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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

O hai continuing obesity
Originally uploaded by Tavie
This photo sums up my week nicely. I don't want to see what's on the scale when I get back home.

Whatevs. Fatty had fun. I've still got a chest cold, and it's actually worse now, but I feel good because I had fun because it was Disney World. This was an odd trip in that I only visited 2 out of 4 parks - not even MGM (I will never get used to calling it "Disney's Hollywood Studios", sorry) this time because time was precious and people were sick. It was really cold out today, too. We did Epcot and that was pretty grand, but we did sort of freeze our asses off.

Triumph du jour: me and Kirsten and TJ all had Fastpasses for Soarin', but Mom didn't. Mom loves Soarin'. So I devised a Cunning Plan - actually a fairly straightforward, "Our mom lost her Fastpass but look, we all have ours" type of affair - and it worked like a charm, they didn't even blink, just handed us a new one. Only the best for my mom.

The older folks are staying here until Friday, but I have to go back to work and my sister has to go convalesce in my apartment or something. I don't really understand the plan but I know that I can't live here forever and there's a lot of work and stuff to do at home. Just thinking about it makes me tired. It's after one again and everyone's in bed but me.

I think the most important lesson learned on this vaycay was Do Not Come To Disney World At Christmastime. They closed the parks today because it was so crowded - stopped letting people in. I've seen that before, on the 4th of July a few times, but geez, I was going to start randomly punching people at one point -- and I'm relatively patient in a crowd. And it's also very annoying to go around WDW with a member of your party in a motorized wheelchair (a.k.a. the Geezermobile) - I would prefer to avoid that going forward, so everyone, please become and/or remain healthy or mobile. I'm not saying I won't do it again - my dad's getting old and can't really handle the Showcase without it - but it sure is cumbersome.

I kind of scolded a parent yesterday for allowing their child to sit in the middle of the wheelchair ramp outside Cosmic Ray's to eat her lunch. "But there's nowhere for her to sit," the mother whined. "Yes, but your daughter could be run over, this ramp is not a good choice." My tone of voice added: You stupid bitch.

I'm glad I got to experience the Christmastime thing once - the decorations are lovely and the castle is lit so that it looks covered in ice, which is the prettiest I've ever seen the castle look - but, yeah, not doing that again. Off-peak for me. please.

Thanks, trip #31, you were very nice.