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Tuesday, February 27, 2001
I was asleep and now I'm not. Funny how that works.

I think I will now, and whenever the mood strikes me, gradually run through the cast of characters in Taviedom... ostensibly to make things less confusing to whoever may be reading these words (we haven't established exactly WHO that is but apparently some people ARE ), but really because I just tend to do that in my head, dorkily think of the people I know and make up descriptions for them as they would appear in the dorkiest of fantasy role-playing guides.

Who've I mentioned so far? There's Bob. Bob, like most people I know, is someone I met
through the internet. He does not, however, count as a true internet person, because I met him in real life FIRST. He lives in the same building as my friend Rynn, who I will get to later.
Bob has several outstanding features, among which are the most delicious laugh that I have ever laid ears upon. Rich, hearty, booming, chock full of nutritious and wholesome ingredients, if I still ate bread I'd want to spread his laugh on bread and eat it with my afternoon tea (if I enjoyed such a meal, which, sadly, I do not.)
Last November, my friends Linn and Kitana and Ade and I all flew out from our separate locations to San Francisco to see Ade give her Kids in the Hall paper at the AAA's (American Anthropological Association convention). The whole trip was really a lovely excuse for us to all get together and see Rynn. There we met lovely Puddin', or Kitten Diane, who IS an internet person, and Rynn introduced us to her neighbour, Bob, who has BECOME an internet person (for me). But I knew him in person first! That is very special!
Bob and I have become good friends by email (that is when I remember to answer back... anyone who knows me knows I can be a real stinker about getting to email). Also, I can not forget his other outstanding feature: not only a gourmet laugher, but a gourmet hugger, is Bob. And he Gets It. He just Gets It.
There's just so much Bobness to enjoy.