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Monday, March 19, 2001
I am fading. This is bad, as I have a midterm in sociology in exactly 2 hours. I can't study anymore. I really haven't studied very much, but I can't anymore. I hope I get by anyway, somehow, like Ferris Bueller, or the girl in that 'Til Tuesday song, "Limits to Love".
I think that song is pretty much the way my sister sees me. Or am I projecting my own feelings onto her again?

She gets in trouble but she will scrape through
She is the kind of girl who can always find help.
I'd say she's stupid but it'd be untrue
Oh, you've got to be smart if you're fooling yourself.

I sure talk about Kirsten a lot here. Well, she's a good sister and she's around a lot and I don't have much going on in my life... do you know what was surreal, seeing Matt refer to meeting "Tavie and Kirsten". The phrase "Tavie and Kirsten" is the most natural concept in the world to me, of course, but I'm unused to hearing it from online people.

In other news, the goils gave me a key to Mint Manor! A real key! Now I have two working keys on my keychain, and one just for show. {g} AND Gina is getting a computer! There is nothing stopping me from moving in full-time, now. My dream is that I do that this summer, get a crappy job at the CVS, and Kitana comes down for the summer and lives with us. She can get a crappy job, too. It would be wonderful, and take some of the sting away from Linn's departure.

Real-life Steph called last night from Tennessee. She was feeling blue and I helped her be unblue. I miss her so much. I think it's good for her to live away from her family, but she still has so much needless guilt. And being far from her family means being far away from us. Erica and Kirsten and I are also her family. She's graduating in June. I hope she goes to grad school somewhere a bit closer.

I watched the A&E Up Close Biography of "Sesame Street", and of course it made me cry. I love Carol Spinney, I just love him.