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Saturday, July 07, 2001
I was going to go home today, but I'm going to stay here until Monday so I can be here when they deliver Gina's new big tv. Yay!
Gina inches ever closer to beating me at Scrabble. Which is what makes playing with her so fun. Gina and I have been addicted to The Sims. Dangerously addicted. It's so fun. What else? Disney World soon! Woo hoo! 22 soon. Eh. Oh, this guy called about a typing job I'd applied for at this company that does translations of something or other. Of all the jobs I sent in resumes for, this is the one I wanted most, because it's just straight typing-- and not typing numbers, but words, glorious words. Mindless, menial typing. The guy seemed interested in me, but it's a full-time job, he said, and I said my classes this fall all start after 5:30. He said they usually work 'til 6. Oh nooooooooo. He said he'd speak to his manager about it and call me back. Phooey, phooey, phooey. This working stuff's hard, especially when you don't have any. I clocked my typing speed recently at 119 wpm with 95% accuracy (at my fastest). This seems pretty good to me. Should not people be banging down my door? :P |