Goth Sunshine
Words from a walking contradiction.

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Tuesday, May 22, 2001
i'm in a sonata-induced semi-coma and wondering when the hell my life got so busy that i dirtied every dish in my house in the last week...every single dish. there's always a flip side...i used to sit around all day everyday after work, watching tv and petting my cats wishing for a busier i have a busier life, a sinkful of dishes, a funky smell coming from somewhere and two attention-starved kitties hooked on revenge. feh...

is it *terribly* sad that when the doctor i like is on hospital list that i don't exactly *not* want something to happen, just to get to go to the hospital? nothing critical or anything...then i'll just get a bunch of specialists *g*, just minor, silly, non-embarrassing but too emergent for the urgent care walk-in. yeah, that would do nicely.

what i *need* is my goils around. i can be supergirl around them...i could do anything, even talk to dr. crush if my goils got my back. one of these days......

a bad case of verbal diarrhea from Cheryl 23:06