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Sunday, August 28, 2005
She finally took me to the beach! Summer finally happened!

Gina drove us (me and the Stephanies) down to one of those rolls-up-after-Labor-Day resort towns on the Jersey Shore to stay at her boss's beach cottage. We spent most of yesterday bobbing in the waves or lolling on a blanket in the sand. It was absolutely sublime. I missed a spot and got a completely random sunburn just on my collarbone. When I fell asleep last night (on the fold-out-cot from hell) I could still feel the waves pounding into me, dragging my feet through the wet sand, tossing me back and forth, and it was so, so great. I laughed every time I rode a wave and got salt water up my nose twice. Last night we went to the boardwalk and I played me some Skee-ball and got me some cheap plastic crap (Skee-ball prizes are the only context in which cheap plastic crap is remotely desirable) and I rode the Ferris wheel by myself with my braids a-flapping into the sunset. There was a sign I noticed just before I got off the ride that said, "CAUTION: ROTATING MACHINERY, SECURE LONG HAIR AND LOOSE CLOTHING".

Ha ha, whoops.

Puppy left Steph'M a couple of messages on her cell phone that went like this: "Helloooooooo. Hellooooooooo? Mooooooom. Hell-lloooo-oooooooohhhh...."

There were these enormous plaster statues that were Paul Bunyan from the neck down and Alfred E. Neuman from the neck up. More than one of them. Fucking scary. And I had a revelation or something on the Alpine-Ski-Lift ride that runs the length of the boardwalk and back. Something that I had thought was a dream from early childhood turned out to be a memory, but I didn't realize it 'til then. Kind of like how Aunt Barbara once thought she had dreamed up the movie Moon Spinners and I used to think maybe I dreamed the movie Explorers. (I used to have this conversation with people: "Did you ever see that movie where the kids used their computer to make a bubble that let them fly their home-made rocketship to outer space where they met gross green aliens that looked like slimy croissants who watched a lot of tv?" "Huh?")

Later on we got dollar drafts at a seedy place full of smoke and ho-bags. (Alllightbeersarelowincarbschooseontaste.) Those towns are depressing as hell after more than a day, so we were glad to peel back this morning and now I can spend the rest of the day at home doing nothing. Sweet, sweet nothing.