dave foley
mark mckinney

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american elf
american stickman
masque of the red death
the perry bible fellowship
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Sunday, March 25, 2001
I'm pleased. Lots of updated blogs to read... and respond to when I get home. Must remember to tape the Oscars for Mom.
So, I'm at Mint Manor and I GOTS A ROOM, BABY! A ROOM OF ONE'S OWN! My very own room. And it's mine. Linn and I cleaned out the red room. Mostly it was Linn. She's more organized than I am. We moved all the boxes to one wall and then I moved the air mattress up to it and now it's MY ROOM, baby! Next week I shall bring my Michael Penn poster and my dream catcher and eventually my sheep, McFolson, will live there too. But not next week because that's TORONTO WEEK(end)!

So, Friday was gorgeous and sunny, but Saturday was not. Still, Gina's friend Sherri came over with her boys, Abe and Cody, and we all went to the Statue of Liberty. The best part was the ferry because it was just too damned cold. Linn and I tried to wait on the long line but we just couldn't. Anyhow, Abe got pinkeye so we just took the ferry back and came back to Mint Manor and Gina made fajitas and we played with the boys. I love playing with the boys. I love that they used to only know Linn's name but now they only remember my name. Linn said to Cody, "What's my name?" and Cody said "Tabie!"
We went up to my new room (this was pre-air mattress) and coloured with the old crayons. Linn and I wanted to use our new box of 120 Wizard-box Crayolas but we didn't want them to get all yucky and Cody was breaking crayons, so we just used the old ones. We were so engrossed, Linn and I, in colouring that the two of us were still colouring when the boys ran downstairs to get ready to leave.

Then even though I was REALLY SLEEPY, Linn forced me and Gina to go see "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon". It was really pretty to look at but the writing, bleagh. Me no likey. I think I would have enjoyed it more had I not been struggling to stay awake the whole time, and if we hadn't been a part of the MOST ANNOYING MOVIE AUDIENCE IN HISTORY. There was everything-- people running up and down the aisles constantly, cell phones going off, obnoxious boys in the front making obnoxious sounds, loud rustling candy wrappers, loud stupid comments, inappropriate laughter, etc.
Of course we DID contribute to SOME of the inappropriate laughter, but what do you expect? The guy's nickname was "Dark Cloud", which just a few weeks ago we had dubbed Gina as her Superhero Identity. She IS Dark Cloud, and Linn her trusty sidekick, Silver Lining!

Also, did I mention, Linn made us turn off softcore porn to watch "Gone With the Wind". I find that unjust.

Another thing I find rude (but in a completely different way) is people emailing me things like "Your new web page sucks" and "How do you know who Dave's g-friend is?"
1. No one's forcing you to look at it.
2. It's none of your business how I know her.

Jesus Christ on a bike, if you don't like the web page, you are more than welcome to piss off. :)