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Friday, August 31, 2001
Once again I can't sleep. This is bad. I should be able to sleep. I only got a few hours last night and I stayed up all day and got home at 9:30 pm. But I fell asleep at 11 and woke at 1 and now I can't get back to sleep. Nothing is working and it's too late to take a pill.

Yesterday. It went well. They didn't have my security pass ready but a phone call got me a temporary one for the day. I went up and met my supervisor, Theresa, and fellow temp, a taciturn fellow named Jason. Our computers had arrived but were not set up for us yet, so we spent the morning taking inventory of old computer equipment in a cold computer graveyard. It was like catacombs; rows and rows of cold metal cabinets full of servers and hubs and switches and routers and tranceivers. Jason identified the equipment and I took it down. This went on for several hours. It was boring but steady. When we returned, Theresa told us to go to lunch and come back and report to her. We went to lunch. I found a deli that showed reruns of Seinfeld as I enjoyed my corned beef. (It was the episode where George naps under his desk.)

We returned, and Theresa wasn't there. I sat in my cubicle trying to read some homework, but at this time of afternoon when the temptation to sleep was strongest, I found I couldn't concentrate on Mary Wollstonecraft's Vindication on the Rights of Women. The nice girl in the cubicle next to me lent me her issue of Glamour, and that kept me sufficiently entertained.

For two hours.

Where was Theresa? Had she skipped town? Poor Jason wore out his sports section and took to staring blankly at nothing in the cubicle next to mine. It wasn't bad work for the pay, but I'm glad we'll start the real stuff tomorrow.

Finally, a friendly and apologetic woman by name of Alex came over and dismissed us for the day. As I left the building, I saw Theresa coming in from her extremely long lunch. Heh, heh.

Tomorrow I work until 2, but get paid for the whole day. Suh-weet. This is good because I'll probably start to feel the effects of this insomnia most strongly at around 2.

I'll probably end up asleep on a bench outside Trinity Church. I just know it.

Why can't I sleep? Why is Star Trek: TNG showing the same exact episodes they showed a few weeks ago? HELLO? I just SAW this one. Rat bastids.