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Saturday, October 13, 2001
sarah c articulated very eloquently my views on sexism and racism, which I, myself, gleaned from various exposure to various literature on the subjects over the years, and anyway, yeah. You should read it.

Speaking of reading, what's everyone reading? Right now I'm on Emily of New Moon, which I read most of, twice, when I was twelve, but for some reason never got a chance to finish, so now I am. My copy is very dusty and I found a dead bookworm (or whatever those things are) in it. Good times. What am I not reading? Anything that I actually have to read, for school.

So, now, thinking of the Montgomery heroines, which are all similar but hold some differences (mostly having to do with hair texture and colour-- but not all, not all), which one are you most like, and which would you most like to be? I'm speaking only of Anne, Emily, and the Story Girl, now. My favourite is the Story Girl, Miss Sara Stanley, not the one dramatized by Miss Sarah Polley in the television show (Road to) Avonlea, but the one from the Story Girl books. I don't think I'm most like her, though. I'm probably most like Emily. Which is also good, I guess, except I'm not really like any of them, except spiritually. I really was very influenced by her heroines as a child.

And, now, I think Goose is most like Emily-- much more so than I am, after careful thought. She's not theatrical enough to be Story Girl or Anne. And Gina is definitely Anne, whereas Kitana is more of an Emily and Cheryl is definitely a Story Girl. Erica is also an Emily, as is erin. Actually it's funny how many more Emilies I am friends with than Annes or Story Girls. Hey, I should make a selectsmartquiz about this, shouldn't I. I am so lame.

Where was I? Oh, even though he's a boy, Matt is Story Girl all over. No question about that. And although I've never met her in person, I do think that Tara is an Anne. I just get that vibe. I can't really place anyone else, because I either don't know them well enough or just don't get a specific enough vibe. Maybe I really should make a quiz. It can't be so hard. Heh. Maybe I should finish reading Emily first. Maybe I should stop this nonsense and go watch the movie. I could be watching John Cusack and I'm sitting here, spouting gibberish. What's up with that?