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Sunday, February 25, 2001
Here at Mint Manor going on 2 am. Just finished watching the first part of "Magnolia" (Linn: thumbs up [so far], Gina: thumbs down [and how!] Just goes to show that love-it-or-hate-it label is right on.) Linn is exhausted from Linn and Tavie's Day of Fun and has crawled off to her mat, but I can't sleep so I'll describe the day until I become drowsy and crave air mattress and _Dracula_ (which I am turning out to REALLY enjoy. I love the instant comraderie among the vampire-hunters. Always a plus with me.).
Fell asleep around 5 am last night with _Dracula_ and was awakened by the gentle sounds of Linn and Gina on WebTV, and the not-so-gentle nipping of Riley (a.k.a. Twitch Kitty, or SATAN) at my tender toes. It was around noon and Her Highness (that's me) usually requires more than 7 hours of comatosity, but for some reason I couldn't go back to sleep so I gave it up and rolled off the air mattress and into the new day.
My choices for the day were help Gina clean the house, or go into the city with Linn. I chose the latter, reluctantly, and Gina got us to the PATH, from which we made our way to the Cathedral of St. John the Divine's, detouring for lunch at the Ollie's across from Columbia.
After eating, we stopped to look at the children's sculpture garden, and a homeless man named El gave us a rather hard-to-hear lecture about the different parts of the fountain. I felt guilty about having no money to offer him, but I had only an unbroken twenty and I needed it, so we thanked him and went into the Cathedral.
He was nice. I wish he had a place to live. I don't know what else to say about it.
Linn had never been to the Cathedral and we did the standard whisper-and-poke self-tour. (That wasn't MEANT to sound naughty...) There was, oddly enough, a bar mitzvah going on. We couldn't quite figure out why it was taking place in a Christian Church, and stayed to watch until the organ music grew too scary, and then we went across the street to the Hungarian pastry shop where we had Viennese coffee and Linn worked on her fan letter to Patton Oswalt. So far, it has, in my opinion, the perfect tone for a fan letter. A perfect mixture of irony and gushiness. He ought to enjoy it.
After the coffee we went Roam, Roam, Roaming and talked of This and That. We detoured at a Petland Discounts and I stopped to buy unseasonal berries (they taste good to me, although Spoiled Swedish Girl from the land of Milk and Honey and Berries turns her pretty Swedish nose up at them.) We stopped at an antique bookstore to look at the cool old books and things. Linn found some Swedish children books in the children's section-- imagine the beeline she made for that; so Linn-- and that made her happy. (All bookstores of this nature have certain special associations for me that a part of me wishes I could explain, but the rest of me feels it prudent to remain private about.)
We felt compelled to stop at Zabar's and pick up Brunch Fixin's, tomorrow being Sunday, and then walked down a little further than planned so we could go past the Beacon Theatre (and The Diner Next Door) and feel wistful and nostalgiac and enjoy the effervescence that the Tour Memories produce in our tummies. (Well, I'll speak for my own tummy here... it always feels a happy-excited sort of bubbly when I think about The Tour, and especially when I revisit any of the landmarks of such.)
Then subway-PATH-home quickly. In Zabar's, Linn announced that she thought that this would produce happy memories, and I think it's more than just her saying that that makes it true. I should R, R, R more, because it does make me feel more a part of the busy-sad-awe-inspiring-perplexing city that I live in. But it also makes my feet hurt, so there's that to consider.