Patton Oswalt

New Jersey for Democracy
Huffington Post
Democracy for America
Sam Seder Show
Center for American Progress
Habitat for Humanity

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  • Okay...the news is bad so I am going to stop watch...
  • Scary Scary world....Why do I keep watching the ne...
  • Erica says she has problems with spiders and ends ...
  • So here's what happened when I plugged in my blog....
  • Today I'm sitting at my desk, the radio is tuned t...
  • One more thing...some of these people need never s...
  • What to do, what to do...Cheryl is upset, Kitana i...
  • What the HELL was with SNL, missed the first 20 mi...
  • We had such a nice day with Atlanta Steve...he is ...
  • Tavie is crying on the tufon, because of the scene...
  • Wednesday, October 17, 2001
    So we all seem to have the blues...
    I spent the weekend at a cabin on a lake, someting I love to do more then almost anything. Tried to relax, tried to stare at the water and surrounding woods and think happy thoughts. Every time I went in to pee or eat or get something to drink I would stop at the T.V....I would say to myself that if it was regular programming then everything is okay...then I would hold my breath until I clicked the T.V. on and it would show me that everything was well...sigh of relief, outsided I go...try to push away all bad thoughts, try to relax. I'm glad I went away, even with my "Doomsday Sister" thoughts working overtime I think it did some good.
    Doomsday Sisters is what my siblings and I call my mom and my aunt when they get on the phone and go on and on about gloom and despair. This has been since I was young. I would hate to have to hear their conversations now. I tried to call my parents for a bit of comfort a couple of weeks ago and instead had a long talk with my Doomsday Sister and I was sorry I called.