, I'll finally be next, next one HAS to be me..."

I went last, of course.

By that point it was so informal, I was sitting behind the desk and just
talking to the people left, NONE of whom had to be there anymore (since, of
course, everyone had presented already.) It was after class, everyone was
tired, everyone had heard the same tired topics over and over, and these cool
people still sat and listened to my presentation.

I feel very good about school right now. Especially that great Sarah-C-like
girl. {g}