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Friday, January 16, 2009
This is what Gina and I discussed last night as we watched Scrubs.
(Actually we tried to watch Scrubs, we had to stop because the
conversation was too engrossing.)

What are the top TV bromances of all time?

First we had to decide what constitutes a bromance.
-Two guys
-Best friends/love eachother
-Are either straight, or if gay, are NOT a romantic couple
-The status relationship between them has to be essentially balanced.
For example, Joey and Chandler are a bromance, because although Joey is
borderline retarded, he gets the women where Chandler doesn't. So
they're basically equal. Ralph and Ed are NOT a bromance, however,
because Ralph is just generally abusive to Ed at all times.

This is all, of course, debatable.

This is what we came up with:

1. Turk and JD - Scrubs.
Clearly the top TV bromance, since they sing love songs and generally
acknowledge within the context of the show their bromantic status.

2. Hawkeye and BJ / Hawkeye and Trapper - MASH
Gina and I argued about this. She says Trapper and Hawkeye were
together first and were way more bromantic than Hawkeye and BJ, and
that BJ came along when the show started getting too preachy. I argued
that Hawkeye and BJ were together longer and that Trapper didn't spell
out "Goodbye" in white stones.

3. Chandler and Joey - Friends
See above.

4. House and Wilson - House
Self explanatory.

5. Lenny and Squiggy - Laverne and Shirley
I can't speak to this one too much, I never watched Laverne and Shirley.

6. Hurley and Charlie - Lost. Slowly being replaced by
Hurley and Sawyer (at least until the whole Oceanic 6 thing tore them

Then it started getting tough. Some other choices we came up with,
which may be considered "lesser bromances":

Lenny and Carl - The Simpsons.
But are they a couple? Is it established in the show that they're a

Bert and Ernie - Sesame Street
This may be compromised by the eternal "Bert and Ernie are a gay
couple" debate.

The two guys from Bones - Bones
Sorry, I don't remember their names, Gina will have to fill in.

Data and Geordi - Star Trek: TNG
Although Data supposedly can't feel human emotions, he obviously loves
Geordi and always refers to him as "my best friend". I think their
relationship qualifies as a bromance. However, Kirk and Spock are NOT a
bromance, because Spock so thoroughly denied his human emotions. Also
debatable, though, because I just watched a fairly crappy movie that
ended with Kirk, Spock and Bones singing a round around a campfire. And
does Bones throw a wrench into the bromantic possibilities? Can there
be 3 in a bromance?