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Monday, November 19, 2001
I have enough money in my bank account to get myself a beautiful, beautiful iBook-- but I owe it all to credit card companies. This pains me so very much.
Oh, well. Do you know that I'm the easiest person in the world to shop for, by the way? I like everything. Every gift is magic to me. The holiday season is coming up, and Tavie needs her a new wallet, a NYT crossword puzzle dictionary, a new address book, a Canadian flag Nokia faceplate, many Lush products, Prismacolor markers, more CDs than you would think it possible for a person to need, more DVDs than you'd think it possible for a person to need (Boogie Nights with the Michael Penn video being at the top of my list after Hedwig), and, oh, so many more things. Tavie is going to go update her Amazon wishlist right now. Winkety wink. |