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Saturday, July 23, 2005
Four Songs That Played In a Row On My Ipod That Conspired to Make Me Cry* As I Walked Home From The PATH After Taking My Sister to The Airport:

1. No More, Stephen Sondheim (Into the Woods)

Running away
we'll do it
Free from the ties that bind
No more despair
or burdens to bear
out there
in the yonder...

2. It's Not, Aimee Mann

So here I'm sitting in my car at the same old stoplight
I keep hoping for a change but I don't know what
so red turns into green turning into yellow
and I'm just frozen here at the same old spot

3. Brand New Cadillac, The Clash

(This one had no particular emotional effect on me, but "random" mode sometimes messes up your melancholy little symphonies; we'll pretend it didn't come on)

4. By Your Side, Stephen Schwartz (Godspell)

Where are you going?
Where are you going?
Won't you take me with you?
For my hand is cold and needs warmth
Where are you going?

So that's that, I'll see her in November when we're planning to invade NIIIIIIIPONNNNNTHEFLOATINGISLAND with a frozen turkey and embarrassing Americanisms!

My parents took the goodbyes rather well; my mom was doped up on Valium obtained especially for the occasion, and my dad has always treated every parting with great ceremony and emotion, whether we're just leaving for school for the day, or moving to Japan for a year. TJ, Steph and I accompanied K to the airport. We got through the last parting with a minimum of mistiness. StephM called me just as we were leaving the airport to make sure we were all okay, which I was quite touched by.

We spent the last night at our aunt's, me and K and Steph, while TJ slept over at her friend's apartment across the street to give us room. We went to the MIG show for one last romp. (And actually, although D insists I was passed out motionless on the sidelines, I was awake throughout the whole eardrum-bursting experience, tapping my foot to the beat and enjoying the intermittent moments of melody!) It's not that I don't like J-Rock's band, because I sincerely do, I just have to be in quite the right mood to have my ears blasted out! I love their (melodic) songs though.

My roomies are in Rhode Island 'til tomorrow, so it's just me and Harry Potter now.

*But didn't actually succeed, because I'm doing pretty well! Still, they made me contemplative.